forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 147 followers


I'm very distraught and stressed and have skipped one class already. I've cried in every class but I don't have the guts to go to the counseling office. I need a break but I'm too anxious to ask for one. At least right now.


So, in my class of 12, we have these 2 girls who use the bathroom every day and are in there for like 45 minutes and today they asked and my teacher finally said no, well, I somehow got marker on my face (Not surprised) so I asked if I could go to the bathroom to clean it off and he said yes. While walking out I hear the 2 girls getting pissed saying crap like "That's not fair! If she gets to go, why can't I?" and all that crap when I hear the teacher yell "She Doesn't Do Shit! I Trust Her!" And when I was done, I didn't look him in the eye and it was dead silent for like a minute when he said, completely deadpan to the girls "7 minutes. Completely reasonable." And put his headphone back in to continue watching the inauguration.

Deleted user

I am so fricken happy that he's gone.
Maybe now we'll have a better nation.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

ahaha, Trump is out!!
Civil war could be looming on the horizon and it's been proven that no one thinks inciting a mob to take over a government building is enough to prove treason and Trump didn't go to the inauguration, but hey he's off of Twitter!! People are seeing even more of how stupid his cult members are!!

@Becfromthedead group

So yeah, I'm finally about to start treatment for my sleep disorder, but I'm having a blast in the meantime.
I went to bed before 1 am last night, slept in until 11, got up to zoom into class, class was canceled, made coffee and went to lunch with my love, came back and slept until I had to walk to my 2 pm class, then came home after class bc my next class had been canceled as well, slept, and now it's now (6:45).
And it's not as simple as "just get up" because I will literally nod off doing just about anything in my current state.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

This is about a certain One Piece character, pay it no mind

I don't even wanna check his Wiki page to see if he's really dead, the manga is way ahead and he might be dead, for real this time and we've only known he was alive for a few arcs and he can't be dead, he wouldn't die that easily, he just wouldn't, I know him, I know who his family is and he just can't really be gone, there's no way it's true, but what if it is and he's actually dead this time, it'll be ages before his brother finds out and it'll cause the poor bean even more grief, he's already lost a brother, he can't die here

@Echo_6 group

Sarcasm alert
I love waking up at 1:00 in the morning. For no reason. It's my favorite. Especially when I'd only gotten at most two hours of sleep prior to that. It's even better when I can't fall back asleep. Just the best.

@Becfromthedead group

Y'all ever feel like garbage because something upsets/bothers you and you don't feel like you have a right to complain?
Like basically being upset because you're upset.


Damn you ever share something really dark you’re planning for one of your character’s backstories and the person you’re sharing it with reacts kinda poorly and now you’re wondering what the fuck is wrong with you
Bonus pain points is when that person you shared it with is also your partner


bro I can relate, I have this one character that i've projected all my trauma and insecurities on and i'm way too scared to share their backstory with anyone

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Damn you ever share something really dark you’re planning for one of your character’s backstories and the person you’re sharing it with reacts kinda poorly and now you’re wondering what the fuck is wrong with you
Bonus pain points is when that person you shared it with is also your partner

Reason why I don’t talk too much.

@Becfromthedead group

Feel like such an ass for getting irritated at my new roommate for always making some sort of noise next door. She's like ALWAYS singing or laughing, and I just kind of get annoyed with that a lot easier than the average person. Though if it wasn't all the time and the walls weren't so thin, it wouldn't bother me.
I'm also really upset that she was supposed to be a temporary roommate but ended up being permanent. Basically due to flooding in her previous dorm, I think.
Of course I haven't said anything about it bc I don't want to be a jerk and tell her to be quiet. But I do think it's really really weird that it's literally almost all the time.


Bruh anyone would be irritated at that, it's perfectly understandable, and a bit odd it's all the time. I get why approaching her might come off as rude though. Maybe if you have a roommate group chat you could ask everyone to be quiet because you have a test to study for, a headache, need to catch up on sleep, or some other excuse. That way it wouldn't feel as targeted toward her of she's sensitive to that type of thing.
I've never had roommates but I feel the awkwardness of an undesirable addition. That's a big oof my guy.

@Becfromthedead group

I've always roomed with friends I was comfortable talking to, so this is definitely different.
And it'll be obvious it's targeted at her bc I live at the end of the suite, and only she is next to me. Might just grin, bear it, and listen to music. It's only until May.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I, why can't my mom understand I need chewables?? Like, yes, I stim, a lot, and I chew on things, a lot, but yelling at me isn't going to make it stop? When I ask for chewable jewelry and you get me silicon rings, maybe don't get mad at me for chewing on them??? And when you forbid me from chewing on them (and making really nice bubblegum like sounds that make me really happy) and I end up absentmindedly chewing on some article of clothing (something I've done for years, I've ruined so many shirts) don't yell at me about how gross it is???