forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Also today on notebook I have been uncharacteristically….. I can't think of the right word, Lose, Easygoing, unprofessional? I don't know maybe one of those. It is 100% because I watched Lord of the Rings and all logic and filter goes out the window after I watch one of them. Unfiltered! that's the word I was looking for.


I Also have been procrastinating so hard today, like I made Some Trivia questions based around my poor Time usage instead of actually doing my work.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

i hate my mom and i need to rant but idk how to do a spoiler thing because im bad at everything (:

@_Gro0vy_ group

i hate my mom and i need to rant but idk how to do a spoiler thing because im bad at everything (:

Thank you so much

(TW talk of body shaming)

@saor_illust school

tw for sui*ide


tw for sui*ide

Call a hotline, the police, anything to make sure someone would be able to stop her
I’m hoping this helps even though it was four hours ago when you posted this

@saor_illust school

i tried i tried i tried i tried
it's been 25 hours
no response
dom, what if shes gone
i can't i can't i can't

i'm the closest ive ever been to losing a friend
and i can't even do anything about it
i contacted national suicide helpline
they said they couldn't help unless she contacted them
dom i'm so scared

what if what i tried wasn't enough
what if there was something more i could do
what if what if what if

i could use some virtual hugs rn
and maybe a reassurance that everything will be okay?
i hafta go back to school in under 40 minutes and it's pe so i hafta be okay
i hafta look like i'm fine
i cant be on camera with tears in my eyes
i cant i cant i cant

god stress levels are so high right now

@saor_illust school

but how could it not be my fault?
what if there were things i couldve know
things i couldve done
and the answers were there in plain sight and i still missed them?

@Pickles group

I need to record a three second thing introducing myself for psych but. I can't. I'm sitting in front of the laptop with everything set up and I can't do it. I wanna cry


Hey so this might seem silly but something I was taught to do is make a list of things you need to do in order to do it and then just do one thing at a time.
So first you need to know what to say.
Then you need to push record
then you need to stop the recording
then watch it back
if you like it move on if not repeat the steps
Then you need to attach it to the pace you're submit it
then submit it
Then go eat a cookie because you finished the assignment good for you.

It sounds silly but it works for me, when a task seems impossible or daunting, or even if I just can't physically make my self do the task, I can at least figure out what I need to say.

@saor_illust school

what do you do on the days when all you can do is think "i can't."?
i can't.
i cannot go on like this when i genuinely don't feel like things are ever going to change.
(tw for sui/ide)

maybe we'll be forced to evacuate bc of the fires, but what difference will that make?
bc there are still too many people that don't believe in corona, it's not gonna get better for awhile
idk i just feel hopeless
we'll be stuck in quarantine forever
the new normal
sounds fun

i'm more of an introvert than an extrovert but that doesnt mean i dont ever wanna talk to people
and besides that
my mental health kinda took a downward spiral as quarantine was beginning

i think quarantine was a major contributor to that negative spiral

Deleted user

Oh Izzy, I full fledged agree on this whole pandemic being the cause of A LOT of bad situations. But just know i'm still here for you. I may not be able to call you on the phone, but I can still reply to DM's if need be.


Hecked up my cookies somehow and now they're too liquidy

it's aight they'll still taste good, in the future just keep adding flower until the consistency is right. Somehow your flower to butter ratio got messed up. that happened to my mom once and the cookies ended up all smooshing together while they cooked and became one big cookie in the shape of America.

@Milani eco

Hecked up my cookies somehow and now they're too liquidy

it's aight they'll still taste good, in the future just keep adding flower until the consistency is right. Somehow your flower to butter ratio got messed up. that happened to my mom once and the cookies ended up all smooshing together while they cooked and became one big cookie in the shape of America.

yes, i too love adding rose petals to my cookies <3


Change happens,
sometimes it's for good
and some times it's bad
but it happens.
My Friend likes to say "And thus life continues."
Life moves ever on, quarantine wont last forever eventually the world will progress.
It's ok if you just can't. It's ok to feel that way. Life will continue, it will move on.
You will be able to continue, It's alright to be sad
It's alright to morn the absence of normal.
That's ok, that was our way of life, it's alright to be sad.
But life will continue to progress and move forward.
Science will progress
We will get over this Virus.
We will move on from this.