forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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They just drove by, whistled at me, said "nice tits" becuase I was wearing a sports bra, than drove away


Eat their fingers while they sleep.

yes, i agree
catcalling is so annoying, not to mention disrespectful. steal their kidneys.

People are trying to make it a legitimate crime to catcall someone and I really hope it happens

@Becfromthedead group

So there's this guy I already don't like, and he's in a club that I'm the treasurer of, and have a lot of friends in.
We were playing a game in a meeting the other night and while some of our answers and commentary can be a little risqué at times, we NEVER ever put each other in a sexual context because like… you don't do that to people without their consent, even in the name of a joke.
And he… made a sexual joke about me in-game, and everyone was kinda too shocked to say anything (note, I took a WHILE to process it. Like at least a couple of days). And like? Kinda want to kick him out of the club because he's said rude and disrespectful shit in the past (not of a sexual nature), and we let him know that it wasn't okay. But this seriously crossed a line, and I don't want to talk to him anymore. Already didn't, but especially not now.
But like… it might be too late to shoot my shot because that was about 4 days ago.

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I would recommend taking it up with the rest of your clubs leadership team and yoink that buttwart of the club as a unit.
It shouldnt matter how long ago it happened. They crossed a line and made you uncomfortable. The kind of behavior shouldn't just be a slap on the wrist.

@Becfromthedead group

The president is my fiance and they weren't there when it happened, but they agree that it was completely out of line. And so does everyone else.
Pres and I tried to kick him a while back (because he's totally a transphobe and misogynist!), but everyone else was like "that's a little too harsh, we should at least warn him and give him a chance to grow first!"
Even though he was ALWAYS saying uncomfortable shit and no one ever fought back until he made the "there are only two genders" comment in front of a very queer group of people.
I love my friends to death but they're too nice. This man is 20-21 years old. We're not his parents, we have no obligation to teach him how to behave. I had a similar conservative upbringing to what he had (and used to defend his transphobia!) but you don't see me acting like that.
I think I'm going to at least confront it next time we talk, and I know if I do, I do have people who are willing to back me up.

@Becfromthedead group

I'm just. Livid. Like even in context, the joke made no sense, wasn't funny, and wasn't necessary. Like if you're going to make a gross joke about me, at least make it make sense, dipshit. 🙄

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kick his ass

humiliate him

use his fingers as candles to light your merry way

@Becfromthedead group

Talked to my friends about it,, gonna confront that dude at club Monday if he shows up.. Alright, so general idea of what I'm going to say to that asshole, plus some extra points because I know how he gets defensive ✌