forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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so where's this pastor when pedophiles who both have and haven't assaulted children are showing up on twitter and calling themselves a sexuality and organizing things involving watching, and interacting, with children

oh wait

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oh excuse me. I took this as detached from the math thing. What I was saying is that no one can give you the hope to survive by yourself pretty much.

Oh okay. That is true. Sorry, I didn't understand that at all. Sorry I was so harsh

Nah bro. When you gotta clapback on a friend to help a friend you do it. It's what good people do.


Yeah, I don't understand people who are so insecure in their religion that they have to shame people who go against it.
Like I'm a religious person, my Church thinks that Gay ain't Gods way, that doesn't mean I have the right to shame people. Like, it frustrates me so much when people who are members of my church go out and are like "SINNERS" Like out church leaders have literally said be kind to Gay people and yet here you are. Like are you that insecure about your religion?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

TW for like, extreme homphobia

I’m sorry, Mox.

Thanks. Honestly, I can deal with being told I'm going to hell. Whatever, if that's whats happening, I've come to terms with it. Its the people that actively want to kill me and equate me loving someone as a horrible crime such as that. Thats a lot closer than hell is and its a lot scarier.

Yeah that's bad stuff. It's just terrible. Especially coming from anyone proffesing to follow the lord of love and forgiveness.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Yeah, I don't understand people who are so insecure in their religion that they have to shame people who go against it.
Like I'm a religious person, my Church thinks that Gay ain't Gods way, that doesn't mean I have the right to shame people. Like, it frustrates me so much when people who are members of my church go out and are like "SINNERS" Like out church leaders have literally said be kind to Gay people and yet here you are. Like are you that insecure about your religion?

All that. Like bruh you think that's gonna help anyone.


Thats kinda like what i've been taught. Like gays might be wrong or whatever but that doesn't mean they don't deserve basic human rights.


cause the gays are humans, man, and those have rights regardless. that's the rule is like 'treat others with kindness' right? regardless of your issues with certain choices/aspects of their life/self


Like Ya'll are Valid, I'm not trying to say you guy's aren't in love, who on earth am I to say that or anyone for that matter, If you're in love with someone, you are valid, They're lucky to have that.
When people attack anyone in that community I just think, who are you to tear apart a happy couple, let them live. No one is asking you to barf rainbows just like, let them live.

I mean you haven't made things that cause actual Cancer illegal but you're going to make falling in love illegal? Like Bro, really?
(Sorry my SoCal Accent/ Speech patterns are really coming through right now)


Why do computer generated notes have to make harmonies sound so bad.
II'm currently makeing an arrangement to Concerning hobbits for my friends and I to play but garsh darn it hurts. I know that the note is F# but dang, it does not sound right when a computer does it.

@Pickles group

I love when I put something on my lap for two seconds and I suddenly can't find it anywhere only to have it show up in the place I already checked three times

@Reblod flag

I'm just so frustrated at myself I'm actually the most impossible person
I have a habit of randomly writing down my thoughts anywhere, mostly on my computer notes. Most of the time it's important story stuff, scenes, dialogue, etc
I check my notes (because I never remember what's on there) and I find this one page with a rough dialogue and I have NO GODDAMN CLUE what the context is. I don't know which story it's in, I don't know what characters it was meant for. It's not even particularly good dialogue but I have no memory of even thinking about it
Why must I do this to myself
I'm just so confused. Did I come up with it originally, was I inspired by something? It's like some weird feverdream. Where did it come from? Where did it go? I don't know. Why would I? It's not like it's my own mind or anything

This is the dialogue in question
I just..????
Is it even dialogue??

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

So for my English class we're doing a getting to know you thing where you take a picture of yourself, put it in a google doc and link something that represents you and I was gonna rickroll my class but the teacher saw through my plan so I linked the entire One Piece wiki instead

@Katastrophic group

Can I just say f cold weather?? I have so much work to do but I can't type right cause my fingers are too cold. I cant even procrastinate cause I can't hold a pencil to draw and videogames require hand coordination. Like it was 85 inside a few days ago now it's ice rain? wtf nature


Can I just say f cold weather?? I have so much work to do but I can't type right cause my fingers are too cold. I cant even procrastinate cause I can't hold a pencil to draw and videogames require hand coordination. Like it was 85 inside a few days ago now it's ice rain? wtf nature

Dude same! It was like 95 degrees on Sunday, and now it's like 45 degrees


My parents and grandparents want me to go to a Christian college and I'm like… no. Just no. I have no fucking wish to attend some school that's going to kick me out if I dare to say anything in favor of the Big Gay, or, god forbid, I kiss someone of my same gender. Or have sex with anyone. I just…college has been something I've looked forward to for years, because my parents will no longer be able to force me to do what they want, and why the hell would I subject myself to a Christian college that's just going to try and do the same things that my parents have been doing?? No. I wanna go to a school that supports its LGBTQ community. I wanna be able to go to Pride, and date anybody I like, or sleep with anybody I like (if I want to? Pretty sure I'm demi-sexual but my point still stands). I don't want to get trapped in the closet for an extra four years, just to pacify my parents. Fuck no

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So for my English class we're doing a getting to know you thing where you take a picture of yourself, put it in a google doc and link something that represents you and I was gonna rickroll my class but the teacher saw through my plan so I linked the entire One Piece wiki instead
