forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@faltering-through pets

i'm now starting to wonder if this was a good idea in the first place.
i haven't… exactly had the best week so far.

but tuesday night i decided to just cut off contact with everyone besides about one or two people.
started yesterday.
…is this considered isolation?
should i stop?

I’m not someone who should be talking about this because I tend to do this a lot, but yes. You should stop cutting people out of your life. If they’re really good people who try to help you, then you have no reason to stop talking to them, but if they’re toxic people who don’t have your best interest in mind, then leave them.
Part of you isolating yourself is your depression acting up, I’m sure you know this, and one of your depressions goals is to try to take you out of this world.
When you’re alone it makes it more difficult for you to reach out to anyone. If you ever need help no one will be there because you don’t talk to them anymore.
And you may think, “well, I don’t deserve to get help or I can take a little more” but no, you should get help even if it’s from a friend and even if you think you can keep going at the rate you’re going, one day you’re going to stop and you’ll be right at the edge of a cliff.
But hey, as long as you don’t completely cut everyone off, you’re okay. You still have two people you talk to and hopefully they’ll help you with whatever you’re going through.

Anyways, I’m glad you’re still here with us, I know that things have been rough, but genuinely, I’m happy to see you here, even if we haven’t talked for a while.

@ClownB*tch eco

so like anyone else trying to figure out if they have tics or just have really weird muscle spasms? like i honestly dont know anymore, if someone would help me with this that'd be great (obviously you arent all like doctors and stuff but just anyone who has tics, if you could help me out here i would be so so thankful.)

Do they come when you have an emotional spike?

sometimes? idk and v rarely i have what resembles a verbal tic but i'm not sure

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

So, got my phone taken away.
I'm failing anatomy, even though I'm putting my heart and soul (and mental health) into it.
My father also said it isn't a punishment??? And that he was making me earn it (but not earn it back??)
Yes, it is totally not a punishment for me to have a phone I've been using for a few months now taken from me and withheld until I do something you want me to do, even though I've done everything I can to express that I can't fucking do it

@saor_illust school

i'm now starting to wonder if this was a good idea in the first place.
i haven't… exactly had the best week so far.

but tuesday night i decided to just cut off contact with everyone besides about one or two people.
started yesterday.
…is this considered isolation?
should i stop?

I’m not someone who should be talking about this because I tend to do this a lot, but yes. You should stop cutting people out of your life. If they’re really good people who try to help you, then you have no reason to stop talking to them, but if they’re toxic people who don’t have your best interest in mind, then leave them.
Part of you isolating yourself is your depression acting up, I’m sure you know this, and one of your depressions goals is to try to take you out of this world.
When you’re alone it makes it more difficult for you to reach out to anyone. If you ever need help no one will be there because you don’t talk to them anymore.
And you may think, “well, I don’t deserve to get help or I can take a little more” but no, you should get help even if it’s from a friend and even if you think you can keep going at the rate you’re going, one day you’re going to stop and you’ll be right at the edge of a cliff.
But hey, as long as you don’t completely cut everyone off, you’re okay. You still have two people you talk to and hopefully they’ll help you with whatever you’re going through.

Anyways, I’m glad you’re still here with us, I know that things have been rough, but genuinely, I’m happy to see you here, even if we haven’t talked for a while.

o h
that would really explain my urges to

this week
a lot

i'm just
i have no motivation to do art, write, and even looking at the sheer number of people wanting to talk to me exhausts me
and i'ts not sleep that will help me,
considering i've been getting more sleep than usual but
now i lie awake for an hour or two each night unable to sleep

…falling back into the habit of skipping classes.
god, what's wrong with me? i'm supposed to be happy. i'm supposed to finally be happy because it's been great recently. but the thing is– i'm not happy. not anymore. i'm just… surviving. from one day to the next, and not because i want to. it's because i have to.
it's not even really two people i talk to. i talked to exactly two other people once yesterday and it was because of two reasons: one was worried about me, the other wanted some assistance.

it was… nice, i suppose, but so mentally draining.
i honestly have no one else to talk to that doesn't exhaust me other than my best friend and he doesn't even live in my state.

nice hearing from you, though, atlas. thank you, i'm glad you're still here with us too <3

i… do have one last thing i wanted to talk about before i end this, though.
(tw: mentions of self-harm and blood and knives)

@ClownB*tch eco

tw: mentions of OCD in first spoiler and some caps in the second spoiler

@faltering-through pets

i'm now starting to wonder if this was a good idea in the first place.
i haven't… exactly had the best week so far.

but tuesday night i decided to just cut off contact with everyone besides about one or two people.
started yesterday.
…is this considered isolation?
should i stop?

