forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I am feeling impulsive
time to spin the roulette wheel to see what stupid thing I do

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My brain: YO!! THIS IS A GOOD IDEA!!
Me: no you can't trick me I'm self aware, I know this is because of my bpd

I am self aware,,, but not strong

@Becfromthedead group

I have so much work to do ;-;
I just finished one out of two presentations due tomorrow. I haven't even started the other one. Currently working on a take home exam. Considering pulling an all nighter if it comes to that. I know it's bad for me and I probably can't bc I've never done that before, but ahhhhh, idk how to get all this done.
I didn't completely procrastinate? I tried to get started on some stuff earlier this week.
But when I went home this weekend I just got big depressed and didn't feel like working.

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the urge to do rps vs having no motivation and lack of interest vs getting annoyed easily/not wanting to annoy others

anyways, prolly gonna dm all of my rps and tell 'em I need to take a break

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

I have so much work to do ;-;
I just finished one out of two presentations due tomorrow. I haven't even started the other one. Currently working on a take home exam. Considering pulling an all nighter if it comes to that. I know it's bad for me and I probably can't bc I've never done that before, but ahhhhh, idk how to get all this done.
I didn't completely procrastinate? I tried to get started on some stuff earlier this week.
But when I went home this weekend I just got big depressed and didn't feel like working.

that's been me pretty much all of quarantine. it's so hard to bring my grades up now because of all the shit i messed up while i was doing online. it was so hard for me. and even now, i'm so fucking depressed all the time that all i do anymore is smoke and then i don't have any motivation to do my work. it's a vicious cycle.


this is so embarrassing i’m actually gonna cry. we had to make groups for gym class and i didn’t know anyone so the teacher put me with a random guy and i’m gonna have to be partners for the rest of the year and he’s gonna be the only person i can talk to i wanna switch to online so bad

@Becfromthedead group

Well, I finished two assignments last night. Very much did not pull and all-nighter. Fell asleep around 2 and now I have a whole presentation to finish before 4 pm
Keep in mind I also have classes today

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I just got told that I couldn't??? wear a fucking crop top??? because I'm not skinny???
The fuck???
I'm a midsized body???
I'm gonna have a fucking stomach
I've got organs in there
I'm not a stick

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

same. i know that's tough. i have 2 math worksheets i need to do plus i need to check the one i have from the day i was gone last week. and i don't know what else i have besides a project that's due friday, but that shouldn't take me long. and also i think we may be starting something for english today. we have 3 teachers now since our old teacher got fired. i'm so pissed because she was my favorite. but we have no reason to be stressed out, right? god i hate it when people say that.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

I just got told that I couldn't??? wear a fucking crop top??? because I'm not skinny???
The fuck???
I'm a midsized body???
I'm gonna have a fucking stomach
I've got organs in there
I'm not a stick

I'VE GOT ORGANS IN THERE- yes, exactly, that's shitty. it's like- let me do me, go away. my god. wear it anyways, don't give a fuck what anyone else says

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I did, I went "Why the fuck are you, a white cis man, commenting on my body? Don't you have someone to bully online?" and walked away

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, don't let that asshole get you down
I'm a little chubby myself. I have a tummy, I have love handles (god why do they call them that), and I even have a few stretch marks, but I still wear crop tops too. And no one's gonna stop me <3
Sure as hell no one's gonna stop you. Much less a stranger whose opinion has no bearing on your life.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

as someone who is attracted to women, i fucking love stretch marks. i don't know why, i just find them very beautiful. i have them myself mostly around my thighs but not bad. and i've also had a lot fo trouble wearing revealing things because i'm ✨insecure✨ but i do it anyways because i also have a god complex and i'm a bad bitch. :) but yeah mostly i just ignore what everyone thinks. people are always gonna say shit, you just gotta do your thing no matter what.

@Becfromthedead group

I feel a little insecure about them, especially because once summer rolls around, my mom's going to see them and comment. Because they're kind of new. Like last six months new.
I put on about 30 pounds since August and she loves to blame me for it.