forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@saor_illust school

You ever be having a literal crisis but at the same time laughing your butt off at dumb memes
Like yeah I'm having a panic attack but these do be funny, I c a n n o t deny it

how did you manage to do that lol
i had probably my first (or second) one this early morning and idk i was too terrified to do anything else but panic ahah

@requiemisback language

okay, update on the school situation
cw: stalking, continued death threats, mention of r*pe

so uh yeah my weekend sucked :')


Okay I have no idea if this is actually good advice, if it's not then someone please say something, but if I was in your situation I would at least tell someone. And if you have a pocket knife or something, just in case he tries to pull something nasty, keep it in your pocket. Idk if your school has a metal detector, I've heard some do?? Or just something you can use to defend yourself. Does your school have a counselor or someone you can talk to about it? Just because he hasn't done anything to physically harm you doesn't make this any less alarming, and they may be able to do something about it.

Deleted user

this guy who asked my friends if I was single than asked my friends for my number has been following me around school and I'm weirded out
he invited himself into our lunchgroup and I'm trying to be nice but,,, it's really creepy

@requiemisback language

Okay I have no idea if this is actually good advice, if it's not then someone please say something, but if I was in your situation I would at least tell someone. And if you have a pocket knife or something, just in case he tries to pull something nasty, keep it in your pocket. Idk if your school has a metal detector, I've heard some do?? Or just something you can use to defend yourself. Does your school have a counselor or someone you can talk to about it? Just because he hasn't done anything to physically harm you doesn't make this any less alarming, and they may be able to do something about it.

yeah i've been considering keeping some sort of knife on me. a pocket knife may work best in my situation… and my school doesn't have metal detectors, so i might consider actually bringing it to school with me. and with the opening up part… that isn't gonna be easy. i'm doing trauma screens with my school therapist so i haven't found the time to bring it up with her, and the counselors have been busy and my anxiety loves to go "bweep bwop" when i talk to them, so… yeah. i've also considered clearing this information with the principal, but my anxiety does the same thing it does with the counselors, especially since i've gotten in trouble with my principal a few times so i doubt he'll trust me now. the only person i've told the whole story to is my aunt, and she's gonna have me stay at her place starting later today (i have to go to her house in like an hour). so yeah, i think things are gonna get better now that my aunt is involved- she's dealt with situations like this herself (i know this cuz she told me about it when i told her about my situation). and thanks for the advice!


Listen my guy, threats are something that you absolutely can go to the police for. And should. I repeat contact the police. It is a crime to threaten bodily harm/property damage, though the charge for it varies depending on which state you're in. In the mean time, tell a friend what's going on, just to inform them. Then, when you go to school tomorrow, be aware of your surroundings. I know it's difficult to report these kinds of things, but waiting until he does something 911-worthy is a very bad idea. You have to go straight to the principals or counseling office or wherever you need to go to talk to whoever's in charge. If you want, you could bring a friend or go to your favorite teacher first and ask them to come with you. But you have to tell an adult. Your school should call the police in once you tell your story. I know it's scary and it sucks this is happening to you. I know you don't wanna go in and make a fuss and you just want it to go away. But the only way for it to go away is to get adults involved. Good luck.


Ok, didn't get to read those while I was typing ^
It's good your aunt is involved. I hope you find the time to talk with your counselor.

@larcenistarsonist group

Trust me, carrying a pocket knife is worth it. I can not even count how many times I've been catcalled and shit like that during school. I've pulled a knife on multiple creeps and that has earned me a pretty solid reputation.

@Becfromthedead group

You do need to be careful with that though. I don't know how strict your school officials are and only you can ultimately make that call.
If you're not comfy carrying a knife, they do make hard plastic self defense tools that you can put on a keychain. They're meant for stabbing as well, and they're a lot more subtle.

@larcenistarsonist group

True. My school is VERY lax when it comes to self defense. Half the student body carry firearms in their cars and a lot of girls carry pepperspray, pocket knives, etc.

@Becfromthedead group

Oh, my school would've crucified me had I ever carried a weapon. Like at my school you'd probably get expelled.
We live in one of those districts where uniforms are mandatory, and backpacks have to be clear so you can see what's inside, and you're always subject to drug searches and checks without warning.

@requiemisback language

update on the whole situation: i got to my aunt's house thank god. and yeah telling from what everyone has said, i think i'm gonna report him to the cops. i'm gonna take some time to relax in my aunt's place before i do that, just so i can brace myself get enough courage to make the call. thank you all for helping me out here. the past few days have been tough, but i'm gonna keep fighting and hopefully pull through.


I think a lot about whether anyone actually likes me. Like there’s people on here that I interact a lot with (mostly ooc in role plays tbh) that I kind of consider friends and I just wonder if they feel the same about me

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oh, my school would've crucified me had I ever carried a weapon. Like at my school you'd probably get expelled.
We live in one of those districts where uniforms are mandatory, and backpacks have to be clear so you can see what's inside, and you're always subject to drug searches and checks without warning.

Bruh is your school prison??

@Becfromthedead group

Honestly? Looking back on it? Yeah. Counties regarded as being "inner city" I think are more prone to such regulations.
Also our admins were always really controlling at my school in particular because they were so concerned with their image and saving face. Like I hear other people's high school experiences and I'm like… did I even go to a real high school?