forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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when u start talking to someone and u really like them but only platonically and u don't want them to get the wrong message

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

when u start talking to someone and u really like them but only platonically and u don't want them to get the wrong message

for me it's more like
when you're talking to your favorite human and you flirt platonically all the time but then you wonder if you're taking it to far even though you might have a crush on them
also when they kinda-sorta ask you out and you don't know what to say and you can't tell if you're fitting the clueless lesbian stereotype even though you're not even a lesbian


when u start talking to someone and u really like them but only platonically and u don't want them to get the wrong message

for me it's more like
when you're talking to your favorite human and you flirt platonically all the time but then you wonder if you're taking it to far even though you might have a crush on them
also when they kinda-sorta ask you out and you don't know what to say and you can't tell if you're fitting the clueless lesbian stereotype even though you're not even a lesbian

for me there's this guy i started talking to during quarantine and its kinda funny cuz we'd never talked at school before but somehow we became friends from just su on each other's snap stories and stuff and since i'd never talked to him at school before i dont want him to get the idea that i started talking to him cuz i have a crush or something
also i totally get the lesbian thing cuz sometimes im like do i have a crush on this girl or do i just think they're pretty and also think she has a cool personality

@Pickles group

School starts on Tuesday but then I have Thursday and Friday off for the rest of the students to "phase in". I don't wanna go. I keep forgetting to take my allergy medicine and I'm afraid that when I go to sleep I'll drown in snot.


So, I work odd jobs a lot because all the boys who used to do them have left and I always went with them. Anyways, I did odd jobs like making a shelf from scratch, hanging christmas lights, mowing lawns, making wooden rings, and stickers and bracelets for vsco girls. Anyways, It's been really slow, but I finally got a job for the first time in a couple of months and I'm so pumped because I was worried I would have to get a real job where I would actually have to pay taxes

Deleted user


So little this is a, unsure because emotions are weird Rant. Also it's in like third person for a bit for some reason?
So, Rels has Friend, Friend is the best thing in her life he is Best person.
Friend has helped Rels deal with lot's of things like, life being trash and life being hard and getting out of bad toxic relationship
Basically Friend is very special and Friend is very close.
Recently Friend is not doing very well,
Friend is sad a lot and does not know how to deal with being sad because they are generally a very up beat very happy person.
To me Friend is like this beacon, so hopeful and so helpful and kind and compassionate. Kinda like a candle that goes around and lights all the other candles.
And now It's like I'm watching that flame flicker and die,
They're so unhappy
Even if they didn't say it directly but just through the words they use and the things they talk about I just, man it hurts my heart to see them so dark and unhopeful.
Crap, Crap, Crap
I never want to see that smile go away, I want to make it so they never feel like the world is falling apart, I just want to take all of their pain away, I'll take it I will, I just want them to be happy. Because They deserves nothing less then happiness.
You know what scares me? He keeps pinching himself just to feel something. That terrifies me , I'm the one that introduced that even being a thing. I- No, No, no, no, What if that escalates, would he even tell me?
No, he is to- to important, to precious, pain shouldn't be his answer, I can't let it be his answer No.
I will take it all, his hurt his troubles his worry, No I will not let that be his answer I can't let that be his answer, But I can't fix it.
I'm a half hour drive away, we're quarantined, He has work. And I don't know what's going on, I know the reaction but not the cause, I can't fix it. I can't do anything but type out words on a screen and hope, that somehow they'll reach him, But I don't know if my candle is strong enough to light his.
Seeing him hurting and not being able to do anything Hurts so bad.
He has helped me through to much, he has worked so so hard to be where he is. He does not deserve the pain he is feeling.
I'll do what I can to help, Looks like it's my turn to be there for him, I don't know if what I have to say will ever be enough but, I don't know what else to do.

@saor_illust school

things happen
it's scary, i know
it's so, so scary to see the brightest person in your life go down
and maybe you will be able to help him
if so, that's great!
i'm so proud of both of you!

and if not, well, you tried your best
you can't help everyone
you can't save everyone

either way, i'm so fucking proud of you for trying your best
for caring so much about your friend
that's great!

one other thing, though-
encourage him to seek professional help at some point if you haven't already brought it up
and definitely vent whenever you have to,
do not keep your feelings inside

big hugs @ fren
you got this
i believe in you
i believe in your fren
we'll all make it through this tough time, okay?

you can talk to me if you ever need smth, tho i might not respond very fast if it's over nb
i'll be hanging out around nb for a smol bit tonight just in case you need me
[ if you have discord or email i'll definitely respond faster to either of those, pm me if you'd like either of them ]

@saor_illust school

yw, anytime, love <3
you're gonna do great
no matter how things turn out
you tried your best and i'll be (and am rn) so proud of you for hanging on so long <333