forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@wren-has-mommy-issues group

that's understandable. driving scares the shit out of me as well, but i'm going through the opposite thing. like yes, it scares me, but i really want my permit because i'm stuck at my god damn house all the time and it drives me crazy, i just want some freedom. but my dad is like hell bent on not letting me get my permit for some reason. lowkey i think it's because he doesn't want me to have freedom. like he knows i'm never gonna wanna be at home anymore once i can drive and he doesn't want to let that happen. which is totally unfair because i'm growing up and i need that experience

@larcenistarsonist group

I'm getting my permit tonight yeehaw. I've never really been scared of the road. I've seen a few ugly crashes in my life, but somehow that hasn't really effected me???? I don't know though. I'm not scared of death, or going to the hospital, and I'm a good driver so I'm not worried abut causing a crash.


I have my license and the biggest thing that’s helped me when someone gets mad at me while I’m driving is that they’re not actually mad at ME they’re upset about something else and taking it out on whoever inconveniences them on the road. Always do things on the road at your own pace, don’t let anyone else rush you. If you don’t feel ready to turn yet, don’t turn, wait until you’re comfortable.

@requiemisback language

me and my dad: [arguing]
my dad: yknow what, i need to calm down
my dad: [plays a music box version of star spangled banner out loud on a speaker]
me: wh…….. what


me and my dad: [arguing]
my dad: yknow what, i need to calm down
my dad: [plays a music box version of star spangled banner out loud on a speaker]
me: wh…….. what

conservatives be like

@requiemisback language

me and my dad: [arguing]
my dad: yknow what, i need to calm down
my dad: [plays a music box version of star spangled banner out loud on a speaker]
me: wh…….. what

conservatives be like

lmao ikr
but fr tho, he does this all the time when we argue


me and my dad: [arguing]
my dad: yknow what, i need to calm down
my dad: [plays a music box version of star spangled banner out loud on a speaker]
me: wh…….. what

conservatives be like

lmao ikr
but fr tho, he does this all the time when we argue

e-every time? what's the point lmao

@requiemisback language

me and my dad: [arguing]
my dad: yknow what, i need to calm down
my dad: [plays a music box version of star spangled banner out loud on a speaker]
me: wh…….. what

conservatives be like

lmao ikr
but fr tho, he does this all the time when we argue

e-every time? what's the point lmao

i legit have no clue
and i'm sure he won't tell me why because then we'll just end up arguing again hhgnhg


My school is going back in person full time after spring break i hate it. Like school already gives me enough anxiety and because of online for the past year, i barely understand what they're teaching us so i'm probably gonna fail everything when i go back

@Becfromthedead group

Also imagine being vegan and militantly for animal welfare but then treating people like they're your tools and entertainment.
Then when you're done using one person/group, you change your name, look for new clubs to fuck up, and put on this bubbly, cute little act so no one could ever accuse you of doing anything wrong ever.

Deleted user

I swear, I give up…'s over with I just can't even take a simple mental break without breaking apart. Everyone I thought hates me, actually cares and idk why….maybe because I a sad piece of shit and deserve really nothing

Deleted user

I'm very angry at people, when I tic or smth, look at me like I'm something less then them and ask me, in the most disgusted voice ever, "What is wrong with you?"
people who are my friends and prolly mean the best but ask the same thing

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Guys, my father is pressuring me into joining the military and I'm lowkey shaken up

Look him dead in the eye and be like “I think the decision to literally put my life in danger should be completely up to me and no one else.”


Guys, my father is pressuring me into joining the military and I'm lowkey shaken up

Look him dead in the eye and be like “I think the decision to literally put my life in danger should be completely up to me and no one else.”



Guys, my father is pressuring me into joining the military and I'm lowkey shaken up

Look him dead in the eye and be like “I think the decision to literally put my life in danger should be completely up to me and no one else.”

I told him that I didn't want to join, then he informed me that every male in every generation has joined, and I have war heroes in the family, and sergeants and such. He's guilt-tripping me and it's almost working, except, I don't want to fucking join the military.



So be the pioneer generation that said "fuck the military" and do what you want! Or if you're into, like, engineering or something, you could do that and not have to fight? I think there are a lot of non-combat jobs too, that could be a loophole you could use. And if he tries to tell you that "that's not a real military job" tell him that they're all important, the pilots can't fly shit if the plane's not up to code


So be the pioneer generation that said "fuck the military" and do what you want! Or if you're into, like, engineering or something, you could do that and not have to fight? I think there are a lot of non-combat jobs too, that could be a loophole you could use. And if he tries to tell you that "that's not a real military job" tell him that they're all important, the pilots can't fly shit if the plane's not up to code

True you could do this too. Also maybe the only good thing about the military is I think in some cases it makes your college free.

@tungsten fastfood

That means they can call on you for war at ANY time even if you aren't active anymore btw. You give your life to the military and government