forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Will you be staying in your dorm/somewhere not in school?

@Becfromthedead group

I'm on campus, but I'm in my dorm. The threat was targeted, so I'm safe here. I'm just really upset they're not doing enough in terms of precautions like canceling classes. That said, I'm not going anyway.


im a trans male who is this person i kill

@Becfromthedead group

Good. When you say the threat* was targeted, is that at a person or a specific building on campus?

A person/department. I believe it was an athletic staff member, but the campus police are keeping us in the dark. They didn't even tell the general student body what kind of threat it was, they just said "threatening email."
But more generally, it's targeted at athletics/football.


i spent so long studying for this math quiz and i ended up failing :/
my dad said if i fail he's gonna take everything away idk what to do

@Becfromthedead group

Hhhh parents that take away phones and shit when their kids fail get me heated.
Take away a gaming system? Yeah, fine, I guess. Other tech, especially if used for communication or schoolwork is bs.
And especially because you studied and tried, it sucks even more. Is there any negotiation you can make? Like agree to go to tutorials or something? Because clearly you tried, and you shouldn't be berated for that.
I was an (almost) straight A student in high school. And you bet I failed the fuck out of quizzes sometimes. It happens to everyone, and grades aren't really indicative of "good" or "bad" behavior.


the thing is i already had tutoring before the quiz
he took away my phone and ipad so i cant draw and stuff
ghdkjfgsd i hate math


i feel bad bc i've been failing math all year and even with tutoring and studying i can't seem to do well

@Becfromthedead group

It's super unfair though. Like you shouldn't be punished when you're putting in the effort. It's not teaching you anything.
I've never been in the same situation so idk if I have any good advice to give, but like I said, where I can't offer advice, I can offer help.


Happy vent here!

I applied to many jobs and heard back from 2 places. I did an interview and didn't hear from them after that so I was really depressed. The place my bestie works at was looking for new people to hire but they only had one position. My bestie is the assistant manager and she told me about the job because her manager wanted to hire someone at least one of them knew. I had an interview on Sunday and didn't here anything for a long time.

Today she calls me as I'm dropping my brother to school and asks me if I'm available on May 3rd I was hella confused and told her yeah. She proceeds to tell me that it was good o was available because it was my first day of training!

I'm so happy I might cry, its the first job I've had and they hired me even without having experience!

@Katastrophic group

Two days until I move out… My roommates are on my very last nerves but its only two more days so i'm going to vent here in the form of roommate advice instead of trying to bring it up

  • Don't go behind your landlord and roommate's (who is uncomfortable around dogs) backs to try and adopt a dog using the excuse of "emotional support animal" when the said large dog is untrained and possibly more aggressive cause its a rescue breed known for fighting
  • If the temperature outside drops below 40 the heat should stay on thanks, there are fans in every room if you get hot but constant 50 degrees inside can be dangerous and cause health complications
  • If you spill rice everywhere, yeah it sucks that you spilled my food you were taking without asking but please clean it up and don't leave it for 3 days scattered on every floor and counter in the kitchen, then proceed to burn it into the stovetop cause it wasn't cleaned.
  • Don't come home at 1am and loudly complain there are no clean pots/pans/dishes when they aren't clean because of said complainer, and then proceed to bang them together and wash them in the most obnoxious way possible to show your displeasure of someone else no longer cleaning up after you

2 more days 2 more days I just have to deal with packing everything and them complaining that I'm taking all my kitchen stuff and some of "their" decor with me

@Becfromthedead group

Ugh, I'm probably going to stop being vegetarian because my college food options suck and it's destroying my body
But I'm too proud to admit it to my mom, who yelled at me last time I was home about it making me unhealthy (read:fat). Which no. It's not the vegetarianism alone, it's the shit food choices I get that hit what? My need for caloric intake? And that's about it. Just adding back chicken for now at some meals. I was still eating fish but I don't get fish very often anyway.


Two days until I move out… My roommates are on my very last nerves but its only two more days so i'm going to vent here in the form of roommate advice instead of trying to bring it up

  • Don't go behind your landlord and roommate's (who is uncomfortable around dogs) backs to try and adopt a dog using the excuse of "emotional support animal" when the said large dog is untrained and possibly more aggressive cause its a rescue breed known for fighting
  • If the temperature outside drops below 40 the heat should stay on thanks, there are fans in every room if you get hot but constant 50 degrees inside can be dangerous and cause health complications
  • If you spill rice everywhere, yeah it sucks that you spilled my food you were taking without asking but please clean it up and don't leave it for 3 days scattered on every floor and counter in the kitchen, then proceed to burn it into the stovetop cause it wasn't cleaned.
  • Don't come home at 1am and loudly complain there are no clean pots/pans/dishes when they aren't clean because of said complainer, and then proceed to bang them together and wash them in the most obnoxious way possible to show your displeasure of someone else no longer cleaning up after you

2 more days 2 more days I just have to deal with packing everything and them complaining that I'm taking all my kitchen stuff and some of "their" decor with me

good luck

@Becfromthedead group

God that emotional support animal thing is so annoying. One of my friends impulse got a kitten and hid it for a while, then when it got found out, she registered it as an esa with the school.
Like if you really want a pet that badly, get a pet friendly place and show that pet you care by actually thinking before you adopt.