forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@saor_illust school

ahahhahahah i just want keqing but she's a 5* ;;
gah, gonna have to save up to hopefully pull her

BUT YEA !!!!!

Deleted user

eyyy genshin pals! i'm sending you all friend requests as soon as i get on later lol

Deleted user

sadlfksdjflkjfdla i got eula but i wanted beidou-


shout out to the woman who accused me of kicking a girl last year, who i shoved out of the way, because she tried cutting in line.
ya know the woman who claims she's always on my side and believes me over everyone else
like jeez mom, just admit you hate me

Deleted user

hi i just reported someone for transphobia and homophobia and i'm shaking.

@Mojack group

// self harm

If anyone reads this, I’m likely going to be a bit more inactive for the time being.

@tungsten fastfood

@saor_illust school

Y'all I got Beidou last night and although she's not Eula, she's a pirate and you gamers and gaymers know how much I love pirates, especially hot pirate ladies

i'm sorry beidou but please i just want keqing i need another electro character and keqing is 5* too-

@Becfromthedead group

It would be really cool if I didn't just want to eat ice all the time
And it would also be cool if I had better friends irl. Yknow, since the ones I hang around most nowadays didn't take the (reasonable) steps I asked for in dealing with some fucker who harassed me. It makes me really sad, because I know my fiance has essentially given up on them, and the harassment incident was the last straw and they don't want to hang out with the group anymore at all now. In fact, being with them tends to make them more irritated and anxious than anything. They've bailed on legit every event and hangout we've had together for a long time, including our summer meetup/celebrating a friend's 21st bday tomorrow. And I'm still okay hanging out with that group, but I do have to live knowing they aren't ride or die for me quite like I am for them. But it's really hard knowing that my partner doesn't really like them, and me completely understanding why and acknowledging those flaws in the friendship. I just. Don't have other friends I can regularly hang out with in person. My ride or die people were a couple of high school friends, and it's rare I get to see them in person anymore.

@Becfromthedead group

Also it is anxiety hours~
I just heard several gunshots/fireworks/something spooky outside. And the last one was like really close to my house? I don't like that. :(
Time to lock the door and never go to sleep <3