forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Well gl, I just got ~chewed out for an hour by my parents for trying to explain to them why I'm like 90% sure I have ADHD~

In completely unrelated news, this song hits different after you just cried for forty-five minutes straight

Deleted user

i think they can diagnose you as a minor if bpd is common in your family since it can be hereditary.

@Becfromthedead group

Love how that guy just fucking left the club without us having to even issue the suspension and left a really guilt-trippy goodbye on the server, that was absolutely not very much directed at me for yknow, standing my ground.
Like god, what a piece of shit. At least he's gone though.
But yeah, here's the message:
"Good evening everyone. With sadness, I am announcing that I am leaving [this club]. It is regrettable how events have transpired, yet I feel few are attempting to actually bridge over the situation; more are content to deepen the gash and make me feel more hurt over a misunderstanding. Furthermore, I feel my presence is merely tolerated rather than most seeing me as a friend on equal terms. Some are quick to jump to conclusions with my messages and I continue to feel venom, especially after one of you said "we've seen it in you". I guess nothing can be done to change that. Thanks for the over two years of memories, I am truly grateful and have had a spectacular time. Some of you have my contacts, and am more than happy to return, but only if I am welcomed back, not dragged to court. I wish you all nothing but the best."

Like come on, man. It wasn't a misunderstanding. You made a gross and insensitive joke, you got consequences.
And I'm pretty sure the "we've seen it in you" was a weird misquote of me telling him he's acted like this before, but this was a more extreme manifestation? Of me saying I've seen how others react when he says some things or acts a certain way towards others, and it's with nothing other than discomfort.
I mean, go off and cry, pissbaby. You deserve to feel as disgusting as you made me and others feel ✌

Deleted user

ppppft. Let him sob over his bullshit alone.

10/10 pansy

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Just had to talk a friend off of the edge last night

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

Just had to talk a friend off of the edge last night

i had a friend that i had to do that with almost every night. it's a really tough thing to go through, not to mention draining. i'm sorry to hear that.

@ClownB*tch eco

hnnnnnnnnnnnn two teachers called me beautiful like a half hour ago and i can't stop thinking about it and it's making me feel SO GOD DAMN DYSPHORIC like i'm normally ok with being called beautiful but the people who called me beautiful dont know that i'm a boy so it's weird and i just i'm freaking out and don't even want to talk and I just want to go home and change now (i'm wearing a dress cuz f gender roles but damn it makes it hard to pass)

Deleted user

why does bpd take the absolute worst times to give me an episode
I just want to do my work and read, not think about homicide or want to hurt someone every time they touch me

@Katastrophic group

how do i explain to my roommates that yes, it is spring, and yes i know you're hot cause you complain everytime the heater turns on, but i actually need the temperature to be above 65 to be a semi functional person so please stop switching the heat off. There are ceiling fans in literally every room but there's nothing i can do to bring my temperature up

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

hnnnnnnnnnnnn two teachers called me beautiful like a half hour ago and i can't stop thinking about it and it's making me feel SO GOD DAMN DYSPHORIC like i'm normally ok with being called beautiful but the people who called me beautiful dont know that i'm a boy so it's weird and i just i'm freaking out and don't even want to talk and I just want to go home and change now (i'm wearing a dress cuz f gender roles but damn it makes it hard to pass)

Yoyoyo. Idk if this will help. But beauty is not just for girls. Beauty is for all humans no matter the gender. All encompassing. If someone thinks you are beautiful, you can (hopefully) accept that and yourself in a manner you feel comfortable with.

@Echo_6 group

I have a small vent that feels to me more like a bit of b**ching but I don't really care at the moment.
I'm a senior in High School, and I run Cross Country. I've never been a very fast runner, but I can go for a long time, which is why I chose to do Cross Country as my sport. Well, I got lucky this year, there wasn't really a guarantee that we were going to have XC, so the fact that we did was awesome. The only thing I'm really disappointed about is the fact that my last race is this Thursday. My mom and dad both work that day. And neither have made it to any of my races this year thus far.
And I get it okay, both of their jobs are kind of important, and work around our farm is also kind of important. But so is cheering on your daughter in the sport that she really loves, and does because she wants to make you proud of her.
So is it really to much to ask that you take the day off to come cheer on, not just me, but me, and your other two daughters, who are also doing this sport? It is my last XC race, ever and it kind of hurts to not have my parents there to cheer me on for it.


hnnnnnnnnnnnn two teachers called me beautiful like a half hour ago and i can't stop thinking about it and it's making me feel SO GOD DAMN DYSPHORIC like i'm normally ok with being called beautiful but the people who called me beautiful dont know that i'm a boy so it's weird and i just i'm freaking out and don't even want to talk and I just want to go home and change now (i'm wearing a dress cuz f gender roles but damn it makes it hard to pass)

Yoyoyo. Idk if this will help. But beauty is not just for girls. Beauty is for all humans no matter the gender. All encompassing. If someone thinks you are beautiful, you can (hopefully) accept that and yourself in a manner you feel comfortable with.


Deleted user

Me: I won't blame everything on my bpd
My BPD: Is literally the reason of all of my suffering

Anyways, if one more person calls me a feral friend/goblin I'll commit a felony :3

Deleted user

I'm feeling like a total asshole due to my anxiety and how I procrastinate too much. Ask my mom, she grounded me again due to my "bad Behavoir" when Im just too depressed and tired to try and deal with real life. My job is stressing me out and idk what else to do

Deleted user

I just had two people to basically the exact same thing to me which is so annoying

me: writes a fanfiction about a person struggling with bpd
some random commenter: You're misrepresenting bpd
Me, a person with bpd: -_-

me: writes a fic that takes place in an art school
someone: You didn't put any research into this
me, someone who goes to an art school that I based it around: -_-

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

I just had two people to basically the exact same thing to me which is so annoying

me: writes a fanfiction about a person struggling with bpd
some random commenter: You're misrepresenting bpd
Me, a person with bpd: -_-

me: writes a fic that takes place in an art school
someone: You didn't put any research into this
me, someone who goes to an art school that I based it around: -_-

that's so frustrating. i've had people do that to me when i write about anxiety and adhd (both of which i have). and they'd be like "don't write about things you don't know about." and i'm like..????? hUh?? or like they'd say "that's not what adhd/anxiety is like" and i'm like actually that's pretty much how it is for me, and it's not the same for everyone. there's varying degrees and everyone handles it differently so take that

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

At some point, it's going to be
Someone: Writes an autobiography
A reviewer: This is nothing what life is like! The author did zero research into any of the things they talked about >:(

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

At some point, it's going to be
Someone: Writes an autobiography
A reviewer: This is nothing what life is like! The author did zero research into any of the things they talked about >:(

LMAOOOO literally. writes an autobiography "you have no idea what you're talking about" like dude- it's literally my life, get out


me: writes about autism
me, who actually has autism: perish