forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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She dislikes me becuase I'm happy with my art and I asked her not to talk to me while n the middle of a sensory overload like???? why????

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I wish some things were better….I hate my ex….They're just angering me every minute They text me…Also @The-Sun I am sorry to hear that.
But we love depression hitting so HARD….harder than love ever did…

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Yeah, I just did, I just can't…Sorry If this is bothering some people

@Becfromthedead group

I can't speak for everyone, but it doesn't bother me at all.
I was ranting about my ex in a few posts here as well. It's not fun at all, especially if things ended on a bad note.

@tungsten fastfood

just delete your ex off of your phone

that goes to everyone reading this

it works

They’re not gonna text you

if you broke up with them? cool keep it that way and block and DELETE their ass

you deserve the best 💅✨ period

but I’m sorry to hear about it. that’s my advice.

also do not go back to being friends with your ex

if you can go back to being friends one of you never loved the other 😎😎😎😎😎😎

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, there are very few cases where you can still be friends with your ex. Very, very few (ie: my friend who realized she did not like guys while she was dating a guy).
Usually it's best to put some distance between each other, at least for a while. Definitely helps with healing.
Kinda sucks when you go to the same school though and some contact is unavoidable.

@tungsten fastfood

I’m barely friends with my ✨fem✨ex and because she’s the way she is, she’s hinting at wanting to get back together with me

it’s complicated and not worth it

i didn’t like her that much though

Deleted user

DON'T DO IT. I did that with one of my ex's and every time it FAILS. also I felt that.

@Becfromthedead group

I was in a poly relationship with my ex, so things were a lot more complicated. We broke up before she broke up with my partner, and it was partially because I was in a barely functioning depressive state, and having issues with her lack of communication was not something I was mentally capable of handling. And we were still friends who shared a partner, but then she got like… really possessive and manipulative. Broke up with my partner, they got back together within a few days, even though I was like "this is a bad idea" and the manipulation continued.
Apparently she's intentionally fucked up the reputations of multiple guys she's dated. It's so cool.
Anyway, she left my partner with what honestly I would consider trauma and I'm not fucking happy about it.
Now she's turned around and changed her name (I mean like using a new nickname), added it/it's pronouns to her bio (I never rag on someone's pronouns, but she's a cis woman and "it" is not hers to reclaim), and now she's looking for more clubs to join, probably to fuck with their members too, because that has already happened with two separate clubs I was in with her.

@tungsten fastfood

Yeah, SAME, since Guys let me down T ~ T

cishet men 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

also bec that sounds reALLY complicated and heartbreaking

poly relationships are just…

not ragging on the poly folk here but it’s definitely complicated

@Becfromthedead group

Agreed, but like… cishet guys
My SO is a bi amab enby who is fine with masculine descriptors and such, and they're great. But cishet guys sometimes are just out here treating their SO like shit.

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Yup. I don't mind Being my Poly self, But we need HEALTHY partners that understand Depression and Anxiety is a thing

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, I mean, I would never be in a poly relationship again. That said, it's definitely her that was toxic and not the existence of a poly relationship.
I'm not even the one who got hurt, I'm just pissed on behalf of others.

@Katastrophic group

It has been nearly a year since my last panic/breakdown. My car oil light was on and i had to call roadside instead of going to class, but i thought i would be fine cause ive called the number before and the guy was nice and sent a mechanic to come help me right away. This time they guy asked me for a bunch of numbers and didn't clarify which ones very well or where to find them, and ofc im trying to focus on not crying and trying to find these damn numbers, so they guy says he'll put me on hold for a few min to tlook up my car. 34 min later i get a woman who has kids screaming in the background and keeps cutting out. She starts asking for more numbers and all my insurance info and when I am confused she gets really snarky (like not knowing where my city is despite the roadside number being local and saying things like "well i doubt you got your car in canada" when I have no idea what im trying to explain cause she keeps cutting out) then she put me on hold for another 10 min and I got sent back to the starting tone. So i called the local shop to see and the guy just said "uhhh, call a tow." which is fair cause at this point i doubt im talking slow enough to be understood. So im sitting in my car in this lovely weather trying to juggle through my 3 friends and see if any of them know what to do and my dad who is working and busy and i shouldn't be bothering him. Its been an hour and a half and the light turned off so i drove home and decided to deal with it later

tdlr anxiety incarnate had to make several phone calls that got progressively worse and problem still isnt fixed

and now my friends want to be on call in a game but if i join i might cry and if i dont they might be mad cause they dont know i have anxiety, even though i know they wont actually be mad but my brain hurts rn

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You know what sucks? When you get odd looks for something you can't fucking control.
This week has been really bad for my tics and both the verbal and physical ones have been more prominent. I've been having my neck tics really sharp and so I've been having like the neck snap a lot, especially during lunch where I'm comfortable.
So it really feels bad when I have a vocal trill and then a neck snap right after eachother and get a weird look for it

You know what also sucks? Having a hyperfixation and then not having any content for that hyperfixation so now I'm trying to I don't know,,, trick my brain into not thinking about that by bringing up an old hyperfixation.

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Also, is that a wild Emi I spy? My favorite Emi? It's Reed, lol
I'm tired sorry for le odd wordings

@requiemisback language

so here's a summary of how my day went today:

someone: [gives me some constructive critism that is much needed]
my brain: is this a personal attack i smell? time to cry now you big ol pissbaby
me: not again-
also me, sniffling: thanks for letting me know, i'll work on it-