forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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mannn I have to write a narrative about a challenge I've overcome, but it can't be like over a long period of time
I can't think of anything
All the stuff I've gone through doesn't make sense unless it's looked at over a span of at least a year
How am I supposed to not over-share lol


Oh gosh, my cousin is next to me and I was looking for textbooks for my classes this summer and my mom asked me to send my grad announcement via text to some people we aren't close with but wanted to see it. A few of them were in a groupchat names "Effing Girls…" (I didn't name it) so I gave my cousin my phone and asked her to sent it in that conversation. She messed up and sent it in an old group chat I was a part of when I went to a church camp 5 YEARS AGO. I don't know if it'll reach the girls but m anxiety just sky rocketed. I also have no idea why I still have that groupchat either

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

i just got my phone taken away, again, so that's fun. i can't talk to either of my parents about anything because i'll either get attacked or in trouble for it, and now they both think i'm trying to make them fight on purpose, even though they're adults, and even though i may be the cause of their argument, i am not responsible because they're both fucking adults. anyways,
tw: self harm


happy vent:
i impulsively decided to dm all my mutuals on tiktok to say hello and it went well!!
theyre all rlly nice and i had a rlly nice conversation with one of them

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

these two kids just walked into the classroom saying that there are only two genders and istg I was about to get into a brawl, but then instead we spent a solid 5 minutes explaining what non-binary means and kept referring to my nb friend with their pronouns and this kid was like "WHO IS THEY" over and over again, I had to look him in the eye and very slowly explain "You use he/him pronouns, [my friend] uses they/them pronouns now" and finally he's like "ohh" and I'm just glad that most of my class isn't like that


You have to do a research problem for geometry: Panik
Oragami is a topic you can choose: kalm
You have a feeling your mom is going to yell at you for making more oragami: panik

Got yelled at my mom last night, because I found my phone and started using it again, like, why'd she give me a phone if she didn't want me to use it?
Parents need to stop complaining about this shit, you can't tell me you didn't do things like this when you were a teen
My mom needs to stop acting like she was a goody-two-shoes
considering the way she acts when things don't slightly goes her way, she wasn't

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

You have to do a research problem for geometry: Panik
Oragami is a topic you can choose: kalm
You have a feeling your mom is going to yell at you for making more oragami: panik

Got yelled at my mom last night, because I found my phone and started using it again, like, why'd she give me a phone if she didn't want me to use it?
Parents need to stop complaining about this shit, you can't tell me you didn't do things like this when you were a teen
My mom needs to stop acting like she was a goody-two-shoes
considering the way she acts when things don't slightly goes her way, she wasn't

my mom was yelling at me like 2 days ago and i told her i'd never take my kids' phones away, and she made me write it down and sign it and she said she was gonna give it back to me when i was an adult and had kids and took their phones away. what she doesn't know is she'll never actually have to give it back to me. i'm not going to take my kids' phones away, i'm just not. having my phone is very important to me, as my parents are very strict and i can't hang out with my friends often, so my phone is my only social link besides school. and even in that case, not all of my friends go to school with me. when i don't have my phone i get really really depressed (as i am now) and fall into bad coping mechanisms because i'm not able to talk to my friends about what i'm going through and therefore i feel alone. so then my mental state gets bad and everything in my life slowly starts crumbling, so no, mom, i'm not gonna take my kids' phones.

also shoutout to parents for acting like they were perfect when they were our age when they definitely weren't but they still act like we're terrible people when we make mistakes. love that.


I'm just considering trying to convince my mom to let me move out, somehow Like if she rents out an apartment and I pay the rent it should work
We keep on getting into arguments that aren't good enough for the both of us, and isn't a good enviroment for gabby

but of course, Im nOt mAtUrE EnOUgh fOr A jOb


also shoutout to parents for acting like they were perfect when they were our age when they definitely weren't but they still act like we're terrible people when we make mistakes. love that.

my mom used to be a lot more honest with me when I was younger, and then i started forming ideas and opinions

I never going to act like I was a saint around my children.
I would want them to feel like they can actually talk to me about stuff


im scared ill never get to move somewhere on my own
that i'll always be stuck with my parents
i mean, dont get me wrong i love my parents but theyre so controlling
moving away for college isnt an option and unless i got married i think id have to live with them for the rest of my life

@ClownB*tch eco


My friend form volleyball texted all last night then she started comparing us to bokuto and akaashi cuz she's a spiker an I'm a setter and then today she called me her pretty setter so i was like "do you like me?" and she said yes so then i was like "me too!" and now we're dating and she's so amazing and pretty and I love her so much!!! Also have I mentioned that she is the sweetest and most adorable person on the planet??


Do I have a 10 hour certification exam next week that? Yes. Have I started the training for it? No. Do I also have a 4 page essay due tonight/tomorrow? Yes. Have I started it? no