forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Pickles group

i hate myself.
i hate how i talk, i hate how i look, i hate who i've become.
i wish i could be a better person. i wish i was something meaningful, but i'm not. i threw myself away.

Bb go to bed

@HighPockets group

I'm going up to my great-uncle's lake house tomorrow but my leg still hasn't healed :[
Probably won't be able to swim, but tbh I don't like lake water much anyways

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I'm going up to my great-uncle's lake house tomorrow but my leg still hasn't healed :[
Probably won't be able to swim, but tbh I don't like lake water much anyways

I'm going to my mom's friend's lake house on Sunday, enjoy your lake
I'm just excited because there's a place with really good fried chicken at that lake and I would have already gone if my summer camp hadn't closed because of the 'rona

@HighPockets group

I'm going up to my great-uncle's lake house tomorrow but my leg still hasn't healed :[
Probably won't be able to swim, but tbh I don't like lake water much anyways

I'm going to my mom's friend's lake house on Sunday, enjoy your lake
I'm just excited because there's a place with really good fried chicken at that lake and I would have already gone if my summer camp hadn't closed because of the 'rona

Enjoy your lake too!!


OH Eva, I didn't tell you, since you weren't here

I was gonna read "Felix Ever After" and then my mom caught me D: I managed to cover my ass so thankfully I'm not in trouble, but now I don't get to finish it and I'm unhappy D:


i hate myself.
i hate how i talk, i hate how i look, i hate who i've become.
i wish i could be a better person. i wish i was something meaningful, but i'm not. i threw myself away.

Bb go to bed

too early

@HighPockets group

OH Eva, I didn't tell you, since you weren't here

I was gonna read "Felix Ever After" and then my mom caught me D: I managed to cover my ass so thankfully I'm not in trouble, but now I don't get to finish it and I'm unhappy D:

Dude no offense but your mom kinda sucks
I'm holding out for my library to hopefully reopen, otherwise I'm also trying to get my card switched so I get the emails and not my mom. Not just so I can read more openly queer books, but because I'd like to be able to know when my holds are in without it 1) clogging up her inbox and 2) having to be forwarded to me.


OH Eva, I didn't tell you, since you weren't here

I was gonna read "Felix Ever After" and then my mom caught me D: I managed to cover my ass so thankfully I'm not in trouble, but now I don't get to finish it and I'm unhappy D:

Dude no offense but your mom kinda sucks
I'm holding out for my library to hopefully reopen, otherwise I'm also trying to get my card switched so I get the emails and not my mom. Not just so I can read more openly queer books, but because I'd like to be able to know when my holds are in without it 1) clogging up her inbox and 2) having to be forwarded to me.

None taken. At least it's not like two years ago when she fucking policed my library bag. Like, she literally read the description for every damn book that I borrowed, and if she didn't like it, I couldn't borrow it. It sucked ass
Nice! Yeah, I'm supremely thankful that I have my own library card

@HighPockets group

OH Eva, I didn't tell you, since you weren't here

I was gonna read "Felix Ever After" and then my mom caught me D: I managed to cover my ass so thankfully I'm not in trouble, but now I don't get to finish it and I'm unhappy D:

Dude no offense but your mom kinda sucks
I'm holding out for my library to hopefully reopen, otherwise I'm also trying to get my card switched so I get the emails and not my mom. Not just so I can read more openly queer books, but because I'd like to be able to know when my holds are in without it 1) clogging up her inbox and 2) having to be forwarded to me.

None taken. At least it's not like two years ago when she fucking policed my library bag. Like, she literally read the description for every damn book that I borrowed, and if she didn't like it, I couldn't borrow it. It sucked ass
Nice! Yeah, I'm supremely thankful that I have my own library card

Ewwww gross


OH Eva, I didn't tell you, since you weren't here

I was gonna read "Felix Ever After" and then my mom caught me D: I managed to cover my ass so thankfully I'm not in trouble, but now I don't get to finish it and I'm unhappy D:

Dude no offense but your mom kinda sucks
I'm holding out for my library to hopefully reopen, otherwise I'm also trying to get my card switched so I get the emails and not my mom. Not just so I can read more openly queer books, but because I'd like to be able to know when my holds are in without it 1) clogging up her inbox and 2) having to be forwarded to me.

