forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Becfromthedead group

It's so subtle too, so I can't call her out on it ;-;
Or she'll play victim when I'm like "hey, it hurts me when you say this"
I'm starting to make plans to leave for good, but I uhm…. lack financial independence

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

that's not very cash money of her :( i hate it when parents body shame their kids, it just feels so much worse coming from them. i'm luckily in a family that likes to compliment me, and i never thought about it much, but now that i am, i'm very thankful for that. i've always been a- decently good looking person i guess?? i'm obviosuly still insecure about a lot of things but i'm okay most of the time. the dysphoria is what gets me. anyways i was gonna say, i'm not super insecure about my stretch marks, being as i like them and actually find them kinda cool. what i am very insecure about though is my scars. i have self harm scars up and down my thighs that make me never wear bikinis or even super short shorts. they go down far enough though that even if i'm wearing decent length shorts, when i sit down they peek out. so usually i just wear basketball shorts or jeans.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

YESSSS that's the energy we like! and i get you on the financial independence thing. i'm too young to move out at the moment, but i do wanna leave as soon as i can. unless something changes in the dynamic between now and then, i will be much happier if i'm out of their house.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, it's really frustrating because I'm 21 and should have some level of independence. I probably could now, as I have money saved up from my last job, but I'm not confident enough I could make it.
My parents treat me like a baby and have always discouraged me from working, so it makes it harder to get a job when my own family doesn't even support me.
Plus I'm really prone to burnout and idk if I can handle the stress of a job. It's really sad.


Also stretch marks have such a nice feeling to them? Like my SO has them, and I love running my hands over them lmao

They're soft!!! Glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks that.

Deleted user


@wren-has-mommy-issues group

i've been through the exact same thing. i've missed a total of 6 weeks of school because of it. one time i was only back for a day, just like you, then we found out my brother had covid so that restarted it. so i definitely understand

Deleted user

That sucks. How long do you have to quarantine? Have you had any symptoms?

I have a constant cough but t's not covid
Uhhh, I have to do it for ten days, but I was already having to do it for five, so fifteen

Deleted user

I feel like doing something impulsive and detrimental to my mental health


Fuck school,,, i hate it so much why did i have to switch schools?? All my old friends went to the same school and they're all still friends except me. Everyone at this school knows each other and theyŕe all already friends. No one even talks to me and I'm never anyone's choice for groups or to be partners. Like I honestly have tried making friends with people but they only talk to me for a little then ignore me for the rest of the year.


So, IDK where I posted this, but I had a friend who wasn't sure if they were going to prom, so I asked few different times and they kept sayin I don't know, but we had a free morning before school and out of the blue she responded "So are joint friend's name and her boyfriend coming with us to prom?" And I'm sitting there like WE'RE GOING TO PROM TOGETHER?!?!? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN and naturally voiced so. Apparently, her mom wants to rent a limo but if it's just the 2 of us then that's not happening but if there is more of us then her mom will. Long story short, in the span of 4 minutes I found out I was definitely going to prom and might be going in a limo, so thats fun

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

that's definitely exciting!! i'm vv happy for you :)
i'm not getting to go to prom this year unfortunately. i got in trouble like a week before the papers were due, which you have to turn in in order to go. like- big trouble. so yeah my mom told me i couldn't go anymore. then, get this, like the day after the papers were due, she asks me "so when are the prom papers due?" i was like- uhm yesterday? why? and she was all like "OH YOU MISSED THE DEADLINE?! CAN YOU NOT GO NOW? IS THERE NOT ANY WAY YOU CAN GO??!!" i said "uhh.. no that's literally the whole point." she asked if i turned mine in and stuff and i told her no, because why would i? you literally told me i couldn't go. so long story short she regretted telling me i couldn't go in the end.


I've been having a really shitty time. I hate feeling myself getting worse despite putting so much effort into myself.

@Echo_6 group

To the guy that said I'm "Unavailable" because I'm leaving for the military in a few months.
People still have relationships in the military! Long distance relationships are also a thing! They're hard, sure, but they can still work out!
So labeling me "Unavailable" is kind of a jerk move. If I were in a relationship, then sure, I would be unavailable. But, I'm single. Just because I'm going into the military doesn't mean I'm "Unavailable".

Part of me wonders if this is just his petty response to me not going out with him.