forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

To clarify, I don't mean GrimdarkTM, I mean that it got more nuanced than "this are the bad guys, they're bad because they're evil and the good guys are good because they're good". My recent love for messy leads probably plays into that too.

I feel that.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I'm in band listening to a Flamenco Guitarist, giving Band kids a history lecture…..
So much misinformation I literally can't. Like…. The Greeks weren't stupid, if a person got sick they had an idea of how to fix it, they had a god of medicine, why would have had a god of medicine if they didn't have it.
Man this guy pushes my buttons.

Aight who do I need t' fight


I'm in band listening to a Flamenco Guitarist, giving Band kids a history lecture…..
So much misinformation I literally can't. Like…. The Greeks weren't stupid, if a person got sick they had an idea of how to fix it, they had a god of medicine, why would have had a god of medicine if they didn't have it.
Man this guy pushes my buttons.

He said the Greeks had no medicine?

He said and I quote, "I mean these people would cut a bird open and look at it's guts to decide if they should plant crops, If a person got sick it was because one of the god's were mad at them and they were doomed to die, there was no saving them."
Like no, If a person got sick they got a doctor to check on them, they weren't stupid.

@HighPockets group

The correlation between the bird guts and the medicine doesn't even make sense, because you can be superstitious and also know "hey, we should probably help this person with a high fever not fucking die"


also ace, u don't have to prove anyone anything to anyone to be who u are.

Thank you, Salami. I'm aware. It's not that simple, though. I can be who I am all I like, the issue comes around when others are unable to see me as who I am (which unfortunately occurs in abundance and is honestly so fuckin' annoying at this point)

@GameMaster group

Imagine your high school librarian calling the new twilight book Midnight Moon and the resident Quirky™ girl correcting her in front of the whole school.


also ace, u don't have to prove anyone anything to anyone to be who u are.

Thank you, Salami. I'm aware. It's not that simple, though. I can be who I am all I like, the issue comes around when others are unable to see me as who I am (which unfortunately occurs in abundance and is honestly so fuckin' annoying at this point)

ill beat em up for u >:(


also ace, u don't have to prove anyone anything to anyone to be who u are.

Thank you, Salami. I'm aware. It's not that simple, though. I can be who I am all I like, the issue comes around when others are unable to see me as who I am (which unfortunately occurs in abundance and is honestly so fuckin' annoying at this point)

ill beat em up for u >:(

I appreciate the sentiment


They just released the Inktober list for this year and I am very tempted to just do embroidery on my backpack because I have to draw it out first and then I just do it

Deleted user

I'm almost tempted to do it…but I always fail due to being busy.


I literally spent all of English class thinking of how I was gonna ask the teacher for the password for one of our websites and I fucking forgot and just now remembered the assignment but its past 11.


Alright, so this is an English class right? all you have to do to get away with it is write an email, and write it well, fill it with fluff, lean into a dramatic and tragic wo is me story, then make a plea for assistance and a cry for forgiveness, then state that you understand that it was your responsibility and you feel bad, never forget that part. then say something sappy like "I apologize for taking up so much of your time." Or "Thank you for your time and concideration." Close with your name and send it off. So in point's that's.

  • formal intro
  • your question
  • explanation of why the assignment is late (Wo is me, don't make it to long though, just enough to invoke sympathy)
  • ask for a pardon
  • state that you know it's your fault
  • concluding line that talks about how valuable they are.

It works almost every time for me, and it has a 100% success rate on my English teachers.

Deleted user

I might not be entirely aromantic and the thought terrifies me. I think I might actually be grey-aro and while there’s nothing wrong with that I’m just genuinely scared because I’ve already come out and there are people in my life I just can’t come out to again out of a legitimate fear of rejection.


Relsey is irresponsible and has had to convince many teachers that she's more responsible than she is, It took practice to get there aight.