forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Hot take: monitoring software is shit, parents who use it are controlling, and it breeds distrust between parent and child.

BIG AGREE. My parents have both circle and link on my phone (can see what websites I visit and control how long and when I use my phone) and it literally?? Helps nothing?? It just makes me really good at hiding what I'm doing and really good at lying to them while looking them straight in the eyes

@requiemisback language

Hot take: monitoring software is shit, parents who use it are controlling, and it breeds distrust between parent and child.

^^^ very much this
back when i still had a phone, my dads would always have a monitoring software on it that basically made using the phone useless because it would be blocked for half of the day and i'd only have a few hours until the nighttime lock activated-
it also reminded me that my dads do not have faith in my internet activity, so that's… fun, to say the least. :)

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Hot take: monitoring software is shit, parents who use it are controlling, and it breeds distrust between parent and child.

Agreed, it only makes me better at hiding things from them and lying, plus whenever I do something my mother doesn’t like, she removes all the screen time for the day


Hot take: monitoring software is shit, parents who use it are controlling, and it breeds distrust between parent and child.

Honestly, just controlling parents are shit. Yes to the distrust, but also, you just become more disconnected and as multiple other people have said, you become more secretive and destroy relationships.

@Becfromthedead group

I'm so lucky that monitoring software wasn't common when I was growing up.
And even luckier that my parents think I'm like this perfect well behaved child when actually Im just anxious af


I'm so lucky that monitoring software wasn't common when I was growing up.
And even luckier that my parents think I'm like this perfect well behaved child when actually Im just anxious af

My parents think that too, but I'm always walking in eggshells around them 😅 so I have 2 personalities and I only act like myself around my friends

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, my family thinks I'm a sweet little cishet Christian girl
But in reality, I'm a really headstrong little guy, I swear like a sailor, I've left religion entirely, I'm gayyyy (read: bi but I call myself gay), and I'm also not cis. I check off almost everything they hate :) But I'm sexy as hell so it doesn’t matter what they think.
I'm so glad I'm almost permanently out of the house though. Not sure I can put up with it much longer.

@Becfromthedead group

Housing plan REALLY fell through. Now we have a month to find a place, and we're back at square one. This is worse than I could've imagined. I'm so fucking pissed.


i came out to my friend today
its the first time ive come out irl

Congrats! How did it go?

it went good! shes a lesbian so i wasnt really woried or anything about her accepting me but she was so nice about everything and gave me advice and all that
idk why but theres a part of me that regrets it though, im just so worried about other people knowing

Deleted user

Guess who's quitting their job due to shitty ass employees and managment.
Also I'm back from my camping trip with my gf and her parents . It was fun, me and her parents were getting along and well yeah ^w^

@Becfromthedead group

I'm so over this anemia bullshit :(((
Like I'm supposed to be feeling better because of the treatments I got, and I was, but I've been feeling really bad again today, after over 3 weeks of being fine.
Also I adjusted my diet to have more iron and vitamin C, and I'm taking B supplements, so idk what the hell I'm supposed to do at this point.

Deleted user

my best friend just dropped me. which i guess is fair, she doesn't have to associate with anyone she doesn't want to. but i was like. in love with her. lol. :) it was out of the blue and she wouldn't tell me why


I’m having maybe the shittiest mental health ever rn
Like it hasn’t been this bad for days on end in awhile
I’ve never been more eager to move out when I turn 18
And I posted a small vent about everything going on on my private story and no ones come to check up on me :’)
One of my friends who saw it even dmed me after seeing it but didn’t ask how I was doing.
It just sucks, especially when it’s so hard for me to vent without feeling like a burden. So seeing no one caring is hard.


I was to cry because I have to finish my essay tonight (He gave it to us today) and it's due Saturday, except I won't be near a computer tomorrow or Saturday to work on it because tomorrow I have a phone call to make, and sign up for driving school, go to work (9 hours), go to a party for my boss' niece and nephew (Don't want to, but parents are forcing me) then after the party my family is DRIVING TO CALIFORNIA!!! Why? I DON'T KNOW?!?! I also still have to pack but the crackhead raccoon that lives in my head is making it so I can't focus on anything for more than 10 minutes and I'm exhausted and my essay needs to be 1000-1500 words and I have 200 and I want to cry


I was to cry because I have to finish my essay tonight (He gave it to us today) and it's due Saturday, except I won't be near a computer tomorrow or Saturday to work on it because tomorrow I have a phone call to make, and sign up for driving school, go to work (9 hours), go to a party for my boss' niece and nephew (Don't want to, but parents are forcing me) then after the party my family is DRIVING TO CALIFORNIA!!! Why? I DON'T KNOW?!?! I also still have to pack but the crackhead raccoon that lives in my head is making it so I can't focus on anything for more than 10 minutes and I'm exhausted and my essay needs to be 1000-1500 words and I have 200 and I want to cry

I have an outline template you can use if you want, it's pretty easy to follow and I usually get a 1000+ word count out of it.


