forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Deleted user

I know!!!!
I'm just sitting here, not even arguing with them that much…
"Borderline Personality Disorder doesn't include violent thoughts!!!! It's so unrealistic how his mood switches that fast!!!"
I'm like… bruh, violent thoughts often go with the bpd anger and no,,, it's literall not unrealistic???
This happens to me every day???

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

me: writes about autism
me, who actually has autism: perish

yes, literally. (also i love your @ kdhbvkhsdbvdk)

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

I know!!!!
I'm just sitting here, not even arguing with them that much…
"Borderline Personality Disorder doesn't include violent thoughts!!!! It's so unrealistic how his mood switches that fast!!!"
I'm like… bruh, violent thoughts often go with the bpd anger and no,,, it's literall not unrealistic???
This happens to me every day???

yes, i can second that. my girlfriend has it and violent thoughts are very common, so are sudden mood changes.

Deleted user

The worst thing is that becuase my bpd makes my anger so instense, I reeally wanna argue


me: writes about autism
me, who actually has autism: perish

yes, literally. (also i love your @ kdhbvkhsdbvdk)

lmao it sucks ikr (thanks asdfghjkl)


Wait Reed you have bpd? One of my friends was just diagnosed with it, and I…to be honest I don't know like, what that changes? Would you mind maybe explaining just a little bit to me like what that's like and what I can do for my friend? if you don't mind?? I realize that it's maybe rude/presumptuous of me to be asking this of you, and you definitely don't have to answer. I have been doing my own research, it would just be nice to hear about it from someone who actually has it, rather than like… psychology websites. So yeah. Obviously you can tell me to fuck off, I don't wanna put any pressure on you

Deleted user

Uh yeah, fuck it sure.
I can really only pull from my experiances but I'll try and awnser any questions you have


Again no pressure, I don't wanna be, like, presumptuous or whatever and I know it's different for everyone, it's just that, like,,, I have no idea what this means for my friendship with this person?
But anyways. I guess maybe what's…the best things to do? Should I just continue on as if nothing has changed? (Which, uh, by the way, is kind of impossible since she's in a long-term mental care facility right now so "normal" is relative??) Are there things I shouldn't say/talk about with her? I guess just, what am I supposed to do/say/be, as a friend, while still also being respectful of the fact that it is a mental issue that can be hard to treat? Idk if I'm making sense, sorry

Deleted user

Okay, so, you basically treat her the same. Probably give her a bit more words of reassurance because a lot of the time people with bpd overthink relationships. Don't be angry that she's clingy and when she's angry, try and be calm.

Our bouts of anger are really intense and often a bit violent. So I'd say watch out for that.

DONT treat her like she's a ticking time bomb because she will drop you
from a person with bpd: it's annoying to people without it, but with thiis fucked up brain, it's somehow even worse.


Alright, thanks Reed :) I think that makes sense, and I honestly can't really think of any other questions for you. Thanks for answering the questions I did have, tho, it really is appreciated

Deleted user

np mate
if you have anything else, feel free to dm me

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mm… I don't want to go into detail because I'm currently forgetting already and really don't mind that coping mechanism for this, but a Very Bad thing happened last night with my mom, I've got scratches on my hand and fabric burn on the back of my neck, and I'm the one who ended up apologizing because I'm the one who got her that mad

Deleted user

I went right from excited and shit to a sprial and I hate it here
I know I won't relapse which is good but I just,,, don't feel good
but don't have the energy

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

She refuses, and we can't even afford any for me. Everyone in my family really does, but we're probably not going to. The only reason I might is that I'm making a big deal out of going. No one else wants to. My father thinks it's a shame unless they agree with him.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I just had two people to basically the exact same thing to me which is so annoying

me: writes a fanfiction about a person struggling with bpd
some random commenter: You're misrepresenting bpd
Me, a person with bpd: -_-

me: writes a fic that takes place in an art school
someone: You didn't put any research into this
me, someone who goes to an art school that I based it around: -_-

R o u g h.

@Katastrophic group

if the pain is in your thumb, index, or middle, its likely carpal tunnel. If it's index, ring and/or pinky it's likely tendonitus. I also measure mine by how i can hold things. pain with gripping things, like carrying a bag, is carpal. Holding with the weight forced down against the palm, like holding a pet, is tendonitus. Or you can be extra lucky like me and have a mix of both plus some loose joint issues sprinkled in. Either way, treat with anti-inflammatory meds, compression, and heat (not cold).
*obligatory im not a doctor, this is just my wonderful life experience

also cause i know u post art, try holding your pen with your index extended, use your middle and thumb to be the main grip. it takes a min to get used to but it can be very realxing on strained wrists and hands.


umm based on what you described it might be both…
also is it common for the inside of my wrists to hurt too?

@Becfromthedead group

Is it bad that I, an adult, intensely fear the idea of my mom calling my school/employer/etc because I was venting about something to her?
Not that she ever has actually called anyone to complain outside of high school, but it still worries me a lot.
Because in college, she has heard me complain, and will be like "what's your professor's name?"
Ma'am, that's for me to know and you to not care about. I'm 21 and have learned damn well how to pick my battles.
Also when I quit got let go from my job, I was so irrationally worried she was going to try to call someone from my place of employment and complain. And then she would found out I lied about being let go and that I'd actually quit.
And guess why I lied??? Because I knew she and other family members would give me shit for it.