forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@tungsten fastfood

Not the federal house of reps

We have a very democratic government right now. That wouldn’t even be considered. PLEASE know the difference between federal and state.


That’s only in Arizona. They are going to try to repeal something like that to bar trans and LGBT folks from joining athletics. However it is EXTREMELY under fire from everywhere, not just folks from AZ.



This is different than what I’m talking about. The act I’m discussing was introduced by a representative from Florida.

@tungsten fastfood

I looked it up and got directed to a georgia assembly.

No notable news anchors are reporting it. It’s not going to pass because, again, we have an INCREDIBLY democratic admin and gov. It will not pass.

@tungsten fastfood

omg I’m gonna repeat this until I’m dead apparently.

we have a democratic ruled government. it will not pass the president’s desk, and the senate may not even pick it up

shit I don’t even think it’ll pass the house.

they’re all dem. relax


Idaho's a transphobic state and I wanna punch everybody here. Theres a shit ton of laws that prevent your birth certificate and other legal documents being changed to match your gender and just ALFHALHSKAHALSHDKAHZK


dsldknvk maybe make sure you do that before summertime so you don't start a massive wildfire

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

My dad is angry at me
for not getting more than half of one of my five missing math assignments done
Even though he knows I don't know the math and am having a hard time figuring it out since my teacher stopped posting notes
and we've set up a meeting for us to figure it out and for me to get tutoring

He's just screaming about how it's all my fault and I'm just not applying myself hard enough
I'm sorry, dad, that I sometimes dissociate and have no idea what's going on, and don't remember the math sessions
but I can't tell him that or he'll just scream about how he can't afford to get me to help so I just have to force myself to focus
because him seeing it in action while we were playing monopoly on the switch and the only reason the entire game didn't grind to a halt was that I was pushing two buttons over and over and played without even realizing I fucking existed


i cant believe some people can actually sit and get their work done without getting distracted by the smallest thought in their brains. I feel like my thoughts go so fast but i get my work done so slowly.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

i cant believe some people can actually sit and get their work done without getting distracted by the smallest thought in their brains. I feel like my thoughts go so fast but i get my work done so slowly.

same, like i sit down and try and work and after 0.03 seconds my brain just kinda flips to something like this

and doesnt stop

@Katastrophic group

i cant believe some people can actually sit and get their work done without getting distracted by the smallest thought in their brains. I feel like my thoughts go so fast but i get my work done so slowly.

same, like i sit down and try and work and after 0.03 seconds my brain just kinda flips to something like this

and doesnt stop

Firstly, that was beautiful. Second, yes what a mood i have so many tabs open in google and in my brain rn.

@Becfromthedead group

I got like 4 hours of sleep last night, and I've been nodding off all day. My tinnitus is acting up terribly, and I've got an exam in 2 hours. But otherwise, I'm doing great.

@ClownB*tch eco

ok so i have a few tics (that i already hate) and my brother is constantly copying me when I tic and I get that he's 4 but it just makes me feel even worse about them