forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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my mom got me an outfit that looks like something a fucking 9 year old would wear in 2014
i wanna cry
i thought once id be in high school my mom would give me some independence but guess i was wrong
how am i gonna get a job if im not even allowed to dress how i want


lol we got in a fight and she slapped me
shes complaining that her friends dont like how im dressed like i give a shit
god i feel like im gonna explode shes such a narcissit

@Becfromthedead group

Fuck the tax system here.
There's so many hoops to jump through, and now I can't even get my form that I need to file my fucking taxes ✌
Also the IRS knows how much we owe, so maybe they should just take it?


I have to write a graduation speech for an english assignment (I'm not speaking at graduation) and its 50 test points so you better believe I am using this time to vent about high school


just math anxiety things~~

Ok I know I've vented about this before but I have to do this online math stuff to graduate because I failed a term back in like 9th or 10th grade, and I failed it partially because I'm bad at math, but mostly because I was depressed and my ADHD symptoms were actually causing real life problems and I genuinely just couldn't focus or do the math and I cried in that class literally everyday and it was horrible.

But I tried my best and was able to pass all but one term. And they never told me I'd have to make it up until just recently, so it was kind of a bunch of bullshit. Like, first of all, I could've been working on the online programme when all this was still fresh in my brain, even if I didn't understand it. I at least knew the vocabulary, now when I read the problem I legitimately have no idea what it's saying.

Secondly, I feel like I'm being punished for the mental health side of it. I know that's not how it works, I know that I just need to make up an F, but I only got that F because the system here is incredibly neurotypical. So, yeah I'm gunna say it, it's not all my fault. Plus everyone in the school agrees that the teacher I had is a horrible teacher.

Thirdly, IT'S WAY MORE WORK THAN JUST ONE TERM. This shit is a year's worth of math education. There's so much fucking content that I just don't know how I'm gunna work through. I tried to start working on it again yesterday and my brain went back to the way it was way back in math class. Idk how to explain it, all the numbers to remember all the vocab I don't understand and the it's like being shut off and on again and again and I panic and then the tears come and then I end up drenched in sweat or left with 0/0 blood pressure. It's just horrible. I don't know how I'm supposed to do this. I would pay someone, but I don't know how to set a reasonable rate or who to ask or HOW to ask and I just. This sucks.

I might ask my counselor to be put in that grades special ed class. I'm supposed to have a 504 plan by now but even if I did I don't think it could cut some of this work out. Ughhh that'll be a horrible email. But I didn't even think of it until I typed this all out so something came of this vent.

@Becfromthedead group

Also waiting for a phone call from my ex-employer so I can get tax forms.
They called me this morning before I was awake, and left me a voice mail saying they'd call back "in a couple of hours."
Fast forward to five hours later, I have not been called back. That's put me on hold all day too. I was thinking of getting out and doing something besides being depressed and lying in bed, but idk if I can now.


There's a smear of something blue on my sisters rocking chair, and my moms blaming it on my nail polish. That's pink and purple…

Also it was from months ago.

She really scraping the bottom of the barrel to yell at me.

Wonder whats she's going to do when I move out, and she realizes she has nobody to yell at anymore.

@ClownB*tch eco

Ahahahaha when your parent's body shame you and then when you call them out on it they say "it was an accident" and "they didnt mean to"



my dad literally just called me an abuser because I accidentally snapped at him. so yeah, considering I'm literally the biggest people pleaser and always work my hardest to control my emotions, I'm not taking this well at all.

@Dayzed forum

Ahahahaha when your parent's body shame you and then when you call them out on it they say "it was an accident" and "they didnt mean to"


I fucking hate this about them. You're either too fat or too skinny and it pisses me off because my mom does this exact same thing and then when I don't eat for days on end she gets worried like "why don't you eat? :(" fuck off already
Sorry you have to go through that though, it really shouldn't be this way.

@larcenistarsonist group


tw for panic attacks and blood


Hhhh my mom is mad at me and I’m not sure exactly why. I think she thinks I’m slacking on my school work, which, she isn’t exactly wrong, but I’m really burnt out at this point. We normally have a pretty easy time working things out but not with this. I was also accidentally rude earlier and when I apologized she said she was tired of dealing with my attitude all the time. I didn’t think I’d been really rude on any other occasions recently and I just…I’m upset. I don’t like making other people unhappy.

@ClownB*tch eco

Ahahahahaaaa not me being scared that my girlfriend hates me cuz I'm overweight even though there is absolutely no proof that she hates me


I was not able to confirm your qualification for tuition assistance.

can someone pls explain what this means? ^^
does it mean i dont qualify??