forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Relsey is irresponsible and has had to convince many teachers that she's more responsible than she is, It took practice to get there aight.

Glad I'm not the only one


yes and no but maybe
I don’t actually like like anyone specific so maybe I’m just desperate for basic friendship but uh
girls in general are really freaking pretty
I want one to hold me and raise teeny tiny dogs together
boys? not so pretty
in fact 75% of them are ew
however i promised myself I’d never be this way
and even though I’ve mostly changed my mind on the gay bad thing, if I break this old promise how do I know I won’t break more?
it may sound stupid but there’s nothing more terrifying to me than not being able to control my future self, I’ve made multiple strict rules/promises for myself that I’ve tried my best to make physically permanent so I never change my mind, lose my senses, and become the very person I wish would die off. so allowing current me to ignore my past rule of no homo and stop beating myself up/actively seeking ways to make this go away? not an easy decision
past me felt the same way about this as current me feels about other things, I still have the scar she left on my shoulder as a reminder of the promise. I can’t break it. I could become just like the person I said I’d never be, and I can’t have that.
I know it doesn’t matter at all right now because I’m a literal child and the future is so far away but if I sit back and ignore things I won’t have time to prevent them
you know?

tl;dr I have way too much alone time and am overthinking a lot

@Pickles group

Just because you decided to mostly not hate yourself for one thing doesn't mean you're going to become everything you feared. Part of growing up imo is realizing that baby you's perception of how things are and should be aren't correct
Just don't become a murderer and you'll be fine

@Moxie group

Okay think about this. You probably have a little more life experience than when you made that promise right?I mean, probably not a ton, but probably more than you did then. Think about the person you're afraid of becoming. Does she scare you much as she did when you made that promise? Why? Is that a valid reason?

Idk the answer to these questions, but I do know that as you grow and mature and learn more things about the world, you're probably not going to stay the same person, and that's okay. The person you dread becoming might not actually be that bad, idk.

Just stuff to think about


I'm trying to think of way's to embarrass my sister and her boyfriend, we're meeting him for the first time today.
The thing is, He's the biggest nerd and that just gives him so many brownie points.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Honestly I'm grateful for you guys giving me my more Centrist leanings.

I'm shocked that being not homophobic isn't one of them.

Well I'm a lot less now. I was never a hate the Gays, but I never looked at things from their perspective, something I've now done for a lot of things as I got older. In a weird way I almost wish everyone who didn't have a religious reason would be an ally. It only makes sense. But brass tacks is that I'm a Christian and all evidence I've seen has been against the Gaiety from Christianity. Which sucks. And if someone can change my mind that would be awesome. Minus all the inner conflict and family issues and stuff. But I doubt it's gonna happen. And I don't plan on changing my morals to support the people I love.

@Moxie group

If that's the case then I would suggest you have a serious look at your morals and a serious look at what your church is teaching you. Because not to get religious, but if Jesus had come today he would be ashamed of what a church that is supposed to be founded on showing love to others has become.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

U right. But I can sure as hell love you guys and not be pro gay so Idk if your point stands. Just because my morals don't match up with what you think is right doesn't mean they're wrong. No offence intended and I don't mean to say I have it all right.


I have been internally panicking for the past 10 hours because fren jokingly gave me a temporary ban from the server we’re in and somehow that’s enough to send me spiraling thinking no one likes me and I’ll never be spoken to ever again yay isn’t this lovely help I didn’t sleep well last night cause it crept into my nightmares and now my head hurts gosh dammit why am I like this

@_Gro0vy_ group

hi, im here to vent about my school and how screwed up it is.

my school is semi small town missouri, its a crackhead breeding ground, theres nothing here but soundcloud rappers, skinny white dudes that say the n slur, and freshmen who thinks its "unique" to vape in class/ in the bathroom/ on the bus.

we really bad fights, one was so bad a princple got a broken arm and 3 others were sent to a hospital this happened in the cafeteria and if it werent for my friend kat i would have been knocked into a trophy case, another a racist/homophobic/sexist/ assh*ole got his face stomped on by multipe people in our history wing.

yesterday some fellow seniors in my study hall were being very homophobic, saying things like "im not homophobic im not scared of gays i hate them" and so on. and the teacher, whos an obviously biased republican government teacher didnt say anything but i was on my phone beause i didnt have work to do he says something to me, but not the skinny little boys who were right by his desk.

and they really said "survival of the fittest" with the over-crowding and very flexible mask/divider/situation and social distancing is laughable…

i hate it here so much


hi, im here to vent about my school and how screwed up it is.

my school is semi small town missouri, its a crackhead breeding ground, theres nothing here but soundcloud rappers, skinny white dudes that say the n slur, and freshmen who thinks its "unique" to vape in class/ in the bathroom/ on the bus.

we really bad fights, one was so bad a princple got a broken arm and 3 others were sent to a hospital this happened in the cafeteria and if it werent for my friend kat i would have been knocked into a trophy case, another a racist/homophobic/sexist/ assh*ole got his face stomped on by multipe people in our history wing.

yesterday some fellow seniors in my study hall were being very homophobic, saying things like "im not homophobic im not scared of gays i hate them" and so on. and the teacher, whos an obviously biased republican government teacher didnt say anything but i was on my phone beause i didnt have work to do he says something to me, but not the skinny little boys who were right by his desk.

and they really said "survival of the fittest" with the over-crowding and very flexible mask/divider/situation and social distancing is laughable…

i hate it here so much

Omg I'd hate it there so much. Homophobes make my blood boil so much. I'm really sorry you have to be there <3

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

yesterday some fellow seniors in my study hall were being very homophobic, saying things like "im not homophobic im not scared of gays i hate them" and so on.

we gays hate those seniors right back