forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Becfromthedead group

I've been drinking from that too :(((((
It's been a few days though, so maybe it just happened?
Regardless, we have a mold problem, but I'm moving out Saturday so it's fine ig

Deleted user

oh dear
tw for a literal hate crime??

and now the guy who did….that is back in school. i'm fucking terrified


oh dear
tw for a literal hate crime??

and now the guy who did….that is back in school. i'm fucking terrified

what in the actual, literal fuck
that's terrifying


help i accidently left a fanfic tab open on my school computer and left for a bit and them came back to see i was in a goguardian session (it basically means my teacher can see my screen) fuckkkk
its not even like an innaporopariate fanfic but it has some parts i rlly hope thats not what my screen was on

Deleted user

oh dear
tw for a literal hate crime??

and now the guy who did….that is back in school. i'm fucking terrified

what in the actual, literal fuck
that's terrifying

i'm really scared especially because i was the first openly out, gnc queer person. the worst thing that has happened to me is some misgendering but i'm afraid something worse will happen to my friends or myself.

Deleted user

mm let the attack helicopter jokes begin i'm so excited /s


mm let the attack helicopter jokes begin i'm so excited /s


(i'm stealing that image thanks)

ahahahaha you're welcome


fuck so i was done with my spanish hw so i started reading chainsaw man on my chromebook and i thought it would be fine bc i was done with work and it was almost lunch. My teacher emailed my parents and also told them it was innaporpariate and she had screenshots. Now my parents are angry with me and said if i dont show them what i was watching then they would ask for the screenshots and god knows what that teacher screenshotted. also it was a comic and i cant show my parents bc it was innapropariate and i would be in so much trouble im literally shaking with anxiety i emailed my teacher asking her not to show them but idk if shell listen to me. im so scared my parents can be abusive sometimes and i dont want anything bad to happend im so fucked someone pls help
im planning to show them some other fight anime scene with some innaporpariate language if anyone knows anything like that please lmk im on the verge of a panic attack

@requiemisback language

im planning to show them some other fight anime scene with some innaporpariate language if anyone knows anything like that please lmk im on the verge of a panic attack

ok bet
literally any fight in jojo's bizarre adventure will do the trick
trust me, they're all mostly vulgar and/or gory

@Echo_6 group

I think I just dug my own grave and now I'm a bit scared…
For my Government final I was told I need to give a speech on a relevant controversial topic……..
So I went with why defunding the police is a bad idea…
In a class full of people who are absolutely for it………

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I think I just dug my own grave and now I'm a bit scared…
For my Government final I was told I need to give a speech on a relevant controversial topic……..
So I went with why defunding the police is a bad idea…
In a class full of people who are absolutely for it………

As long as your arguments and reasonings are sound you should be fine. Seems to me like an argumentative essay is what the assignment basically is.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, just avoid the overly emotional "we're all gonna die and be victims of crimes" bullshit.
Also, offer an alternative solution with evidence to that solution, not just statements and opinions.

@Katastrophic group

I think I just dug my own grave and now I'm a bit scared…
For my Government final I was told I need to give a speech on a relevant controversial topic……..
So I went with why defunding the police is a bad idea…
In a class full of people who are absolutely for it………

focus on why funding is needed to stop brutality/reform. Like programs that focus on de-escalation training to ones like in my area that put officers in schools as outreach (sounds scuffed at first but it acclimates police to kid behavior and kids to understanding police aren't the enemy and has worked well locally). Most decent people have the same views in the end, it's just different opinions and methods on how to get there.