forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I got like 4 hours of sleep last night, and I've been nodding off all day. My tinnitus is acting up terribly, and I've got an exam in 2 hours. But otherwise, I'm doing great.

Though I'm sure you've tried everything and probably know this site, just in case you don't has some tinnitus relief options and still plays when you turn off your phone (at least with my samsung).
Good luck on the exam!

@Becfromthedead group

Thank you! I do usually just go for methods of drowning it out, since that's the only thing that sort of works, so I'll check that site out. Don't think I've used it before, but I've used things like it. Idk, at some point, I just kinda gave up because I know some of it is tied to my hearing loss and incurable.

Deleted user

I wanna just wanna go back to bed…My head hurts, My parents have been fighting all day. and I miss being around my FRIENDS….aagagaggagagagagg


The school system is failing everyone. Every type of person who walks into our public schools are screwed over in so many ways.

Deleted user

Ugh my mom is saying that being queer is about sex and sex only and that queerness doesn't belong in mainstream media and GODDAMMIT.

@ClownB*tch eco

I hate when people say that especially about polyamory, it's not just about sex, I would know dAd I may be a minor but it's not just about sex, at least not for everyone

@Katastrophic group

I dont get it. Why are people always saying LGBT+ is just about sex, then turn around and ask "so are you dating guy-friend-whos-just-a-friend yet??? Better get busy!" like-

Makes me think a lot of older generations have a one track mind.

@Becfromthedead group

Have yall seen that one tik tok that's like "My baby's gay"? Idk, just reminded me of that bc this mom is basically just making a statement on how ridiculous it is to say things like "our baby boy is going to be a heartbreaker," or "better lock our daughter up once she's 16!" And people still got mad in the comments saying "you can't say your baby is gay already, don't sexualize babies!" When that was the literal point she was making.

Deleted user

Ah yes, Pile Cuddles, But sadly most of my poly relationships meant Long distance. And well yeah.

Deleted user

I honestly want a gf again..
No offence to my other partner, BUT girls are just aahhh

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

Ok so VENT TIME with James (cuz that’s my name when I’m leaving this town)
My best friend and I usually call like every night and he’s been putting it off and we called ONCE this whole year and it made me feel nice and I wish things were the way they used to be. When I get sad, I want to talk to him, but when he gets sad he doesn’t want to talk and it sucks and he’s asleep now and I miss him like crazy T^T


Periods are the worst thing to ever exist
I’ve had a fever practically the entire day, I also have hella chills, I’ve barely managed to eat anything, all I feel is pain, I can’t fucking concentrate, and I have practically an entire essay to write.
Also this is while I’m on a 12 hour pain medication :|

@tungsten fastfood


tw: struggling :)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Hang in there, Emi. I know exactly what you’re going through. Luckily, being out of it now, I can say with confidence, it will get better. If you can find a way to do something. Say, volunteering. Something that can help give you a sense of purpose and/or belonging. It’ll help you get out of the hole. I thought it was bull, but it worked for me. Never give up, fam. ✌️


I've got a 4 page essay on a book I didn't read due tomorrow, as well as 3 exams, it is the due date for my service hours, a project due, and what feels like 30 assignments all happening tomorrow. Guess I'm not sleeping again

Deleted user

I'm extremely co-dependant and I literally just gave the drink that my friend bought me to another friend and I wasn't done but he needs caffeine and god I'm a pushover.
Now I'm angry at him for no reason becuase of it
It's not his fault I'm co-dependant on him and need to take care of him

Deleted user

So basically, my mom just said "trans women are men in dresses who are fetishizing womanhood" and that "trans men are all just confused. they need help." so yeah I need to get out of this hell house.