forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@saor_illust school

oh god oh fuck oh shit i don't know if i can make it through today

i don't want to risk getting yelled at by skipping / sleeping through school but i don't know if i can keep a brave face and pretend everything's okay when it doesn't even matter what's happening to ethan rn to my dad

his friend, i'll call her mei.
she gave us an update today.
he's not doing well.

i guess he collapsed this morning, and now he's unconscious in the hospital and even bear is hoping he'll get better this is all too real nononononono fuck i'm panicking while writing this i swewar to god my typing pseed has just increased as iv started writing and nononono it can't be happening this can't happen

he can't die
n o
i asked her if he'll wake up
she said it was unclear

i might have to just start that day of not checking discord today
even though its arleady 9am
god nononono

frens were able to calm me down earlier but i'm panicking again nooo ;;
this is what, the third time i've burst into tears?

fuck life, lemme just stop existing already

Deleted user

hahahaha just let me cease :))))
boutta go ask king von if he's from 63rd, 2021 fucking sucks

@larcenistarsonist group

I almost broke down in 7th period today because everything started to go numb again

Ha. That's fun.

Your body just deciding to slowly shut down for seemingly no reason

And when the corners of your vision go dark for no reason

I need a nap


Thanks, Rels for what you do around here. ‘Preciate it.


You're going to make me cry for the third time today guy's. It is nice to feel appreciated.


Ahaha I knew I was due for an existential crisis sometime soon

If you're in a bad place right now, please don't read this. It's depressing and me asking "what's the point? why even bother?" and some of you guys don't need to see that right now. I'm not planning anything, I don't want to die, I'm just having one of my Crises.

Doesn't really make sense and is mostly me rambling but fuck it, it helped some to put it down. I'm gonna make myself some warm choccy milk and try to sleep now.

@larcenistarsonist group

Cloudy, I feel you. Last year I went through a really rough spot with that same thought just constantly circulating in my head. It really messed me up. So, I did research on that, wondering if it was normal to think like that. After a little bit of research, I found nihilism, and realized that it fit me well. I'm a very logic-oriented person and I think that if there was a higher power at all, they would've sent some sort of concrete evidence that they exist. So nihilism kind of put me at peace. If nothing matters, then you have to make it last. Does that make sense? Anyways, yeah you're not alone. I've just kind of made peace with those thoughts so they don't really bother me anymore.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Sup Cloudy. I (am obviously very biased but) am sure something’s out there. There’s too much evidence. So much can’t be explained. Too many people have seen and experienced things otherworldly. The spiritual world exists in some form. Going from that, there is definitely something. I think it’s Jesus. But make of it what you will.

@Becfromthedead group

So good news, my Covid test came back negative. Got it done this morning; it's been about 7 days since my maybe-exposure.
My mom said she's feeling better, but her test still isn't in yet (which is really frustrating bc mine came in after about 14 hours, and hers was taken three days ago, and is estimated to take at least until wednesday to come in.)
I'd just been kind of worried, since I'm supposed to go get the vaccine wednesday, and I have a possibly life-altering appointment coming up that I kept having to put off. The timing was just bad, and I have this lovely attitude of "panic first, think later."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

On this week's episode of 'Life Fucking Corbin Over:'
My brother got quarantined yesterday in another Freshman Exodus because he's been around all three positive cases, one in two different classes for a total of four close contacts
And I'm back in the office getting quarantined because of English class
F u c k I don't wanna be alone with him at home and I have a fucking final project that I'm going to have to scrap and do the alternate assignment in two days andIwanttocry
I'm going to scream

@ClownB*tch eco

TW: Eating disorders

Deleted user

Dude, I'm sorry you're going through that. First of all, know that there are plenty of beautiful people who aren't skinny, and even if skinny does = pretty, why do you owe people your beauty? What makes you less valuable and worthy if you aren't skinny/beautiful? Disordered eating is a big deal, a big problem, and I really hope that you'll be okay. Secondly, if you need me to talk you through this, I'm here. Hospitals aren't always the best option and I wouldn't recommend them unless they're your last option, speaking from personal experience here. Thirdly, please, if you can't talk to me, parents, or a therapist, find someone you can talk to. There are helplines online that can help you get through this, and while I can't recommend anything specific right now, I do hope, sincerely, that this will get better.

