forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Becfromthedead group

I know I shit on Georgia all the time, but at least we're not doing that. Have they at least done a good bit so far in rolling put vaccines? And are they available to teachers yet?


I’m honestly not sure. I believe so. From what I can tell we’re really behind on distributing or at least we’re struggling a lot since we’re a big state. My parents are volunteering at a vaccination center right now actually, in hopes of getting the vaccine soon.

@Becfromthedead group

That's good. Definitely keep an eye on the preexisting condition list and all that, you never know when they might include something unexpected and you or a loved one can get vaccinated because of it.


I’d probably be the closest to getting on the list since neither of my parents suffer from any medical conditions. And since mine is food allergies, it really wouldn’t affect my spot on the list at all, in fact the vaccine has a chance of causing an allergic reaction. But I’m too close to the beginning of the age range for both of the vaccines I think.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

This is Geff. He went to law school.


my wife karen took the kids and house geff

Geff can’t help you. Legal system is bent towards mothers during divorce cases. He is sorry for the inconvenience and emotional anguish.

@Becfromthedead group

Y’all taking the C19 vaccine. Remember that you can give illness to others after a vaccine.

Actually, it's that we don't know, not that you definitely can. Hasn't been studied long enough to prove one way or another. Which is why they still recommend the same precautions. Now if you touch say, an infected person's tissue then go touch someone else, that'll spread it, but I don't think that's what you're talking about.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

From what I’ve read, viral shedding is normally low enough to prevent infecting others. It the case of C19, widely known for its ability to spread better than many diseases, I think it is unwise to not be cautious.

@Becfromthedead group

Oh, for sure. We're definitely advised to use utmost caution, but it's again, a precaution, and not that we know for sure you can still spread it. Can't rule it out though.
Update on my body after the vaccine: I spent most of today sleeping, and my body has been really achy but I'm still functioning ✌
Considering what I've heard from other people taking it, I'm feeling lucky.

@Becfromthedead group

Same with my friend's mom and all of her coworkers.
They're saying side effects tend to be a bit worse in younger people, which is interesting. My grandparents didn't feel shit aside from like injection site soreness.

Deleted user

My lunch periods were messed up becuase of testng but no one explained it to me so now I'm sitting here for an hour becase I don't know what to do