I’m not someone who should be talking about this because I tend to do this a lot, but yes. You should stop cutting people out of your life. If they’re really good people who try to help you, then you have no reason to stop talking to them, but if they’re toxic people who don’t have your best interest in mind, then leave them.
Part of you isolating yourself is your depression acting up, I’m sure you know this, and one of your depressions goals is to try to take you out of this world.
When you’re alone it makes it more difficult for you to reach out to anyone. If you ever need help no one will be there because you don’t talk to them anymore.
And you may think, “well, I don’t deserve to get help or I can take a little more” but no, you should get help even if it’s from a friend and even if you think you can keep going at the rate you’re going, one day you’re going to stop and you’ll be right at the edge of a cliff.
But hey, as long as you don’t completely cut everyone off, you’re okay. You still have two people you talk to and hopefully they’ll help you with whatever you’re going through.

Anyways, I’m glad you’re still here with us, I know that things have been rough, but genuinely, I’m happy to see you here, even if we haven’t talked for a while.

o h
that would really explain my urges to

this week
a lot

i'm just
i have no motivation to do art, write, and even looking at the sheer number of people wanting to talk to me exhausts me
and i'ts not sleep that will help me,
considering i've been getting more sleep than usual but
now i lie awake for an hour or two each night unable to sleep

…falling back into the habit of skipping classes.
god, what's wrong with me? i'm supposed to be happy. i'm supposed to finally be happy because it's been great recently. but the thing is– i'm not happy. not anymore. i'm just… surviving. from one day to the next, and not because i want to. it's because i have to.
it's not even really two people i talk to. i talked to exactly two other people once yesterday and it was because of two reasons: one was worried about me, the other wanted some assistance.

it was… nice, i suppose, but so mentally draining.
i honestly have no one else to talk to that doesn't exhaust me other than my best friend and he doesn't even live in my state.

nice hearing from you, though, atlas. thank you, i'm glad you're still here with us too <3

i… do have one last thing i wanted to talk about before i end this, though.
(tw: mentions of self-harm and blood and knives)

I mean, i think that's okay- not okay in the sense that you should be feeling like that but okay in the sense that, that is what a person with depression usually goes through. You'll lose motivation for literally everything and you wont want to do anything but sleep and even sleep will seem "tiring".
Just because things are seemingly going "great" doesn't mean that those feelings of sadness won't creep up on you. You can be in the best situation and still depression will find a way to fuck you up. Depression doesn't stop just because you're supposed to be happy, sometimes it happens and there isn't a reason why and in my opinion those are the worst because you don't know how to fix it. The only way it'll go away is when it wants to go away. Pills sometimes make it better- or worse, depending on what you get, but usually, it gets better.

It seems to me that you're in what I used to call "the abyss" you're at that point where your depression has consumed you and you're not sure if you can get out anymore so you let go and let it do its thing, but that doesn't mean it's any less draining. In fact, it makes it even harder to do anything anymore. I don't have any real advice for this because when I was at that point I didn't do anything for a few months, I just somehow got through it. Nothing could get me out of the mental state I was in and eventually, I stopped talking to everyone. One thing I will say though is try your hardest to not completely stop talking to everyone. Even if it feels exhausting, even if you feel like it's impossible, don't. I think that if i had someone at the time to talk to me and hear me out on some things I was going through, it would have made a huge difference. It would have avoided a lot of terrible decisions.

