forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Becfromthedead group

I've been super depressed ever since I visited home last weekend, and God, I just want to leave forever.
My parents don't even like each other, I don't feel like I'm that liked either. My brother is turning into what they want as well. They're shaping in him harmful views, and having him live up to their desires which I think he will gladly do because he only cares about money.
My mom is chipping away at me slowly, but it's not outright bad enough to call her out on, and if I do, she will play victim.
My family is racist, homophobic, and otherwise against just about everything I stand for, and they let me know that and also act like I'm this liberal indoctrinated little shit who went to college and now thinks they know best. (Which um…. no? In fact, in every political argument ever, I'm the only one who even sources things???)
I have to spend this summer with them. I'll probably be visiting my grandparents more.
I have to look for housing for next year, and I would love to move into a new place asap, but idk if I can before August.
And even if I can, I have no idea about finances. It's so stressful. I'm not financially independent. I can't break any ties without consequences I don't know if I'm willing to face.
And either way, I know I will have to spend more time with family, and that makes me feel terrible. I have a refuge while in my hometown. My fiance's family loves me. But when I spend "too much" time there, it bothers my family for some reason. It's literally 10 minutes away, very safe, they know my fiance, they know their family.
And I can never tell my family that they essentially catalyzed my mental illness, even though when I go to therapy, that's usually the main topic, and the root of 90% of my issues.
I really don't want to go back. I can't go back. But like… I have to.
It's so hard to feel valid in it too, because no one has ever abused me, or done anything illegal, and it's not that bad from the outside looking in. I've done a lot of research, and I have almost certainly been a victim of emotional neglect, and it's been going on since even before I started feeling the effects.

@Becfromthedead group

That's part of it. I also don't want to break away too hard too soon if that means losing monetary support. I have enough to get started, but I'd need to get a job again if they cut me off.

Deleted user

…..Can i just say…….I miss my real friends….And ik i've been off and on here. I'm sure barely anyone missed me .
I'm just so done with my life. My mom is just a bitch, my dad doesn't care….and at work… i fake everything.
School is the same thing…..My gf broke up with me due to my mental health. ( meaning I was so stressed out from my life.) and I juts AHGFJHKDAHDJ i need something I sadly resorted to drinking and vaping. It;s all i know to numb pain without harming myself. SO Imma hide back under my rock and hope to god no one forgets me if they already havn't.

I am also aware my spelling is shit rn. And Idc.


…..Can i just say…….I miss my real friends….And ik i've been off and on here. I'm sure barely anyone missed me .
I'm just so done with my life. My mom is just a bitch, my dad doesn't care….and at work… i fake everything.
School is the same thing…..My gf broke up with me due to my mental health. ( meaning I was so stressed out from my life.) and I juts AHGFJHKDAHDJ i need something I sadly resorted to drinking and vaping. It;s all i know to numb pain without harming myself. SO Imma hide back under my rock and hope to god no one forgets me if they already havn't.

I am also aware my spelling is shit rn. And Idc.

if you want u can add me on here and vent whenever you need


So, I have a full schedule, which is uncommon for a senior and I was doing stuff for a teacher in my last hour. I had finished and ran into my baby cousin who was walking across the nest (a huge grassy area in the center of our school) and we ended up walking towards each other. I then got a text saying "Turn around" And I saw my friend who finished school at fifth hour, so it was rare to see her afterwards. Anyways, me and my friend just stare at each other for like 30 seconds before we flip each other at the same time before walking away. My poor cousin was so confused before asking "Do you not like each other?" I told her "No, we've been friends for 13 years." And walked away

*I say each other a lot in this, I'm sorry


i cant do hw for some reason ksgfskjhf
like i'll do it all and then won't be able to finish the last question help

@Katastrophic group

Remember to study, cause I didn't until just now and wow do I regret trying to cram last minute from a studyguide the teacher gave up on. Half way through it just switches to another teacher's worksheet and I'm pretty sure it's a chapter ahead of our textbook, but now I have to memorize 3 chapters instead of 2 to be sure.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I hate Uber Patriotism
I want to look into what country is actually best for me to live in, and have mentioned this to my father, and he went off about how I was talking against American, the only Land of Freedom and that the rest of the "modern world" has been destroyed by socialism and things like free health care and LGBTQIA+ rights

@Echo_6 group

I hate Uber Patriotism
I want to look into what country is actually best for me to live in, and have mentioned this to my father, and he went off about how I was talking against American, the only Land of Freedom and that the rest of the "modern world" has been destroyed by socialism and things like free health care and LGBTQIA+ rights

As someone who considers themself as a bit partiotic, even I can agree with this. There is a line, that shouldn't be crossed with it, and if you want to go live in another country that's your choice. And no one has the right to stop you. Your dad can go eat rocks if he wants to try and tell you otherwise. Or I'll fight him head on.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I hate Uber Patriotism
I want to look into what country is actually best for me to live in, and have mentioned this to my father, and he went off about how I was talking against American, the only Land of Freedom and that the rest of the "modern world" has been destroyed by socialism and things like free health care and LGBTQIA+ rights

As someone who considers themself as a bit partiotic, even I can agree with this. There is a line, that shouldn't be crossed with it, and if you want to go live in another country that's your choice. And no one has the right to stop you. Your dad can go eat rocks if he wants to try and tell you otherwise. Or I'll fight him head on.

Exactly! Patriotism is fine, I have nothing against it, but too many people take it too far in America. If you're so patriotic you think your country is the only place anyone will ever have a good life and the country has no problems at all
Idk sounds like a cult to me 👀
But seriously, to say that going to any other country is the same as

That's kinda
Fucked up