forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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My mom's over here like "who let them in, it should have been way easier than that??" and I kind of understand but also I'm not entirely sure? I really don't know much about this but the fact that people were deadass ready to storm the US capitol and actually followed through with it is terrifying.

Deleted user

So one of my ex's transfered to my school. He was like my first boyfriend and saw me at lunch. He kinda scared me…

@probablypolnareff language

quick vent:
stepdad came back from shopping and he immediately made fun of the fact that i'm still learning how to properly wash my hair because i was never taught how, and how i have to learn on my own, including the fact that i usually end up doing it wrong. he kept saying things like "you're not doing it right, dumbass" and "god you're such an idiot, do i have to do it for you?" and i seriously just wanna go up to him and scream right in his face as an attempt to tell him that i'm trying my best with what i've learned as of late
but yeah screw him i guess, i'm still learning, it's not like i'm not gonna be able to do it correctly right off the bat so he can just shut up

tl;dr: my stepdad sucks

Deleted user

i hate america sdfghjkl
the trumpies can't even grasp the concept of white privilege i stg
this is COMPLETELY against what we stand for
but y'all ain't ready for that conversation

@larcenistarsonist group

I'm going to a girl's memorial service tomorrow and I'm internally panicking.

I didnt know her that well, she was in my yearbook class and she knew my name and I knew hers, and that's eating me away inside. She died and I never had a full conversation with her.

I'm going with my friend, who was very close to her for support and stuff but I dont know…. just. I dont even know.

Deleted user

This is a mockery of the United States

also holy shit i remember you from when i still had my old account! hiiiii~~


Today was my first day back at school and I know it doesn’t seem like a big thing but all my friends from my first period theater last semester got moved to the second period theater and I’m still stuck in first while now literally everyone I actually give a damn about is in second period. They just all look like they’re having so much fun….why am I always left behind…

@ClownB*tch eco

tw: EDs

Ive been recovering from ana for over a month now and just relapsed due to a video with no tw on it and now i dont know what to do

Deleted user

aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAH i am going to r i o t
can i just function like a normal person at least once sdfghjkl

@Becfromthedead group

Yall, I just learned my roommate at college is at risk of not being able to stay in school this semester due to finances, and I'm like really worried. She's already struggling to complete her major on time, and she has a kind of not great home life (her parents are lovely, but her brother makes things really hard on the family in many ways and stresses her tf out when she already has problems w anxiety).
And also our other roommate- or they were supposed to be, anyway- had to take the year off bc finances and Covid, so like ahhhhh
And I also have 2 temporary roommates rn who are strangers, and they seem nice enough, but make me anxious af (they're only supposed to be here a week or two while their room has maintenance done, but ahhhhhhhhh)
AND if my current roommate does end up not being able to stay in school this semester, I'm going to be living alone, but also at risk of getting strangers shoved into my suite with me because there's space.
Like fuck dude. There is nothing good about this situation.

@Becfromthedead group

Probably shouldn't have had caffeine at 7 pm :)
Wide awake and stressing out.
Tw death

@ClownB*tch eco


Deleted user

You can always vent to me! I've suffered from

in the past so I can at least sort of relate.

@larcenistarsonist group

Tw death

I'm at this girls memorial service right now and I just…

I never knew her but she was in my yearbook class and it's sad that shes gone

I'm sitting here with one of my best friends and she knew the girl that died really well and apparently she was amazing and kind and everything good

It's just eating me away inside that I never got to know her and she was only 16 when she passed.

@saor_illust school

i get that feeling

i really do
trina was too young
and had i known that she only had so much time left live
i would've made a better effort to know her

and one of my really good frens? he was even closer to her than i was.

it fucking sucks
i'm not gonna lie
it sucks to know that they're suffering

best advice i can give you is:
-some quotes:

When we lose someone we love, it leaves a giant hole in our lives. You can't push the memories aside as if they'd never existed. You remember them. You remember them for the wonderful times you had together. You cherish those memories as you cherished the person themselves. And you learn how to cope with the loss. you don't ever forget, but each day it becomes a little easier to bear the loss.

- personal experience:
when i learned trina had passed–
i was in a state of shock
for awhile, i couldn't believe that she was dead
that i'd never talk to her again

and at the same time, what i wanted most, and what i wanted the least, was someone to come tell me everything was gonna be okay while giving me a big hug
i wanted to just fucking isolate myself
and i wanted to surround myself with support
and i wanted to just give up
on everything

but in the end,
knowing that there's someone there for you
it really does help

so even if you don't feel like you're doing much
you're probably doing more than you think

@Becfromthedead group

Just found out my mom might have Covid.
She's fine, just, yknow, sick. But um. If she's positive and I ended up getting it, I'm fucked. Not in the sense I'm high risk.
I was scheduled to get my vaccine this week, and I can't if I test positive.
I also have a really important doctor appointment coming up next Monday. I have a sleep disorder that's basically spent the last few years sabotaging my life, and I'm finally supposed to get some treatment. It took so long to get scheduled, and I have very limited availability because I'm at college 2 hours away. And it's one of multiple appointments I have to go to before I actually get said treatment. Meanwhile, I've been falling asleep during even the most engaging classes for four or five years, I'm a danger to myself and maybe others on the road, and I'm too fatigued to carry out a lot of activities that would keep me in better physical and mental health than I have been.
And YES, I'm dreaming up a worst case scenario, but this worst case scenario would set me back in a lot of the things I've done to better take care of myself and advocate for myself.
Also my university is really fucking shitty about enforcing quarantine and providing resources to students who choose to quarantine. Like I shouldn't be going out to the dining hall for food if I've been directly exposed???? But they won't stop you. Idk, the idea of full on quarantining is stressing me out. I'm thinking I'll prob just have to leave my dorm and get takeout…… even though that's not ideal, it's all I can do to actually feed myself.
Sorry I'm rambling but bro, why the fuck now????? This couldn't have happened over break? Or waited a few weeks until I was not at home?