forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Guys I wrote over 1,000 words today and I'm gonna do it again tomorrow, mark my words

oh shit
guys that pun wasn't intended
I have leftover puns from when I was terrorizing my friend using bad puns, apparently

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I have an ongoing fic that's relatively happy, one that I wrote today, and a singular oneshot
That's it lmao

I'm considering starting a series of fics where my favorite character just keeps getting tortured lol

@HighPockets group

A lot of my stuff started off nice enough, but as I get older and more capable of handling themes, dark stuff, etc. it gradually grows darker. It's odd, because I feel like a lot of my stuff manages to be dreary without killing off too many characters. God, this feels like a humblebrag, ew

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

A lot of my stuff started off nice enough, but as I get older and more capable of handling themes, dark stuff, etc. it gradually grows darker. It's odd, because I feel like a lot of my stuff manages to be dreary without killing off too many characters. God, this feels like a humblebrag, ew

Meanwhile for the same reasons, some of my darker stuff got less dark and possibly more nuanced.

@HighPockets group

To clarify, I don't mean GrimdarkTM, I mean that it got more nuanced than "this are the bad guys, they're bad because they're evil and the good guys are good because they're good". My recent love for messy leads probably plays into that too.


You know when you just get ticked by a short story that you're assigned to read and analyse the setting for your English class, but you're so upset that you're struggling to analyse the setting, and you're just really angry at what happens in it… no just me.
If you ever want a good blood boiler read "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid and “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker.
Both of them really just… Gah, made me upset. I mean they're supposed to but still.

Deleted user

My mom is just UGHGRHGHHG. Okay small story time.


My mom is just UGHGRHGHHG. Okay small story time.

Okay but same though and i'm really sorry you have to go through that too. My mom blames me for not helping/ comforting her in her marital issues and accuses me of leaving her to suffer.

Deleted user

My mom is just UGHGRHGHHG. Okay small story time.

Okay but same though and i'm really sorry you have to go through that too. My mom blames me for not helping/ comforting her in her marital issues and accuses me of leaving her to suffer.

You took the words from my mind.


I'm in band listening to a Flamenco Guitarist, giving Band kids a history lecture…..
So much misinformation I literally can't. Like…. The Greeks weren't stupid, if a person got sick they had an idea of how to fix it, they had a god of medicine, why would have had a god of medicine if they didn't have it.
Man this guy pushes my buttons.


Like dude, using big words and then telling us what they mean does not make you sound smart.
We know what cyclical means.
And there's this little twerp teachers pet kid in the chat being like, "Oh and also this and this fact and this fact." Like dude, no one thinks your cool or smart we think your obnoxious.


Just gonna vent this in hopes it'll help how horrible I feel currently:

Being short doesn't make me less of a man.
Being baby-faced doesn't make me less of a man.
Being vulnerable doesn't make me less of a man.
My past doesn't define who I am.
My present is only temporary.
My future is what I make of it.
I am not shackled to the belief that I should be what others think of me.
I am allowed to feel emotions without being ashamed for having them.
I am allowed to be me without having to conform to toxic masculinity just to prove to everyone else that I'm as much of a man that I say I am.

Fucking hell.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm in band listening to a Flamenco Guitarist, giving Band kids a history lecture…..
So much misinformation I literally can't. Like…. The Greeks weren't stupid, if a person got sick they had an idea of how to fix it, they had a god of medicine, why would have had a god of medicine if they didn't have it.
Man this guy pushes my buttons.

He said the Greeks had no medicine?