@saor_illust school

deep breath
Over the last three months, I have lost a friend, almost lost another friend, and learned that that same friend is dying of Acute Myeloid Lukemia.

During this month, I have received the following month, updates on Ethan's condition, either from him, or from his friend that I've been calling Mei:

> Near the beginning of the month, Ethan reported that he could not feel or move his legs. However, after quite a while he informed us that he was also currently in the car, presumably on the way to the hospital.
> He stayed in the hospital for a bit, overnight, I think, and was discharged shortly with the ability to move and feel his legs regained.
> Two days ago, on the 11th of January, Ethan messaged me, telling me that he was scared, that he thought he was gonna die soon, and that thought scared him. I tried to help him the best I could, and he headed off to sleep shortly. 'goodnight myz-' was the last thing i said to him. Maybe I should have said more?
> Thinking that his condition was stable at the moment, it was a shock to wake up the next day, only to learn that Ethan had collapsed earlier that morning and fallen unconscious. Whether or not he would wake up again was up in the air. He woke up later that day, quite exhausted. During this time, with Mei's help I assume, Ethan recorded a voice message for us all, and either he or Mei typed out a mostly accurate word-for-word transcript of the recording, with some small after-notes.
> I might want to note that I spent several hours after I heard the voice message crying. It was clear in his voice that he was exhausted beyond words, and when his voice cracked when he mentioned that he was scared to die, it was so clear that he meant it. I've listened to it again a total of 4 times since then.
> This morning, after I slept through orchestra class, I woke up to news that Ethan had fallen into a coma. Though it only lasted for a few hours, it was scary as hell. When he woke, we were all relieved. Some asked questions, like, 'what's he thinking about?' and some wanted him to know, and I quote, 'passing out isn't very fishgang of you.'

And I was in a voicecall until late early this morning, maybe 3-4am? But since then, I have not said a word (or checked) in any of my Discord servers. I haven't eaten or drank anything since midnight, and instead have filled my day with sleep and occasionally checking my DMs, and honestly that's about it. I haven't moved from my bed except to use the bathroom and to put the chickens in.

I guess my being absent from the servers was unusual enough that two friends, who only show the side of them that jokes around with me all the time in the servers, showed their more caring side to me in DMs. I really appreciate it, but I'm probably going to go back to sleeping soon. I've slept all day, and I'm still exhausted as fuck.

I saw something on Tumblr the other day, that two signs that it's getting bad again were overeating or not eating enough, and sleeping too much or too little. Fits me right there. Kinda scary, but who tf cares about that when I have Ethan to worry about. That voice recording may be the last time I ever hear his voice. I may never see him on Discord again. And I may never talk to him again. It scares me. A lot.

Anyways, I'm not sure the entire point of this rant/vent but I just-
Needed to get words out.

Thank you for listening, any who did.

I love you all, stay safe, don't forget to eat and hydrate, and try not to die <3


Izzy, please take care of yourself. Get a healthy amount of sleep, and eat. If you can't bring yourself to cook or prepare something for yourself, get fruit or bread or something. Being there for someone is a lot tougher when you're not taking care of yourself. Try working out, too–it releases endorphins that will boost your mood. Try and get whatever sunlight you can, I've heard that's good for your mental health and hey, what's the worst it can do? Just remember that you are important too. You've got a lot of people that care about you, here and presumably on Discord too, but there's only so much we can do if you don't try and do something.

@Becfromthedead group

Unfortunately, no
Eating and drinking are very important for energy and bodily function in tandem with a healthy amount of sleep.
If you need to sleep a little more than usual, that's okay, but make sure you're getting up for at least a few minutes here and there. Open up the curtains, let in some sun, open the window to let in fresh air if it's not too cold. You don't have to do a whole lot in the way of being physically active, but just a tiny bit of stretching to release the tension in your body, or taking a walk to let off some steam can be a good way to start.
Although definitely meeting your most basic needs of eating and drinking are first and foremost, and if you can't do anything else, do that.