forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

once again my father is back on his bullshit of 'I'll be better' then immediately drop us into a 'discussion' where I'm not allowed to address the literal bullshit he's spewing or the fact that I do have reasons for not doing what he wanted me to do for my class, specifically THE TEACHER TOLD ME WHAT TO DO IN THIS SITUATION and he doesn't like the fact that I didn't ask for help his way and that I'm not over the crippling fear and anxiety emailing teachers for help gives me even though literally the last time he forced me to I broke down sobbing and couldn't physically move
God I wish I was still in counseling so my therapist could look him in the eye and confirm that what he is doing is bullshit and hurting me like she had several times before
but as soon as my insurance wasn't being accepted there anymore he refuses to get me to a therapist who does because the other option 'is a welfare mine' and doesn't actually help people, when I know for a fact it does
He just doesn't understand how it can take more than a year to work through trauma and has told me 'that's a load of shit' when I said that the things he's done to me still affect me to this day
I very much still start to panic when anyone touches my art supplies, or brings up certain subjects
God I want to move out but also I know I'm going to have a hell of a time finding a job I can hold down with my mental health issues and I can't go on disability because oop- it was never officially signed off on that I have these things so in the eye of the law I'm a Perfectly Healthy and Capable person

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

My mom can't be on time to save her fucking life and I'm so sick of it because she makes me late all the time and I can't do anything about it. Everyone looks at me funny when I walk into class late and I'm just like y'all, I don't drive myself, what do you want from me.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

Nope. I haven't even got my permit yet (and I'm 16, this shit is rigged-) and my mom definitely wouldn't let anyone else take me. My home situation is- complicated, so that's not an option unfortunately. Plus we live like 20 mins away from my school and she works in the same city I go to school in, so it just wouldn't make sense..


My mom can't be on time to save her fucking life and I'm so sick of it because she makes me late all the time and I can't do anything about it. Everyone looks at me funny when I walk into class late and I'm just like y'all, I don't drive myself, what do you want from me.

mood, my parents always make me late to things too and i can't do anything about it :/

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

Same, she's like either mad at me for complaining about it like "i'm doing the best i can" or she'll say something like "well maybe if you helped me we could get out the door sooner." which i already do help her in the mornings and it doesn't help much. last year i got detention for being late so much so she started being on time after that but then this year came around and it's the same shit all over again.


Am I having a mental breakdown over my math test because I'm doing everything right and using the right equations but still not getting the right answers and so I'm questioning everything and crying and even though I should just accept that I'm going to fail because it's due in 2 hours and I still need to work on my photo project that my friends bailed out on at the last second, I can't seem to do it because my mom will get pissed at me and I'm already failing my math class so if I do bad on this test then I'll just bring my grade even lower and my mom will hate me. Yes, Yes I am

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

my Extremely Conservative school is preaching about how evil and horrible a minimum wage raise would be in all of the business classes and I hate it
Not even looking at the pros except saying it'll make people feel better


ok so
vent story time wooo
cw: death threats, homophobia, mention of vomit

but yeah there's that. hopefully i'll get it resolved soon but for now, my anxiety about the whole situation has spiked

Rip off all the petals off each time and shove them in his locker

Deleted user

Okay, so I look around my school and see the couples and I'm like, DAMN must be nice to have someone who wo'nt fucking hurt you mentally physically or verbally

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

I know right. It's so fucked because I don't even know many people whose relationships don't involve some sort of abuse. I like to take pride in mine because it's not like that, that's one thing I won't ever deal with.


My mom keeps telling me shit about how she doesn't want me getting a job because then I won't be interested in being a doctor. She also doesn't want me to get into hobbies so I won't lose interest. It's so annoying because I don't even think it's what I want to do and when I tried telling her to consider other jobs, she just said they don't fit my personality.

@Becfromthedead group

That's uhhh
That's fucked up.
Hobbies =/= job. You need them to unwind, and engaging in hobbies you enjoy is an important way to cope.
Also I wanted to be a doctor for the longest time, and if you are half-hearted about your studies, you're not going to be happy or successful.
ALSO if you want a job now working retail or food service, that's literally not a permanent job in your case, and not something you're going to enjoy or pursue as a career path.
I'm very sorry you're going through this. I can't say I've been there exactly, but there were high expectations from my family to become a doctor, and now that I've changed my path, my grandparents won't stop pestering me about how on earth I'm going to make good money.


You ever be having a literal crisis but at the same time laughing your butt off at dumb memes
Like yeah I'm having a panic attack but these do be funny, I c a n n o t deny it


I was out of town all weekend and was basically in the middle of nowhere for filming and couldn't do my homework, but I cam back all sunburnt and pretty sure with a screwed up shoulder and finished all my homework when I was reminded that I have to make a photo resume and pick out like 5 best of shows for competition and I have never done it before and at the same time, I'm trying to set up a dentist, doctor, eye, hair appointments, planning out my friends 18th birthday gift, and helping kids with the service project I'm in charge of and praying that my teachers update my grades. I just want this day to end