forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I’m having maybe the shittiest mental health ever rn
Like it hasn’t been this bad for days on end in awhile
I’ve never been more eager to move out when I turn 18
And I posted a small vent about everything going on on my private story and no ones come to check up on me :’)
One of my friends who saw it even dmed me after seeing it but didn’t ask how I was doing.
It just sucks, especially when it’s so hard for me to vent without feeling like a burden. So seeing no one caring is hard.

I'm really sorry you're not feeling well or getting the support you need. I know what it's like to feel like no one is caring and to wonder if you really are a burden. It sucks. Even though I can't do much to help your situation, I want you to know that I care, you're not a burden, I'm happy you're alive, and I'm looking forward to a future where things will be better for you. I say all that genuinely. Things are shit right now and it's ok to take a few shitty days to cry or do nothing or do whatever you need to do to process. Take care of yourself, it matters to me.

Deleted user

happy vent, my mum's friend helped me remember the name of a movie that has been bothering me for literal years(it was the good son in case anyone was curious)

@Becfromthedead group

Ummm so I ran into an old friend today while I was out. We're not really friends anymore. No big fallout. I just thought she was kind of hard to hang out around and a little toxic the last year or so of high school, and we kind of went off to college separately and mostly stopped talking.
So she said we should go grab lunch together sometime. I'm a little conflicted on it, but it can't hurt to just play catch-up over lunch, right? And besides, it's better to be courteous in this case, I think? Anyone have thoughts?

@Becfromthedead group

Hello mental illness is pretty exhausting so,etimes I’m tired

It really is though. :(((
Sorry my dude. And to everyone else who's struggling as well.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Hello mental illness is pretty exhausting so,etimes I’m tired

It really is though. :(((
Sorry my dude. And to everyone else who's struggling as well.

Thx bro. My brain is whack and I just wish I had someone to make things okay.
Thank you for your words of comfort.


Can we please normalize people who are good with kids not being forced to take care of them.
I love my nieces and nephews, But I am their Aunt not their parent or their grandparent and when they come to Gradma's house it should be grandma and grandpa watching them not Aunt Relsey. Aunt Relsey is trying to pack and get everything figured out because she has one day left before she's moving out and going to collage. I am sick of taking care of these kids and making sure they don't die.
My parents decided it would be a good Idea to take them swimming yesterday, a 3 year old, a 4 year old who don't know how to swim. A very loud destructive 8 year old who can't really swim, and a very loud destructive 13 year old who can swim but not really. 8 decided they wanted to have this large inflatable dolphin and play on it but he's playing with it on the steps and slaming it into 4 and 3, But naturally I'm at fault for ruining his fun when I tell him to take the stupid thing else were. Not to mention after the dolphin fiasco is finished Mom get's the 3 and 4 year old started on the water slide. Does she wait to catch them at the bottom after the first time, no of course not. She goes back to talking with her friends and doesn't even notice the two climbing back up and sliding down, It's a good thing I'm observant, with noise 8 and 13 were making and the obliviousness of the parents we would have two drowned toddlers on our hands. I make it to the bottom of the slide to catch them before they both do but now I'm stuck catching kids down a slide, for a hecking hour.
Eventually I got fed up with watching the two of them so I told Mom, hey I need a break, and she's like that's fine I'll take a kid and Dad will take the other, and so I get out of the pool and I'm living my best life and I look up to witness my dad telling 4 that she can slide down and then look away from the slide and starting up a conversation as she falls into the pool. And Mom did almost the same thing with 3, and then they laughed it off. Guess who got to do damage control, me, guess who had to sprint across a yard to rescue a kid me, guess who had to sprint across a pool to rescue a kid after being assured that the kid was being watched, me.
Guess who's in charge of bed time, who's in charge of breakfast and lunch, in charge of responding to crying and arguing and them getting hurt. It's me, and they aren't my kids. Like The parents said the kids could stay, my parents agreed to watch them and then tossed them on to me. and I get it, I'm good with kids but I didn't agree to this I'm just doing it so they don't get neglected, and because I love them but it sucks and I hate it.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, no, younger siblings never get in trouble for anything.
Not that I would wish spankings on anyone, but at least ground my sibling :(((
I was the better behaved child, but sometimes I would get in trouble for shit he did too.
Like come on guys. You can do better than that.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

