forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@larcenistarsonist group


Out of state, we had 5 wrestlers place in the top ten!! 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 9th!! AND THE GUY WHO GOT 1ST IS BI AND THE CLUB CAPTAIN LEADER OF OUR GSA AND THE GUY WHO GOT 6TH IS ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS :AKSFJA:SLKFJ:LSK

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she doesn't love me.. she's only with me out of pity..
She claims to love me.. but then says things that make me doubt it..

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Honestly? Looking back on it? Yeah. Counties regarded as being "inner city" I think are more prone to such regulations.
Also our admins were always really controlling at my school in particular because they were so concerned with their image and saving face. Like I hear other people's high school experiences and I'm like… did I even go to a real high school?

No weapons is one thing. Uniforms another.
Clear backpacks and drug searches though.

Deleted user

I found out I'm trans female-
and my new name is Hailey.

@ClownB*tch eco

Kinda targeted vent, don't read if you don't want to please, it's about a person on here who has hurt me so yea

There is a person on here named totallyagoblin. They have called me toxic and manipulative on multiple occasions (and now stalks my spotify) with refutable proof, they started an agere chat and personally called me out which i personally feel was not right. They invalidated my emotions many a time and I accept that I may have been toxic but they refuse to accept that they were too. I wanted to get this out of my system and also warn others that you may be manipulated and your emotions may be denied by them. I don't know how they know it is me either and I would prefer they never mentioned me. If you decide not to be my friend anymore because of them that is ok, it's happened to me before because of them.

Deleted user

Kinda targeted vent, don't read if you don't want to please, it's about a person on here who has hurt me so yea

There is a person on here named totallyagoblin. They have called me toxic and manipulative on multiple occasions (and now stalks my spotify) with refutable proof, they started an agere chat and personally called me out which i personally feel was not right. They invalidated my emotions many a time and I accept that I may have been toxic but they refuse to accept that they were too. I wanted to get this out of my system and also warn others that you may be manipulated and your emotions may be denied by them. I don't know how they know it is me either and I would prefer they never mentioned me. If you decide not to be my friend anymore because of them that is ok, it's happened to me before because of them.

Okay. First of all, it wasn't cool of you to bring this into a public space - you didn't need to involve other people. I just rejoined notebook to make friends and make progress on my original works, and I went out of my way to avoid starting conflict with you. I didn't call you out in my agere chat, I said that I created a new chat because someone had been toxic in the past. I'm not going to go too far into detail because, again, this is a public space, but I never invalidated your emotions or feelings when we were in contact. I was never toxic to you. I am not a mean person and I don't take advantage of others. It's taken me years to come to terms with the fact that I'm not a bad person, but I'm there now. I also never mentioned you by username, and you decided that the best opinion was to call me out by name. I have countless screenshots of your toxic messages, as well as other people who are willing to speak up about how manipulative you were. Now for the last time, please leave me alone.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

I am SO fucking sick of people normalizing abuse. Like, yes, in a relationship, you're gonna fight a bit, it's inevitable, nobody gets along all the time. But if the shit is constant and extreme, that's fucked. Why do people say "Oh, you're gonna fight and break up and carry on" like NO THAT IS UNHEALTHY. If your partner doesn't worship the ground you walk on you're not with the right person, i'm sorry. there needs to be respect, and communication. connection, and support. you can't have a life partner that won't hear you out, or help you out. Just needed to get that out of my system. i'm sick of being around unhealthy relationships that people call "normal."

@Mojack group

I’m mainly spoilering this because if I saw someone else talking about it I’d get upset, but I’m not sure what to tag it with (it’s about pets to preface. Nothing about death, just worrying medical stuff, kind of unsanitary stuff too just to warn.)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I am SO fucking sick of people normalizing abuse. Like, yes, in a relationship, you're gonna fight a bit, it's inevitable, nobody gets along all the time. But if the shit is constant and extreme, that's fucked. Why do people say "Oh, you're gonna fight and break up and carry on" like NO THAT IS UNHEALTHY. If your partner doesn't worship the ground you walk on you're not with the right person, i'm sorry. there needs to be respect, and communication. connection, and support. you can't have a life partner that won't hear you out, or help you out. Just needed to get that out of my system. i'm sick of being around unhealthy relationships that people call "normal."

Whut. 🧐

@Becfromthedead group

Got my second dose of the covid vaccine today and hoping I'm not feeling sick af by the morning. I got it at like 11 this morning and going to bed I only have some mild muscle aches and fatigue, both of which I was already sort of feeling before bc I've been on my period.
But I've heard some people feel pretty bad for a couple of days after getting dose 2. So here's hoping. Especially because I have an exam to make up in the morning and can't exactly push it back again.

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took a 50 question math exam
got an 8/50
too tired to care
i sped through it but I'm going to cry when I get home anyways so might as well add onto it
teacher's sending it back for me to do again, so poggers to that

Deleted user

My mom keeps telling me shit about how she doesn't want me getting a job because then I won't be interested in being a doctor. She also doesn't want me to get into hobbies so I won't lose interest. It's so annoying because I don't even think it's what I want to do and when I tried telling her to consider other jobs, she just said they don't fit my personality.

Honestly I can say, FUCK HER, I'm in a pissed off mood and well, Screw her. SHE made her choices. And SHE can back off and let you live your own life. IDC if she is your Mother, She should respect your input and accept your ideas.