forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@ClownB*tch eco

is anyone else like… a touch starved little b-tch who needs constant attention but it too scared to date cuz they've only been in abusive relationships? Cuz i certainly am haha

@Becfromthedead group

Dating in general….. ick
I've been lucky to never be in an abusive relationship (my ex gf was manipulative, but not towards me), but I'm still touch starved as hell and will only let one person touch me really.
I didn't realize it's like… normal for parents to cuddle their kids???? Mine never did that?
Anyway, hot take, we should normalize cuddling and hugging a lot outside of dating.

@tungsten fastfood

I didn't realize it's like… normal for parents to cuddle their kids???? Mine never did that?
Anyway, hot take, we should normalize cuddling and hugging a lot outside of dating.

This is also very wise

I tell my friends (friends here can vouch) that I love them and I hug my irl friends very often. before covid I hugged them every day! normalize that shit

@tungsten fastfood

well I don't go outside of their comfort zones as well. a few of my friends adore my hugs and others like my vibes. it just depends yknow

but if you want a hug don't hesitate to hug me if you see me irl because I'm told my hugs are mMM

@Becfromthedead group

Shoutout to my one friend who does this thing where he invites you in for a handshake OR a hug, depending on what you're comfy with.
And then when he did it to me I froze up because I wasn't sure which one to do lmaoooo

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Dom is very wise

relationships? nah get a best friend homes it does everything for you

My bro Josh was chill with hugging and hand holding. Get yourself a Josh 10/10.
Also I've been told that my hugs are excellent so I'm bragging.


Dom is very wise

relationships? nah get a best friend homes it does everything for you

My bro Josh was chill with hugging and hand holding. Get yourself a Josh 10/10.
Also I've been told that my hugs are excellent so I'm bragging.

omg did he go to the Josh fight??
I have a Josh too, 10/10, definitely recommend everyone hop on the platonic cuddles train.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Dom is very wise

relationships? nah get a best friend homes it does everything for you

My bro Josh was chill with hugging and hand holding. Get yourself a Josh 10/10.
Also I've been told that my hugs are excellent so I'm bragging.

omg did he go to the Josh fight??
I have a Josh too, 10/10, definitely recommend everyone hop on the platonic cuddles train.

Nah I wish. But he got married a few weeks ago which was absolutely amazing.

@faltering-through pets

uhhh tw for just bad parenting- i don't want to say abuse because it sounds…rough. idk

I am having an absolutely terrible time right now.
I love talking with my mom about things that have happened in the past and generally addressing things that I don't agree with. I try my best to make her understand my point of view, while also understanding hers. I like doing things like these even though I know there's a chance that it may end not so good. It's necessary if we want a good relationship.

@ClownB*tch eco

so like anyone else trying to figure out if they have tics or just have really weird muscle spasms? like i honestly dont know anymore, if someone would help me with this that'd be great (obviously you arent all like doctors and stuff but just anyone who has tics, if you could help me out here i would be so so thankful.)

yea ok bye this post is already too much and i probably just seem like im attention seeking and now yall will think i'm trying to guilt trip but i promise i'm not but i'll just leave anyways hahahaha

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Happier vent:
My school's small, so for sports, we're combined with our sister school down the road(it also happens to be our "rival" school so things are wild), and yesterday I wore a One Piece shirt to practice, and 3 separate people from the other school came up to me and talked about One Piece, I didn't think anyone there was into anime, and apparently one of the girls(who I think I went to summer camp with?) thought the same thing about our school

I also went on a side quest to help find a kid's phone so that was an experience


currently panicking rn i have an essay that was due at 8 and im not done with it and i also have a big math test next period and i didnt study at all

@saor_illust school

i'm now starting to wonder if this was a good idea in the first place.
i haven't… exactly had the best week so far.

but tuesday night i decided to just cut off contact with everyone besides about one or two people.
started yesterday.
…is this considered isolation?
should i stop?

god, i have ten pings and five dms plus the two really active gcs i'm in.
…and yet, i'm choosing to ignore them. a first.
considering venting to quan again.
gah, i miss them. a lot.
under a month now until their birthday, i'm starting to wonder if i'll ever hear from them again.

@Echo_6 group

Just go ahead and skip this, it's nothing. I just needed to voice it and not keep it totally internal.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

so like anyone else trying to figure out if they have tics or just have really weird muscle spasms? like i honestly dont know anymore, if someone would help me with this that'd be great (obviously you arent all like doctors and stuff but just anyone who has tics, if you could help me out here i would be so so thankful.)

Do they come when you have an emotional spike?

@Pickles group

Okay today wasn't bad and then tonight was awful but im (low-key) celebrating beltane tomorrow and saturday so I just have to do a million things today and then be happy the rest of the weekend


Nothing better than my mom lecturing and starting to sound sincere and having it turned into an insult with how I'm not listening and how my room is a mess