forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Becfromthedead group

Cw: death

Deleted user

CW// homophobia (Here’s to hoping the spoiler works.)

CW// death (Again, here’s to hoping it works)

@larcenistarsonist group

That moment when you literally worked your fingers down to the point where they're bloodied and raw but are somehow satisfied because the pain is the only thing you've felt in a long time

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

But cishet guys sometimes are just out here treating their SO like shit.

ok but why did i feel this

I have nothing against men but somehow cishets manage (ESPECIALLY if they are religious) to be worse??????????

I’m literally not trying to offend I’m just stating fact 💅✨

You’ve seen the wrong ones mate.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So, sorry for responding late so it looks like out oftblue.

Literally every guy who got close to me at some point has told me to shut up. Yes, even the one you’re thinking of, dear reader. My dad, male friends, and [cishet religious whose name will not be typed again].

Why does every guy who gets close to me think it’s appropriate to tell me to shut up? I came across the realization that a lot of my relationships (and previous ones) got scarily one-sided to say the least, simply because of my willing to listen personality. That same personality thinks people who are used to having the spotlight on them think they have room to tell me my opinion or words are not good enough.

perhaps it’s because I’m just overthinking it, perhaps it’s from me literally being told to shut up from a very young age, but now I myself can’t even say it JOKINGLY without feeling bad. it makes me feel abusive and mean, while these people who have said it to me have barely thought about it.

So on the one hand you’re hurting. That sucks dude. I’m totally over my breakup now but if you wanna chat I’m down if you think it’ll help.
Does telling someone to shut up even matter? Literally everyone has told me to shut up. I tell everyone to shut up.
If it has to do with an attempt to assert power bc they lack the power to destroy a statement you made with reason then that I should completely fair and I know that bitter taste.

@Becfromthedead group

Thank you guys. Like I know time will help, but a lot of people are not giving me that time right now. It's like, I need maximum patience, but I still have deadlines to make, a job in emergency response I can't take much time off of, and I was already not doing great. So I'm talking to people and getting that flexibility where I can, but the world really doesn't stop going around you, and that has to be one of the worst parts aside from the actual grief itself.

Deleted user

I love being grown up enough to understand family gossip
I am literally crying inside becuase of it, but I like gossip so


My friends are confused by why I act so differently around certain ones. I didn't realize why until I realized that I was having 4 different conversations, One about a hot air balloon over my house, one about grad announcements and cool places to go, one about being self conscious and how the stem of almost all my problems comes from my parents, and one of my English teacher's cat.


I'm working on a group project and I'm doing basic edits an done of the kids just asked what I did to contribute, like dude, I wrote the main article and you're editing it, don't tell me that I did nothing

Deleted user

Bruh I hate the fact that like, when I'm annoyed, I sound so passive aggressive when I'm trying to be nice, like, I'm not responding to an rp becuase a lack of motivation with that prompt, not becuase I am purposely going "You do not spark joy"


Bruh I hate the fact that like, when I'm annoyed, I sound so passive aggressive when I'm trying to be nice, like, I'm not responding to an rp becuase a lack of motivation with that prompt, not becuase I am purposely going "You do not spark joy"

PFT HAHA I totally get that though, sometimes i get bored with rp's and so I just, don't respond. I try to form engaging prompts cuz I know how horrible it is to be in an rp that just isnt interesting.

Deleted user

RIGHT, hence why I like Romance based ones, Always could have a TWIST.

Deleted user

I'm thinking of just deleting the entire thread, like, I was planning on respondng to it, but not anymore!!

@tungsten fastfood

But cishet guys sometimes are just out here treating their SO like shit.

ok but why did i feel this

I have nothing against men but somehow cishets manage (ESPECIALLY if they are religious) to be worse??????????

I’m literally not trying to offend I’m just stating fact 💅✨

You’ve seen the wrong ones mate.

ok Dom I don’t want to hear your shit

I dated one who my dad REALLY liked and was great until he caught wind that I have serious mental illnesses and can also go through shitty things and he isn’t the only person in the relationship.

Surprisingly!!!! that doesn’t seem to be uncommon. Cishets are used to having attention, if not attention, then a hand over everyone who they consider to be under them (and I’m not gonna say ESPECIALLY religious men again; it’s implied!).

So Dom, as much as I love you, you’re fantastic, you simply cannot understand.

@tungsten fastfood

Does telling someone to shut up even matter?

obviously it matters to me??????

also, I don’t want some condescending shit telling me I’m not over my breakup. TRUST ME. I am. I’m personally going through a lot of shit right now and I’m simply reminiscing.