forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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did this person do something wrong? Idk I've been here on and off I wouldn't know.

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There is always some type of beef with another on here. But heyyy It's FINNEEE it's totally not like I feel distant to all my friends. Craving a girlfriend, wanting nothing more than to fit in with my showchoir. and well not be the failure my mom says I will be.

Deleted user

In some cases the beef a lot of people have with eachother is funny if you aren't involved, but when you are its s hi t

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Like, if someone calls me into help I'll do it as a middle party, because I like watching drama
But if one of my friends gets involved, heads will roll

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Most people here have beef with others, for the most part I'm just sitting here with some level of positive relationship with almost everybody because I don't like arguments and lots of y'all are pretty cool


Honestly I just vibe for the most part, if someone's like trying to be an ass to a friend of mine then I'll get involved but like. Otherwise what's the point?? And I don't think anyone has beef with me?

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I want anyone who has beef with me to like, tell me to my face

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I try to keep a good ear open and keep an open mind that not everyone is the same on here. I know some people on notebook don't like me.

@Katastrophic group

I want anyone who has beef with me to like, tell me to my face


Especially on a text/forum thing. If I piss someone off, im not going to be able to tell from passive aggressive or sarcastic text. Especially since I very rarely intend to make anyone mad or argue, it was likely an accident but I can't fix the problem if I don't know about it.


I'm not doing good in my english and math classes because I failed 2 tests at the beginning of the year. Well, we just took 2 more tests and I somehow did good on my math test (90%) and it brought me up to a D, but I did horrible on my english test (40%) and it brought me up to a C. These were both pretty low F's, so it wasn't like 1 was higher than the other. Also, neither of the tests were rounded

@ClownB*tch eco

TW: weed? idk? also sorry i cant get the spoiler thing to work so i crossed it out so.. sorry

i want to get high so bad like all the time and i've literally NEVER been high also like hAlp

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My mom just dragged me around after school when I should be doing work. Like, tuesdays are days I already get home late becuase of dnd, but now I have to fit five hours of homework into two.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

TW: weed? idk? also sorry i cant get the spoiler thing to work so i crossed it out so.. sorry

i want to get high so bad like all the time and i've literally NEVER been high also like hAlp

  1. You don’t need to cover weed.
  2. Bruh you don’t want another thing that costs money dude. Nothing against weed. But I wouldn’t say go drinking just bc I like alcohol.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Most people here have beef with others, for the most part I'm just sitting here with some level of positive relationship with almost everybody because I don't like arguments and lots of y'all are pretty cool

Almost same. But I’m also willing to throwdown with anyone and shake and be friends after.

@Becfromthedead group

Made it through today, guys. 3 exams and I want to sleep forever.
I just have to make it through this week, and things are supposed to start getting better. Finally get my mouthpiece to help with my sleep apnea on Monday. I'm out of exam hell, work is going sort of okay. Still struggling, but I'm pushing through with all I have. It's not much, but I'm still kicking.

@ClownB*tch eco

TW: weed? idk? also sorry i cant get the spoiler thing to work so i crossed it out so.. sorry

i want to get high so bad like all the time and i've literally NEVER been high also like hAlp

  1. You don’t need to cover weed.
  2. Bruh you don’t want another thing that costs money dude. Nothing against weed. But I wouldn’t say go drinking just bc I like alcohol.

I know some people get uncomfortable with even mentions of alcohol so I wanted to cover it just in case; I know how to, I just forgot the "/" at the end but thanks; and lastly I just need a solution that doesnt involve getting high, preferably

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My drawing teacher thought it was just a dandy idea to trigger my into a sensory overload and even after I managed to say it was happening, kept talking to me


I'm your dad now. I may not be a man but if the fishing cap and socks and sandals fit, fuckin wear 'em. That's a really stupid thing to yell at you about and you didn't deserve it at all.

Excuse me while I fight your dad for dominance, I'll be back to give you a hug(assuming you're alright with that)