forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Katastrophic group

Thanks :)

God that emotional support animal thing is so annoying. One of my friends impulse got a kitten and hid it for a while, then when it got found out, she registered it as an esa with the school.
Like if you really want a pet that badly, get a pet friendly place and show that pet you care by actually thinking before you adopt.

The worst part is she claims its for her depression to help her cope and take care of her responsibilities. I'm not going to call out on anyone's mental health, but what part of untrained large puppy isn't responsibility??? If she struggles so much to go to class, what makes her think she's not going to struggle to walk, feed, clean up after, and train this dog on a regular basis? She is never even home cause she goes to the nearby cities to party and hookup every week, which means I would be the one taking care of it regardless of my discomfort with dogs, cause I would be the jerk for not paying attention to the thing. Not even mentioning her fish which is a miracle in itself that it's still alive when she never feeds it.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

ooh i have a happy vent too!! today was the first thoroughly great day i've had in awhile, and i'm so happy. my friend is going through a lot right now and he didn't feel good at lunch, so he straight took a nap in my lap. it was so sweet- when we were going back to school he goes "yeah i was so tired, and i was feeling sick so that's why i laid on you. then when you started scratching my back (i have long ass nails on) i was like 'yeah ima stay here.'" i was like oh omg okay 🥺 also, my new english teacher is turning out to be lovely. i was in a good mood today, my other friend came back to school after being gone for 3 days, AND i got my new contacts. 10/10 recommend lol

Deleted user

same….I refuse to go out and about without a group of people i trust with me.

@Becfromthedead group

Is this just a this year thing, or has this happened in years past???
Because until recently, on this website, I had literally never heard of it.
Either way, it's really fucked up. I'm not any more scared than usual. It just pisses me off that people think this shit is okay to even joke about.


Just a this year thing I think. Honestly don't know why no real action has been taken against the guys that started it :/
It really pisses me off too. Something like that happening is one of my greatest fears, especially since I know no justice will be served

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, it's really fucking disgusting that they face no consequences. It's supposed to be free speech until it presents danger, but ig "danger" doesn't matter if the targets are afab folks.
It'd be so cool to be able to take walks at night, drive home without the paranoia that I'm being followed, and be able to live alone if I so please. But no.
As long as we continue to let this shit slide, that seems too far away.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

ooh i have a happy vent too!! today was the first thoroughly great day i've had in awhile, and i'm so happy. my friend is going through a lot right now and he didn't feel good at lunch, so he straight took a nap in my lap. it was so sweet- when we were going back to school he goes "yeah i was so tired, and i was feeling sick so that's why i laid on you. then when you started scratching my back (i have long ass nails on) i was like 'yeah ima stay here.'" i was like oh omg okay 🥺

That stuff is where it's at no lie.

@ClownB*tch eco

ooh i have a happy vent too!! today was the first thoroughly great day i've had in awhile, and i'm so happy. my friend is going through a lot right now and he didn't feel good at lunch, so he straight took a nap in my lap. it was so sweet- when we were going back to school he goes "yeah i was so tired, and i was feeling sick so that's why i laid on you. then when you started scratching my back (i have long ass nails on) i was like 'yeah ima stay here.'" i was like oh omg okay 🥺

Omg i want a friend like that!!

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

TW, mention of rape, hoax panics, and sexual assualt

@ClownB*tch eco

TW, mention of rape, hoax panics, and sexual assualt

Omfg so that's what tomorrow's about- istg!

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group


God I wish I were medicated. Fuck people who don't believe in medicine and fuck people who perpetuate addiction stereotypes for people who NEED MEDICINE. You all cause people real, unnecessarily suffering and I hope you never have kids.


Do I have a major photo assignment due tonight and a math assignment due 2 days ago and I need to read a book before class tomorrow? Yes. Am I more focused of the MOTHER - LOVING PINK MOON THATS HAPPENING TOMORROW?!?! Also yes

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I went to the mall with my friends on Saturday and we saw someone with really pretty pink hair and we complimented them, then they came over to us and called us pretty and I'm still soaring on that one compliment