forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@saor_illust school

yea there have been… events, bec
but yea trying to deal with other painful events in my life atm so i'm not even gonna bother with it

b u t
that being said, it's still nice to see you around, even if things are a bit rocky between us
how have you been?


you're not prying whatsoever, i just personally don't wanna talk about it. but I feel I owe it to whoever wants it to clear anything up that is needed, just in private


and iz, im not gonna make you talk about it but if there is anything I can clear up or if there is anything we need to address just pm me and we will sort it out.

@Dayzed forum

In my opinion, I don’t really know why we’re still taking about this. I get that Nia might have done some things that others didn’t like but that was a while ago?
I’ve even forgotten what the things were that happened, but I do get why coming back would be hard for them


Whatever focking disease I have got me like ooooh aaaah omfg everything HURTS and I'm so tired I can't do much. And I ran out of stimmies so my mind is also like ooooh aaaaaah. Straight up not havin a good time rn boys. My pale, sickly lookin ass just sits around all day half asleep, half hyperfocusing on the pain and malaise of it all. Booo.


ahhhh thank you
Imean most of them are online but yeah, also I mean in general just not panicking about uni in general cause damn I am panicking

@Becfromthedead group

So, I'm going to guess you're applying in the fall? (And this is all coming from an American college student)
You definitely have time to figure this out, and by the time you learn more about the different places, you'll be able to narrow it down some.
I can't 100% relate because I knew where I wanted to go from the start- and then I actually just ended up changing my mind because that was more what my family wanted, not what I wanted.

But hmm…. let's see

  • You'll cross some of these bridges when you get there. Once you do some of these tours, you'll be easily able to say that you don't want to go to some of the schools. You also don't even have to make the decision of where to go until after you've been accepted to places.
  • You don't have to start the application process super early, but definitely start looking what the different places want you to have done. Consider early application if you have a competitive application.
  • If you want to try for scholarships, looks for local scholarships. All the way. I was told to apply to a bit of everything and eventually you'll get something. But honestly those national scholarships with big pools are a waste of time. Local scholarships have smaller pools.
  • University is fucking fantastic. I promise you have a lot to look forward to, regardless of how stressed you might be right now.

I wasn't really all that stressed about college stuff that I can remember, so I'm sorry if this didn't help at all. But if you have specific questions or concerns, I might be able to help. Good luck with everything though!

@Becfromthedead group

Of course! Glad I could help!
I'm actually about to be in the same boat but with grad school ;-;
I'm too baby to already be applying to grad school-


Ok ya'll I'm back with a rant.
So I'm only now figuring out just how freaking sexist my parents are.
So I'm about to go to collage, and My sister who is currently in collage just switched her major and my parents were really involved in that, and when I picked my major they didn't care like at all. So I asked my mom why and she said something along the lines of, "Your sister needs a major that's profitable and easy to find work in because she might have to support herself for a while, but you're charismatic and will be able to find a husband so your degree wont matter." yeah not cool, So they are supporting my want to go to collage because they're convinced a good church boy will sweep me off my feet(They are quite religious) and make me his house wife. I am naturally as a woman expected to birth his children and accept anything he will want from me because as a woman I will then be his property. Also he is not allowed to be anything but white, because they have a large amount of racism heaped into that sexism.
I'm just so ticked, like I'm not going to collage to find a husband, I'm going to collage to further my education and start a career, a Spouse isn't in my current 5 year plan. But I know if I even try to talk about that I'll get no funding and I'll be stuck in this house until they marry me off. Like From the time I was a toddler to now that's i'll Ive been raised to expect out of life and be, is a wife, an object. I will let them pay for my collage experience but I wish I didn't have to, because i just know they'll hold that over my head for the rest of forever if I don't do what they want.
Any way that's all I had to say.

@Becfromthedead group

I'm really sorry to hear that. That really does sound rough, and I feel kind of angry for you. It's really shitty of them.
You'd think in this day and age people wouldn't just assume their kids are going to run off and get married. And even if they do, a lot of people wait until they're older, or have a relationship that is a lot more equal than the super traditionalist man/woman relationship that you're describing.
Go out there and prove them wrong.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group


@tungsten fastfood



i spent all my primogems and all i got was another electro claymore :/
at least shes hot