forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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my brother found out one of my friends is a lesbian and he's been threatening to tell my parents if i don't do what he wants
im feeling very anxious

Is your friend open about being a lesbian?

well she's an online friend and tbh i didn't even know but my brother asked her and she said she is

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

my brother found out one of my friends is a lesbian and he's been threatening to tell my parents if i don't do what he wants
im feeling very anxious

Is your friend open about being a lesbian?

well she's an online friend and tbh i didn't even know but my brother asked her and she said she is

Are your parents homophobic?

Deleted user

Can I just…..SCREAM AND CRY?? One of my close friends just tried to threaten me….THEY'RE IN SHOWCHOIR WITH ME….and Is trying to spread a lie that I'm a skank ….I swear….I'm gonna just lose it….

Deleted user

Guess now I'm down another friend…Slowly but surely gonna be just alone.


Well, if they're treating you poorly then they weren't your friends to begin with, they're hurting you more than helping you.

@Katastrophic group

So today i thought i was on a roll with my writing and i got excited about the 6k word count even though its been like two hours. And then I saw that it was not, in fact, the word count. I have written 6k characters, only around 1.1k words x_x
why is writing so difficult. It's not even fully writing, just a script with mostly dialogue but it goes so slow.


my brother found out one of my friends is a lesbian and he's been threatening to tell my parents if i don't do what he wants
im feeling very anxious

Is your friend open about being a lesbian?

well she's an online friend and tbh i didn't even know but my brother asked her and she said she is

Are your parents homophobic?



Ahhhhhhh this isn’t a major rant but I just need to get it out
So I’m a cosplayer. I started about two or three years ago, but unfortunately haven’t had the resources to get super good at it.
And my parents just don’t understand it at all. They don’t understand what I see in it and I can never explain it well. And due to my grades not being all A’s they won’t let me have access to my cosplay stuff (I haven’t had full access to my stuff in over a year now).
It’s just so frustrating, they clearly think it’s weird and then ask me why I try to hide it from other people saying that I have nothing to be ashamed of. It’s all very contradictory and hypocritical.
Out of nowhere tonight I brought up how eager I am to do more cosplay stuff and my mom was like “what would you even do with it?” And of course I explained and she just…doesn’t get it?? Pretty sure she thinks I’m doing something really weird and creepy (which she has no reason to think so, all of the characters I’ve cosplayed so far are male and have nothing scandalous about them in the slightest). But it’s just so frustrating because I’ve been watching cosplay videos literally since when was a thing, and I have such a passion for it and I’m not allowed to do it.


You gotta love it when a dumbass senator is trying to pass a law that’ll be extremely harmful to both women and trans folks. I’m so fucking done with this country. I want to kill this guy myself. They’re all a bunch of pervs and no one can convince me otherwise. Literally buying pepper spray right now in case they decide to pass this dumbass shit in my state.

@tungsten fastfood

yeah you’re gonna need to clarify. One thing got shot down by Biden in the federal level, but there are things floating around on the State level in Arizona. There is nothing in congress right now that threatens trans lives.


I’m still figuring out the details of it but this (ofc republican) guy from the House of Representatives is trying to pass this law to “help uphold title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 in athletics” saying that “protection from gender discrimination” in this field will now be based solely on a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth.
How are you doing this you might ask? By checking the female students genitalia
As if they don’t have our medical records
They’re doing this specifically to target trans students but this is obviously also very traumatizing and dehumanizing towards female students.
I honestly don’t see how they could pass this, it’s that stupid. I’m trying to find more sources that prove that that’s what they’re actually planning on doing but it hasn’t actually passed yet. (Though I believe it’s passed in Idaho and Ohio?)
But yes, this may be the one thing I ever get in trouble for, if this passes in my state. Because I will absolutely go fucking feral.

@tungsten fastfood

**also just because something gets passed at a federal level does NOT mean it has to be enacted in every state.

I repeat.

just because something gets passed at a federal level does NOT mean it has to be enacted in every state.

please read up on basic politics and government on CREDIBLE sources


It’s stayed under the radar but the internet started finding out about it maybe two or three days ago.
Search up hr 426 2021 and you should be able to find more info. I’m not sure yet how accurate all this information is, but I’m trying to find more sources on it.


**also just because something gets passed at a federal level does NOT mean it has to be enacted in every state.

I repeat.

just because something gets passed at a federal level does NOT mean it has to be enacted in every state.

please read up on basic politics and government on CREDIBLE sources

I know that and I’m sorry if I’m just causing a panic but if this is a possibility for me, I’m really upset and distraught.

@larcenistarsonist group

Idaho's a transphobic state and I wanna punch everybody here. Theres a shit ton of laws that prevent your birth certificate and other legal documents being changed to match your gender and just ALFHALHSKAHALSHDKAHZK