As for you wanting to hurt yourself, those my friend are intrusive thoughts. You'll usually have the reaction of "wtf" and even if you don't, that's alright. You don't have to be scared of yourself even if you feel like you might do something bad. When that happens just try to distract yourself with something, anything. I've dealt with intrusive thoughts as well, but they don't bother me as much because I know that those aren't thoughts that I'm causing on purpose. It's just something that happens, so don't beat yourself up for it.
Talk to your friend, even if they don't understand, at least you'll have a way to vent when you're not on here. You say he's willing to help you through this, and if that's so, take advantage of that help. If he's openheartedly offering you his time, then take it, even if it feels like you're being "too much". At the end of the day, he knows how much he can handle, and he'll tell you if he needs a break.
And hey, if you want to talk to me, you can, I'll always have a spot open for you my dude. I've known you for a while now and you've known me, so I think you understand when I tell you that i'm available to hear you and talk it through with you when you're in a bad mental state.
I don't care if you think you're bothering me, talk to me when you feel like hurting yourself. And even if you just want to talk to someone about anything, I'm here.
If you want I can message you every day to see how you're doing. You don't have to reply, but i think that you knowing that someone is looking out for you would be somewhat comforting.
i hope-

@ClownB*tch eco

dont know if this needs a tw but tw: coping with humor

just got screamed at by my stepmom about an hour or so ago, havent left the library since then and i don't plan on it, life is so fun haha

@Katastrophic group

I just hit send on the email that decides my future… Whether I become a studio artist or a teacher depends on this residency (art internship). And now I will hibernate and hopefully not die of anxiety while I wait to be reviewed.

tw health anxiety ig? I dunno if it can hit anyone but better safe than sorry

@faltering-through pets

when the hell did you get so wise?

yea that does sound nice
ty <3

Isbsmxievjs I go into protective mode when one of my friends are sad lmao
No one should have to feel that way so I try my best to help <3
An no problemo


so like anyone else trying to figure out if they have tics or just have really weird muscle spasms? like i honestly dont know anymore, if someone would help me with this that'd be great (obviously you arent all like doctors and stuff but just anyone who has tics, if you could help me out here i would be so so thankful.)

yea ok bye this post is already too much and i probably just seem like im attention seeking and now yall will think i'm trying to guilt trip but i promise i'm not but i'll just leave anyways hahahaha

dm you if you want, I have tics and could maybe help?

@saor_illust school

when the hell did you get so wise?

yea that does sound nice
ty <3

Isbsmxievjs I go into protective mode when one of my friends are sad lmao
No one should have to feel that way so I try my best to help <3
An no problemo

isokie i love that
tytytytyty <3


Just once in my life I want to go on a tea party/ picnic adventure where me and my friend(s) wear long flow-ey dresses, have our hair be messy but also somehow beautiful, flower crowns, barefoot, somewhere in the semi-secluded woods. We can laugh for a bit and then lay down on the forest floor listening to the world around us and we might fall asleep. We won't be stresses. All is right

@Becfromthedead group

Why do I have so much guilt surrounding buying things for myself??? ;-;
Most recent is: 1. I want to buy a drawing tablet, which is actually also a good investment in my art skills???? Since I started a redbubble shop, it should help with my output. And 2. Two games I kind of want went on sale. If I buy both, that's less than $25. It's not bad at all, but I'm just Like This.


sameee like im down to spend money on others but when it comes to myself i feel so guilty
or when people spend money on me

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah :(
I made this money though, so I REALLY shouldn't feel bad, even more so than before.
I think part of it is that I'm seeking financial independence from my parents and I worry about having enough to support myself.

@Katastrophic group

Yeah :(
I made this money though, so I REALLY shouldn't feel bad, even more so than before.
I think part of it is that I'm seeking financial independence from my parents and I worry about having enough to support myself.

Supporting yourself includes supporting your mental health and happiness. I personally budget $50-60 each month for new games, movies, toys, or hobby things that are unrelated to school and work. Then it's part of my budget so I don't feel as guilty spending it and I also don't overspend on things I don't need. It also keeps me from buying a million games when I still have some to finish


reading old texts
i miss having friends

I do that a lot, it makes me feel better somehow

makes me feel worse
what did i do wrong


I got my first three parts of Finnish done. Jee!

Also one of the question was: Aino on Nainen

And my first thought was, wait Aino isn’t a boys name? I didn’t even really realize I read it right away.