forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@saor_illust school

Unfortunately, no
Eating and drinking are very important for energy and bodily function in tandem with a healthy amount of sleep.
If you need to sleep a little more than usual, that's okay, but make sure you're getting up for at least a few minutes here and there. Open up the curtains, let in some sun, open the window to let in fresh air if it's not too cold. You don't have to do a whole lot in the way of being physically active, but just a tiny bit of stretching to release the tension in your body, or taking a walk to let off some steam can be a good way to start.
Although definitely meeting your most basic needs of eating and drinking are first and foremost, and if you can't do anything else, do that.

o h
i guess ill go hydrate and see how i feel from there, i guess

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, I have major problems with sleeping too much all the time and accidentally skipping meals or getting dehydrated bc of it. I don't mean to, but I know it doesn't help my energy levels.


i'm going to school for the first time this year tomorrow and it's also a new school and I barely know anyone im so scared


I have not eaten for w while (I'm broke) and not come home until 11 or 12 each night and had to get up at 4 ( if I ever fell asleep) to get to school, drank too much caffeine to possibly be healthy, and have had 3 projects and 2 major tests, and can practically feel my mental health going down the drain. I'm happy I don't have school on Monday (After a weekend of 3 gigs of babysitting 7+ hours for each gig, and working for 9 hours)

@probablypolnareff language

happy vent: i told my mom about my shitty stepdad, and she told him to leave the house, and i'm glad it was today of all days (since it's my birthday, and him leaving was already a relief but now it's even better) and i got a new JJBA figure and am expecting another one to come in the mail soon


How does one not be absurdly jealous for a friend when they get a crush/romantic partner? I hate the prospective romantic partner but I haven't even met them. I do not have a crush on my friend, so I'm not jealous in that way. Just for their time and attention. I wanna be happy for my friend, and I am some of the time, but there's an underlying abhorrence I need to snip in the bud. Advice is very welcome.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

How does one not be absurdly jealous for a friend when they get a crush/romantic partner? I hate the prospective romantic partner but I haven't even met them. I do not have a crush on my friend, so I'm not jealous in that way. Just for their time and attention. I wanna be happy for my friend, and I am some of the time, but there's an underlying abhorrence I need to snip in the bud. Advice is very welcome.

Talk to your friend and set up a time where you can meet their possible romantic partner. You could even reach out to the person yourself, saying that you're A's (since I don't know their name) friend and would like to be B's friend as well. Unfortunately this would end up making you a "third-wheel", but at least you'd still get to spend time with your friend! Also, tell your friend how you feel!

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I wanna just SKREE randomly nowadays. It's Junior year, majority of my friends either ignore me, or transferred schools.
I honestly Love show choir bu the only close friend I have is with my ex. ( which is okay now, we agreed on not getting together again)

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Someone bully me into taking my binder off its been six days and I'm slowly dying.

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I'm 19 but also yes okay yes sir/ma'am/them I will indeedy.

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19 as of christmas actuall! Hap birth to me! I never mentioned it cuz I forgot and stuff but hey I exist.

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Sorry my adhd and lack of air is making me go off topic. THe binder is off now

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Hello. Yes. I was bornified on the day of Christmas. I am superior to God.


So, I'm going to talk about random stuff that happened today because today was pretty great. First I woke up without feeling tired, so I finished my weekend chores and baked some cookies before 9 o'clock. Then I ended up taking a shower and getting ready for church and looking nicer than usual. Me and my family then ended up going to a swat meet where I met this really nice vendor who was selling bath bombs for $2 and I bought one but she told me she had some that weren't selling a gave me one for free. I was then texting my friend and we were talking about the "forbidden foods" and how we should start a business. My mom gave me the OK to use her Amazon account to buy a sticker pack for me and my friends. I made some funny John Mulaney jokes. I finished most of my homework. Made some perler bead sharks (Need to iron them). Made pot stickers, dropped off some cookies at a friends house and pet like 4 dogs and 1 cat. Discovered geocaching and now plan to do it. And then I have a teacher in my church trying to give me a week to teach but every Sunday for the next 3 months I'm busy and she is so tired that I feel kind of bad but also find it too funny. Anyways, that was my day and tomorrow I plan to go find a geocache before I have to go back to school.