forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I've been considering a Christian/seminary college. Most aren't lgbt affirming, but there are a few fancy ones that are very much affirming. The more I look into it the more I realize how many trans or gay or queer Christians are leaders and teachers, good ones too. In fact, the other day I met a transman with a masters on Divinity on the path to becoming a leader. I'm just happy to know I wouldn't be alone if I decided to get involved that way.
I'm also really excited to go to Pride once I'm 18 (oh gosh that's actually close). I kinda wanna find a Christian group to walk with or vibe with or volunteer with (not the shouty religious protesters, I mean the actual Christians who are affirming walking in the parade, happy to say God is Love and support the community). But most likely my first year will just be with friends.

@Moxie group

I mean I go to a Catholic school and they have a Pride club. There are a lot of Straight People™ here, but the few gay people I've met online are really cool.
But I feel like Catholic schools and Christian schools are different sometimes. I was applying to this one Christain school my parents wanted me to apply to and they were a dry campus. They wanted me to sign this thing that said I could be expelled if I was caught drinking on campus, even if I was 21. My dad let me not apply there.

It really just depends on the school and their rules. But to be fair, I refused to apply to any Christain schools too.

Deleted user

We have a Pride Prom at my high school. And I'm about to ask my crush if she would like to come with me ( Hoping she says yes and it happens..)


We have a Pride Prom at my high school. And I'm about to ask my crush if she would like to come with me ( Hoping she says yes and it happens..)

Dang, you must live somewhere pretty liberal. Our schools don't do that (getting a gsa was drama filled and idk if they're risking it again this year). But the Pride Center in the city dies a Mas-queer-ade for teens and a few other events. oh, how I wish I could go

Deleted user

We have a Pride Prom at my high school. And I'm about to ask my crush if she would like to come with me ( Hoping she says yes and it happens..)

Dang, you must live somewhere pretty liberal. Our schools don't do that (getting a gsa was drama filled and idk if they're risking it again this year). But the Pride Center in the city dies a Mas-queer-ade for teens and a few other events. oh, how I wish I could go

Nebraska? PFFT, Also I found out they canceled all dances…BUT I STILL HAVE CONFIDENCE TO TELL HER HOW I FEEL!!

@Pickles group

I'm dehydrated and exhausted 👍 fell asleep for two hours and now I need to bring myself to get up and get water. But we're having chicken and waffles for dinner and. Yes.


Saaame I have a "if I don't get sick I've transcended" yearly routine. I get sick at the beginning of school (but I was hoping with all the new germ X and mask wearing and caution I might've been able to opt out this year) and the worst one is usually before winter. There are a few other spots, like beginning of summer and mid spring. I get sick a lot.

@HighPockets group

I get sick a lot, but it's usually not more than colds, chills, fever, etc.
The last time I got seriously ill was almost two years ago, when I had a panic attack before a concert and ended up going home, throwing up, and realizing I had the stomach flu.

@Pickles group

I'm definitely sick. Which is upsetting because I used to not get sick except from stress a few times a year but that's gone now so greeeaaaatttt


My mom is forcing me to help in this pep rally for uninterested freshmen on Friday, and if you know me, you know that I hate this type of crap and can't stand loud noises because of anxiety, sensory issues, and chronic migraines. I tried explaining that to my mom, but her response was "If you are missing 4 classes then you will participate in this assembly" so ibuprofen will be my friend on Friday. (I'm also missing lunch and have a job after school that day)