None taken. At least it's not like two years ago when she fucking policed my library bag. Like, she literally read the description for every damn book that I borrowed, and if she didn't like it, I couldn't borrow it. It sucked ass
Nice! Yeah, I'm supremely thankful that I have my own library card

Ewwww gross

Mhm. There were so many times I'd pull out a book and she'd make this face and then be like "this is disgusting, you aren't borrowing this. I don't want you reading this"

I'm just glad she isn't like one of my friend's moms. My friend can't read a n y t h i n g that her mom hasn't already okayed, it fucking sucks


OH Eva, I didn't tell you, since you weren't here

I was gonna read "Felix Ever After" and then my mom caught me D: I managed to cover my ass so thankfully I'm not in trouble, but now I don't get to finish it and I'm unhappy D:

Dude no offense but your mom kinda sucks
I'm holding out for my library to hopefully reopen, otherwise I'm also trying to get my card switched so I get the emails and not my mom. Not just so I can read more openly queer books, but because I'd like to be able to know when my holds are in without it 1) clogging up her inbox and 2) having to be forwarded to me.

None taken. At least it's not like two years ago when she fucking policed my library bag. Like, she literally read the description for every damn book that I borrowed, and if she didn't like it, I couldn't borrow it. It sucked ass
Nice! Yeah, I'm supremely thankful that I have my own library card

man that sucks. My parents are kinda like that. I remember in 4th grade or smth they didn't let me read a valentine's dad themed kids book. I started reading books online idk if ur library has that but there's this thing called hoopla.

@HighPockets group

OH Eva, I didn't tell you, since you weren't here

I was gonna read "Felix Ever After" and then my mom caught me D: I managed to cover my ass so thankfully I'm not in trouble, but now I don't get to finish it and I'm unhappy D:

Dude no offense but your mom kinda sucks
I'm holding out for my library to hopefully reopen, otherwise I'm also trying to get my card switched so I get the emails and not my mom. Not just so I can read more openly queer books, but because I'd like to be able to know when my holds are in without it 1) clogging up her inbox and 2) having to be forwarded to me.

None taken. At least it's not like two years ago when she fucking policed my library bag. Like, she literally read the description for every damn book that I borrowed, and if she didn't like it, I couldn't borrow it. It sucked ass
Nice! Yeah, I'm supremely thankful that I have my own library card

man that sucks. My parents are kinda like that. I remember in 4th grade or smth they didn't let me read a valentine's dad themed kids book. I started reading books online idk if ur library has that but there's this thing called hoopla.

11/10 recommend Hoopla if you have access to it!!

@HighPockets group

OH Eva, I didn't tell you, since you weren't here

I was gonna read "Felix Ever After" and then my mom caught me D: I managed to cover my ass so thankfully I'm not in trouble, but now I don't get to finish it and I'm unhappy D:

Dude no offense but your mom kinda sucks
I'm holding out for my library to hopefully reopen, otherwise I'm also trying to get my card switched so I get the emails and not my mom. Not just so I can read more openly queer books, but because I'd like to be able to know when my holds are in without it 1) clogging up her inbox and 2) having to be forwarded to me.

None taken. At least it's not like two years ago when she fucking policed my library bag. Like, she literally read the description for every damn book that I borrowed, and if she didn't like it, I couldn't borrow it. It sucked ass
Nice! Yeah, I'm supremely thankful that I have my own library card

Ewwww gross

Mhm. There were so many times I'd pull out a book and she'd make this face and then be like "this is disgusting, you aren't borrowing this. I don't want you reading this"

I'm just glad she isn't like one of my friend's moms. My friend can't read a n y t h i n g that her mom hasn't already okayed, it fucking sucks

I can probably get away with more than I try to, I'm guessing I could probably check out anything that doesn't have, like, two guys kissing on the cover or a super gay title, but I'd rather play it safe just in case.


OH Eva, I didn't tell you, since you weren't here

I was gonna read "Felix Ever After" and then my mom caught me D: I managed to cover my ass so thankfully I'm not in trouble, but now I don't get to finish it and I'm unhappy D:

Dude no offense but your mom kinda sucks
I'm holding out for my library to hopefully reopen, otherwise I'm also trying to get my card switched so I get the emails and not my mom. Not just so I can read more openly queer books, but because I'd like to be able to know when my holds are in without it 1) clogging up her inbox and 2) having to be forwarded to me.

