forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Yeah I know that, but they were still on sometimes, just not very much…
I'm talking about the complete blackout from them… they would've said something… at least I think they would've.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

also same about the not being able to sleep thing, it's 6 am and i haven't slept a wink, i'm currently trying to write a fanfic

Ahaha I just surfed all my webtoons.


Yeah I know that, but they were still on sometimes, just not very much…
I'm talking about the complete blackout from them… they would've said something… at least I think they would've.

Yeah I've been kinda worried too, especially since they went dark just a few days after coming out to their parents. I don't have a way to get ahold of them, though, and I don't know if anyone else does either

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Yeah I know that, but they were still on sometimes, just not very much…
I'm talking about the complete blackout from them… they would've said something… at least I think they would've.

Yeah I've been kinda worried too, especially since they went dark just a few days after coming out to their parents. I don't have a way to get ahold of them, though, and I don't know if anyone else does either

Yes! This! this is why I'm worried!!
Hey Ice should we make another thread? Maybe someone knows something?


Yeah I know that, but they were still on sometimes, just not very much…
I'm talking about the complete blackout from them… they would've said something… at least I think they would've.

Yeah I've been kinda worried too, especially since they went dark just a few days after coming out to their parents. I don't have a way to get ahold of them, though, and I don't know if anyone else does either

Yes! This! this is why I'm worried!!
Hey Ice should we make another thread? Maybe someone knows something?

I mean we could, yeah, someone might know

@Becfromthedead group

Apparently my job counts as "healthcare worker" even though I don't physically see any patients, so I'm already eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine. Trying to schedule when I'm getting mine, but I've been on hold for like 10 minutes :(

@Becfromthedead group

Also small vent:
I'm so sick of there being no food that I can eat in this house. I've been vegetarian/pescatarian for over a year, and there's like NOTHING I can eat during the day. If I'm lucky there are leftovers. Usually it's just pb&j because my mom actually doesn't give a shit about my dietary needs. The microwave meals and pizzas? All meat. Anything that's not specifically "for me"? All meat. And she's really dropped the ball recently on using meat to "season" vegetables. I end up having to eat them anyway because otherwise I have nothing, but like oh my god. I'm so sick of her acting like she doesn't know or care, or acting like I'm some big burden when it comes to feeding me. Would it kill you to do meatless Mondays or something like that so we can all eat the same thing? Or do things more flexible so we can add or subtract meat easily? Or buy foods that I can actually make for lunch during the day? And I know it's not an issue of cost because we waste so much money on food in other ways.

@ClownB*tch eco

tw: arguments, swearing, suicidal ideation, psych wards

So my step dad was being a complete asshole to me all day, (denying me the tv for no reason, making dinner 1 minute earlier when i was hungry hours before, etc.) and I asked to rewatch New Mutants durring dinner which he already had agreed to and he said no and eventually told me and my mom to "shut the fuck up" because I said how I felt and my mom said it was valid that I felt that way. So now I'm on the verge of trying to kill myself AGAIN and my mom refused to take me to the hospital and will only drive around with me to 'keep me safe' and I just hate them both so much right now because they wont do whats right for me.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

On this episode of I Need More Fucking Coffee:
I was up at 5:30 to go get blood work done, and almost had my fingers broken off in a car door at 8:00 because of my brother slamming the car door on them by accident
It's 8:27 now and I've already had too much excitement for an entire week

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

tw: arguments, swearing, suicidal ideation, psych wards

So my step dad was being a complete asshole to me all day, (denying me the tv for no reason, making dinner 1 minute earlier when i was hungry hours before, etc.) and I asked to rewatch New Mutants durring dinner which he already had agreed to and he said no and eventually told me and my mom to "shut the fuck up" because I said how I felt and my mom said it was valid that I felt that way. So now I'm on the verge of trying to kill myself AGAIN and my mom refused to take me to the hospital and will only drive around with me to 'keep me safe' and I just hate them both so much right now because they wont do whats right for me.

It sounds like your mom is at least trying. Your step dad's the real problem.

@Katastrophic group

kinda a mixed vent
So i really hate going to the dentist, but my teeth are really f'd up thanks to genetics and a malpracticing orthodontist. I had to get a really big cavity filled because the tooth was stuck under some leftover retainer bars that were removed last year and they can only fix it now. So I'm already lethargic rn and i got maybe 4 hours of sleep this last night and was physically sick all morning up until the appointment. Both my parents were working so i had to drive, which really isn't a big deal but it's icy and driving adds some pressure to my anxiety i guess. Anyways i was late because i was sick, so when i realised my headphones were missing from my purse i almost panicked because those things at least help with the noises that set off my anxiety so badly.
So some good news is that i did get my poor tooth basically replaced with very little pain, which i knew was going to happen because this dentist is kind and very good, but now i'm exhausted and still kinda sick because my brain is dumb. I'm happy i managed it without my headphones, but holy fuck it sucks.

@ClownB*tch eco

tw: arguments, swearing, suicidal ideation, psych wards

So my step dad was being a complete asshole to me all day, (denying me the tv for no reason, making dinner 1 minute earlier when i was hungry hours before, etc.) and I asked to rewatch New Mutants durring dinner which he already had agreed to and he said no and eventually told me and my mom to "shut the fuck up" because I said how I felt and my mom said it was valid that I felt that way. So now I'm on the verge of trying to kill myself AGAIN and my mom refused to take me to the hospital and will only drive around with me to 'keep me safe' and I just hate them both so much right now because they wont do whats right for me.

It sounds like your mom is at least trying. Your step dad's the real problem.

I eventually ended up walking out of the car and the police got called so I was able to go to a hospital till I calmed down, but yeah, my step dad is just having a hard time rn so I cant really blame him

@Becfromthedead group

Hhhhh the Senate race in GA looks like they're both going to be blue! The only counties left with precincts still reporting are heavily dem areas. Fingers crossed, man.
Also my parents can shut up about politics if they're going to get angry at me for disagreeing with them, and then not even be able to cite legislation to prove their points. Glad I'm moved back out for now :/

@probablypolnareff language

my mom: "ugh i think it's getting hot in here"
me: "yeah i think it's hot too. in fact, my back is starting to sweat"
my stepdad: "knowing you, you're probably just nervous"
my brain: well yes, but actually no

uh yeah apparently my stepdad comes back for ONCE in my life and the first thing he does is make a joke about my anxiety. i think my mom must have told him even though i told her not to tell ANYONE at any given point

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trump supporters scare me tho