forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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literally every genshin character is just so attractive kajfjsksjfskdks

@tungsten fastfood

mffuck i am so sick of having this constant headache. So I just started taking an SSRI and I can't take NSAIDs for the pain because it can give me really adverse gastrointestinal effects so i get to suffer with the feeling of someone digging a pike into the top of my right ear.

istg it's tricking me out and making me think I have COVID symptoms but I don't. this zoloft better work or I'll throw myself off a bridge (for legal reasons that's a joke)

@tungsten fastfood

sorry not gastrointestinal (well technically for ulcers) but rather brain bleeding because of my thinned blood. thanks zoloft bestie thanks a lot mwah i love having headaches

@requiemisback language

cw: kidnapping mentions, murder mentions


i did bad on one test and my grade went from a 95 to an 85 and then i got an a+ and my grade only went up to an 86 wtf

Deleted user

tw//antisemitism, n*zi symbols
my fifth period class. is full of assholes. typically they're manageable, it's only ever like trying to bully me back into the closet.

and i'm about to kill someone here /hj

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I got yelled at for something that I feel was completely ridiculous today (5-21)…. I was out riding my bike in town, enjoying the events that have been happening. There's a part of the sidewalk that does a sharp 90° turn, but there's also a driveway that loops from the road back to the sidewalk. I utilize the driveway so that I don't have to try to make a turn that's impossible for my bike to do, and to avoid crushing my man-parts. Got yelled at to use the sidewalk when it literally takes me 5 seconds to use the driveway that is always empty. I'm not hurting the person's property when I do that and nobody gets hurt.

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happy vent!
i'm finally passing all my classes :) yes, i'm a c averaging student now and that's not exceptional but it's SO my better than i was doing

@Becfromthedead group

I'm going to perish ;-;
I've officially been told I have iron deficiency anemia, and now that I'm on my period, I'm having a horrible time. I literally can't stay awake.
Idk whether it's dietary or what???? Because I gave up being vegetarian. Still not eating red meat, but I was vegetarian for a year and a half before I started having any problems.
I'm just not having a good time


I'm sorry about that, I know what that kind of fatigue is like. Could you take iron supplements? I'm sure there are vegan options available.

@Becfromthedead group

I tried taking iron supplements, but they upset my stomach really bad.
I'll be going to the doctor soon and they'll give me an IV they said.
Otherwise, I might try to find a multivitamin that contains iron and hopefully that won't be as hard on my stomach.

@Katastrophic group

oh rip. I have some iron issues too I think. I have to get my chronic fatigue officially diagnosed but its in my fam's history so its likely. I've heard/read that vitamin D and iron are very closely related in that being deficient in one can affect how well your body processes the other? I would maybe look into that, it might help a little.

@Becfromthedead group

I think it was vitamin C that does that? I was doing some reading on it earlier.
I'm fine in all other blood levels. I had a full workup, and my B12 was low end but still normal, and I have some supplements to help with that.
But yeah, ramping up vitamin C intake is a good idea too.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Aa I can confirm it is Vitamin D, I had a severe severe deficiency and I was exhausted 24/7. My doctor was really concerned aha. Now it's just moderate to severe and I'm still exhausted, but not as much.

Deleted user

yo is it iron deficiency that makes you dizzy and gives you that TV static effect when you stand up or am I thinking of something else?

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Me: i don't simp for video game characters
Youtube: Shows me nothing but Genshin Impact ads
Me: okay maybe i do

Are they all that pretty?? Because Eula-

okay so i got the game the other day and wOah it's such a pretty game, I got Xingqiu on like my second Wish