I was to cry because I have to finish my essay tonight (He gave it to us today) and it's due Saturday, except I won't be near a computer tomorrow or Saturday to work on it because tomorrow I have a phone call to make, and sign up for driving school, go to work (9 hours), go to a party for my boss' niece and nephew (Don't want to, but parents are forcing me) then after the party my family is DRIVING TO CALIFORNIA!!! Why? I DON'T KNOW?!?! I also still have to pack but the crackhead raccoon that lives in my head is making it so I can't focus on anything for more than 10 minutes and I'm exhausted and my essay needs to be 1000-1500 words and I have 200 and I want to cry

I have an outline template you can use if you want, it's pretty easy to follow and I usually get a 1000+ word count out of it.

Just write a sentence or two for every bullet point, more if necessary in places like the conclusion and the intro, you might want to go up to three sentence per bullet point if you can (In the intro you should have three examples/proofs so three sentences there)


I was to cry because I have to finish my essay tonight (He gave it to us today) and it's due Saturday, except I won't be near a computer tomorrow or Saturday to work on it because tomorrow I have a phone call to make, and sign up for driving school, go to work (9 hours), go to a party for my boss' niece and nephew (Don't want to, but parents are forcing me) then after the party my family is DRIVING TO CALIFORNIA!!! Why? I DON'T KNOW?!?! I also still have to pack but the crackhead raccoon that lives in my head is making it so I can't focus on anything for more than 10 minutes and I'm exhausted and my essay needs to be 1000-1500 words and I have 200 and I want to cry

I have an outline template you can use if you want, it's pretty easy to follow and I usually get a 1000+ word count out of it.

Just write a sentence or two for every bullet point, more if necessary in places like the conclusion and the intro, you might want to go up to three sentence per bullet point if you can (In the intro you should have three examples/proofs so three sentences there)

You are a godsent. Thank you so very much


I was to cry because I have to finish my essay tonight (He gave it to us today) and it's due Saturday, except I won't be near a computer tomorrow or Saturday to work on it because tomorrow I have a phone call to make, and sign up for driving school, go to work (9 hours), go to a party for my boss' niece and nephew (Don't want to, but parents are forcing me) then after the party my family is DRIVING TO CALIFORNIA!!! Why? I DON'T KNOW?!?! I also still have to pack but the crackhead raccoon that lives in my head is making it so I can't focus on anything for more than 10 minutes and I'm exhausted and my essay needs to be 1000-1500 words and I have 200 and I want to cry

I have an outline template you can use if you want, it's pretty easy to follow and I usually get a 1000+ word count out of it.

Just write a sentence or two for every bullet point, more if necessary in places like the conclusion and the intro, you might want to go up to three sentence per bullet point if you can (In the intro you should have three examples/proofs so three sentences there)

You are a godsent. Thank you so very much

Any time, I have little lessons on how to write essays for both History and English typed up as well if anyone ever needs them

@Becfromthedead group

So ig slight tw just in case for self-sabotage/what may or may not be emotional SH, and also homophobia

@saor_illust school

;; sorry to hear that

i do similar things sometimes, i guess
used to read through some really depressing stuff that directly related to a past event that really shook me
nowadays i just
let my mind wander back to where it wants to go
to the friend that i'm no longer in contact with, but who i miss very much
it's almost fun to find new things to remind me of them
not sure if fun is the right word,

but yeah, i do something a bit similar to that

Deleted user

Honestly same here, Sometimes I read comments from my "family friends" and they all are just AJHDGJahukjvxnbvhu
It pushed my buttons, but gives me reality that this world is just as shitty as I witness.

@Becfromthedead group

Here's hoping that now that I've recognized a pattern, I can just. Stop. Hopefully it's that simple, but it probably won't be tbh.
God knows last thing I need is a reminder of how shitty people can be. And how I used to be one of said shitty people and I actually believed what I was saying.