It was surprisingly recent that I stopped getting in trouble for everything

My brother’s usually the one who provokes me, but since he’s the quiet one and I yell a lot, I was always the one who got in trouble when my parents didn’t see it and just heard it

He got away with a lot of stuff, including stabbing me with a Caprisun straw at a family gathering


I'm not here to get controversial, political, or whatever, but I want to get this off my chest. Disclaimer: I fully support the defund the police movement, BLM, and whole heartedly believe cops should be held accountable to the law as strictly as citizens, if not more so.
That being said, I hate it when people say "I hate cops" or "All cops bad" or whatever have you. I've seen so many people making fun of the police, all police, and not giving any one of them a chance or respect.
When my mom was killed a few months ago, I had the chance to meet the policeman that worked on our case, and he literally cried over what happened. He threw everything into that case, to make sure my mother got justice. He came and talked to us on a professional level, as well as on an emotional, human level. He's retiring soon, because of an injury that is making field work hard for him to do, and unsafe. The topic of people hating police came up at one point, and all he said was "I just want to help people. Most people think we're all bad, but most times we just want to help people."
He looked so sad. And I know there are corrupt police forces out there. I know there are evil law enforcers who deserve the worst the law can give them. But I still feel like when we make blanket statements about any group, EVER, we are erasing the humans, and turning them into stereotypes. While it is so important we fix what is broken, it is also important we don't push away the people who are actually trying, who are good.
Anyway don't attack me.

@tungsten fastfood

Nah I get that. When I was sexually harassed I went to the police station and the female officers helped me more than my parents and made me feel safe and protected. The officer who worked my case gave me her personal number in case he found me again to ensure my safety. I genuinely believe there are really good cops who want to do good by people and we need to honor them, but the bad cops need to be punished appropriately in order to establish a boundary that cops aren't omniscient and given the power that theyre given for no reason.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Bruh you’re asking to be contradicted by making such a statement. I mean, I agree with you. But also blaming the people who say that is a bit off imo. I’ve certainly said it a couple times. It’s not exactly right. But that’s like getting pissy at women who say they hate men. I mean sure men deserve more than hate. I am one. But when you live in a world where some group of people might get away with murder and you know some do, it seems a bit unfeeling to lightly put away their words prompted by pain. It isn’t fun knowing a cop can kill the people you love and get away with it. I know it.
It is unfair to the cops to make such general statements. But then again, it’s pretty unfair living in fear as well.


Bruh you’re asking to be contradicted by making such a statement. I mean, I agree with you. But also blaming the people who say that is a bit off imo. I’ve certainly said it a couple times. It’s not exactly right. But that’s like getting pissy at women who say they hate men. I mean sure men deserve more than hate. I am one. But when you live in a world where some group of people might get away with murder and you know some do, it seems a bit unfeeling to lightly put away their words prompted by pain. It isn’t fun knowing a cop can kill the people you love and get away with it. I know it.
It is unfair to the cops to make such general statements. But then again, it’s pretty unfair living in fear as well.

Super valid, and let me clarify just a little bit. I'm talking specifically about instances of speech such as these ones I saw that just seemed petty and unfair:
"All cops have small p**"
"All my heroes kill cops"
"The only good cop is a dead cop"
Stuff like that. While other, less extreme blanket statements annoy me, I understand where they come from. It was these examples that prompted this post.

Also not really asking to be contradicted just wanted to get my feelings off my chest so I can move on with my day thanks.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

I know this is minor compared to the other things on here, but I just need to vent about this. I found a lipstick that's a bit different from what I usually wear, kind of a greyish purple. I thought it looked nice (and it was on sale) so I bought it. The whole time, my mom loudly objected and told me that she'd never let me wear it out of the house. Was it even worth buying? I adore my mom and value her opinions, so now I'm second-guessing my decision to buy it at all.