None taken. At least it's not like two years ago when she fucking policed my library bag. Like, she literally read the description for every damn book that I borrowed, and if she didn't like it, I couldn't borrow it. It sucked ass
Nice! Yeah, I'm supremely thankful that I have my own library card

Ewwww gross

Mhm. There were so many times I'd pull out a book and she'd make this face and then be like "this is disgusting, you aren't borrowing this. I don't want you reading this"

I'm just glad she isn't like one of my friend's moms. My friend can't read a n y t h i n g that her mom hasn't already okayed, it fucking sucks

I can probably get away with more than I try to, I'm guessing I could probably check out anything that doesn't have, like, two guys kissing on the cover or a super gay title, but I'd rather play it safe just in case.

Yeah. The issue for me happened because she came into my room and I tried to hide the book so she wouldn't see it. She saw me hiding it, demanded to know what I was trying to hide, and then I had to show it to her and I knew that she'd read the description, so I covered my ass by lying that I didn't mean to borrow it

@HighPockets group

OH Eva, I didn't tell you, since you weren't here

I was gonna read "Felix Ever After" and then my mom caught me D: I managed to cover my ass so thankfully I'm not in trouble, but now I don't get to finish it and I'm unhappy D:

Dude no offense but your mom kinda sucks
I'm holding out for my library to hopefully reopen, otherwise I'm also trying to get my card switched so I get the emails and not my mom. Not just so I can read more openly queer books, but because I'd like to be able to know when my holds are in without it 1) clogging up her inbox and 2) having to be forwarded to me.

None taken. At least it's not like two years ago when she fucking policed my library bag. Like, she literally read the description for every damn book that I borrowed, and if she didn't like it, I couldn't borrow it. It sucked ass
Nice! Yeah, I'm supremely thankful that I have my own library card

Ewwww gross

Mhm. There were so many times I'd pull out a book and she'd make this face and then be like "this is disgusting, you aren't borrowing this. I don't want you reading this"

I'm just glad she isn't like one of my friend's moms. My friend can't read a n y t h i n g that her mom hasn't already okayed, it fucking sucks

I can probably get away with more than I try to, I'm guessing I could probably check out anything that doesn't have, like, two guys kissing on the cover or a super gay title, but I'd rather play it safe just in case.

Yeah. The issue for me happened because she came into my room and I tried to hide the book so she wouldn't see it. She saw me hiding it, demanded to know what I was trying to hide, and then I had to show it to her and I knew that she'd read the description, so I covered my ass by lying that I didn't mean to borrow it

Jeez, dude, no wonder you vibed so hard with Fahrenheit 451-


OH Eva, I didn't tell you, since you weren't here

I was gonna read "Felix Ever After" and then my mom caught me D: I managed to cover my ass so thankfully I'm not in trouble, but now I don't get to finish it and I'm unhappy D:

Dude no offense but your mom kinda sucks
I'm holding out for my library to hopefully reopen, otherwise I'm also trying to get my card switched so I get the emails and not my mom. Not just so I can read more openly queer books, but because I'd like to be able to know when my holds are in without it 1) clogging up her inbox and 2) having to be forwarded to me.

None taken. At least it's not like two years ago when she fucking policed my library bag. Like, she literally read the description for every damn book that I borrowed, and if she didn't like it, I couldn't borrow it. It sucked ass
Nice! Yeah, I'm supremely thankful that I have my own library card

Ewwww gross

Mhm. There were so many times I'd pull out a book and she'd make this face and then be like "this is disgusting, you aren't borrowing this. I don't want you reading this"

I'm just glad she isn't like one of my friend's moms. My friend can't read a n y t h i n g that her mom hasn't already okayed, it fucking sucks

I can probably get away with more than I try to, I'm guessing I could probably check out anything that doesn't have, like, two guys kissing on the cover or a super gay title, but I'd rather play it safe just in case.

Yeah. The issue for me happened because she came into my room and I tried to hide the book so she wouldn't see it. She saw me hiding it, demanded to know what I was trying to hide, and then I had to show it to her and I knew that she'd read the description, so I covered my ass by lying that I didn't mean to borrow it

Jeez, dude, no wonder you vibed so hard with Fahrenheit 451-


fair point

I live in fear that she will discover that Cinderella is Dead contains a lesbian character and…idk what she'd even do with it, but it wouldn't be good

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

i hate myself.

I don’t.

i hate how i talk, i hate how i look, i hate who i've become.

I don’t see why the first two matter. The third might be serious, so I wish you luck on improving yourself.

i wish i could be a better person. i wish i was something meaningful, but i'm not. i threw myself away.

I hope you will be a better person. You are meaningful. You haven’t thrown away your life. You still have a ton to go.