forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Permission to say something rude? Specifically, that anyone who prevents you from stimming is a bitch who needs to be put in their place. Sorry you're going through it right now.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Yeah… Like, I even showed her a really inexpensive website where she could get a ton for twenty dollars? I just, I wanna buy my own but she'll just think it's disgusting because "chewing toys are only for teething babies, are you a baby?"

Deleted user

Oh ew. Not poggers, man. I have to chew to stay sane and tbh I get why you're frustrated.

Deleted user

If you want something hard but also less obvious to chew on, break off the cotton ends of q-tips and chew on the paper. Unless you've got those gross plastic ones, then I can't help you.

@ClownB*tch eco

I got a chewing toy for babies off amazon and my parents dont know (they dont like it when i stim either), i hide it in my room and it's really helped tho I can only use it when im alone. It also has a rattle so ✨more stim✨
here's the link to what i got if you want to try ordering it discreetly:

there is also a teal one :

Deleted user

WAit, am i reading this right. Are you A Little???
Or are you preggos?

@saor_illust school

they were,,,,, talking about chewing toys to help with stimming so you aren't chewing on random things??
i'm sorry i fail to see how that relates to being a little or being pregnant-

@saor_illust school

Actually, on a side note I have realised that if I ever tell my dad that I think I need professional help he will immediately shoot me down. Like, the way he keeps telling me the same controversial stuff over and over (vaccines are made to commit mass genocide, covid isn’t real, the pandemic is a total joke, Trump definitely won but the government is just hiding it, and by the way he isn’t actually that bad Biden sucks more, ect. ect.), and from what he’s specifically told me, he’d just tell me the stuff I’m dealing with friends, they’re either AIs, or have staged their illnesses.

So… about Ethan, he’s not exactly wrong, but Trina? She fucking died, do not dare tell me she’s still alive. I already went through the whole stage of denial. I couldn’t fucking believe she was dead, do not fucking dare tell me that this is all just a cruel joke. I went through that stage. Please do not give me false hope.

And yeah, Ethan made a mistake that may have broken most of his friendships, but that’s okay. We’re human. I get his reasoning. And you know what? I’m so fucking glad all of this is over. I’m so glad he’s in remission.

But also… if I told him about Michael, I’m afraid I would never be able to access Discord again. I’d get myself banned (at home) from it. Not to mention the thoughts, the memories, the feelings, they haunt me everyday and it’s so scary and I know I should talk to Mei about it but I’m not ready to face it I don’t want to retell that story all over again I can’t I can’t I can’t.

And for fucks sake, Dad, these are my friends. I’ve known most of them for two years, and others at least a year and a half, some for a year, and that’s more than enough for someone to drop an online persona. Like Ethan said, it’s like 8-9 months that’s the maximum one can hold an online persona. I know them. Even Ethan couldn’t keep up the idea that he was sick and dying for more than three months.

So I know that this might not make sense to most of you, or to anyone at all but I do need to put this somewhere and since my main venting place doesn’t allow swearing (it’s still very wholesome and I love it) I’m going to dump it here.

As always, stay safe, don’t forget to eat and hydrate, and try not to die.
I love you all very dearly <3
You guys mean the world to me, always remember that okay?

@ClownB*tch eco

WAit, am i reading this right. Are you A Little???
Or are you preggos?

i am an age regressor but i was talking about easy to get replacements for stim toys

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Im always worried about corpse husbands wellbeing and still think I mean nothing to no one. my therapist wants to start me on exposure therapy bye–

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Why do the titles of Wilbur and Corpse's songs('I'm in Love with an E-girl' and 'E-girls are Ruining my Life', respectively) have the same energy in the title but completely different vibes when you listen to the music


my brother found out one of my friends is a lesbian and he's been threatening to tell my parents if i don't do what he wants
im feeling very anxious

Deleted user

WAit, am i reading this right. Are you A Little???
Or are you preggos?

i am an age regressor but i was talking about easy to get replacements for stim toys

Ah okay, Me too dude.

@ClownB*tch eco

WAit, am i reading this right. Are you A Little???
Or are you preggos?

i am an age regressor but i was talking about easy to get replacements for stim toys

Ah okay, Me too dude.

oh cool, I have an agere chat somewhere, if you want to join I can send you a link