forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Hecked up my cookies somehow and now they're too liquidy

it's aight they'll still taste good, in the future just keep adding flower until the consistency is right. Somehow your flower to butter ratio got messed up. that happened to my mom once and the cookies ended up all smooshing together while they cooked and became one big cookie in the shape of America.

yes, i too love adding rose petals to my cookies <3

….. RWBY any one? Flower Power?…
Also now I can't correct it because you made it funny.

@Milani eco

Hecked up my cookies somehow and now they're too liquidy

it's aight they'll still taste good, in the future just keep adding flower until the consistency is right. Somehow your flower to butter ratio got messed up. that happened to my mom once and the cookies ended up all smooshing together while they cooked and became one big cookie in the shape of America.

yes, i too love adding rose petals to my cookies <3

….. RWBY any one? Flower Power?…
Also now I can't correct it because you made it funny.


Deleted user

Hecked up my cookies somehow and now they're too liquidy

it's aight they'll still taste good, in the future just keep adding flower until the consistency is right. Somehow your flower to butter ratio got messed up. that happened to my mom once and the cookies ended up all smooshing together while they cooked and became one big cookie in the shape of America.

yes, i too love adding rose petals to my cookies <3

….. RWBY any one? Flower Power?…
Also now I can't correct it because you made it funny.


@Pickles group

Hecked up my cookies somehow and now they're too liquidy

it's aight they'll still taste good, in the future just keep adding flower until the consistency is right. Somehow your flower to butter ratio got messed up. that happened to my mom once and the cookies ended up all smooshing together while they cooked and became one big cookie in the shape of America.

Just the humidity. They're fine


I'm just over here listening to old Honor band music and crying because I'll probably never have the chance to play any thing that epic again with an excellent and talented group of people


Depresso stuff


Number one: You're feelings and emotions are valid.
Number Two: I think you are doing some basic tasks, for example, you are breathing, your heart is beating, blood is moving through out your veins. Acid is dissolving stuff in your stomach. Those are all very important basic human tasks, that you seem to be doing

@saor_illust school

Oh Izzy, I full fledged agree on this whole pandemic being the cause of A LOT of bad situations. But just know i'm still here for you. I may not be able to call you on the phone, but I can still reply to DM's if need be.

i just realised who you are after thinking you were just some random stranger i never had the chance to meet

(and the phone thing makes so much sense now LJKSFD)

Deleted user

Oh Izzy, I full fledged agree on this whole pandemic being the cause of A LOT of bad situations. But just know i'm still here for you. I may not be able to call you on the phone, but I can still reply to DM's if need be.

i just realised who you are after thinking you were just some random stranger i never had the chance to meet

(and the phone thing makes so much sense now LJKSFD)

Sorry , guess I should've said something not to sound like a creepy person.

@Katastrophic group

I don't mean to butt in, but I really hope your friend is alright. I don't know too much about where you are, but psychiatric facilities around me don't allow internet/social media for patients under watch so don't lose hope, there's a possibility of that

@saor_illust school

fuck i'm settling back into self blame again
someone pls tell my brain to stfu
it needs to s h u t
so i can be okay again
i can't stop playing the whatif game
i know it's unhealthy
but whatif
whatif this or that


You know it's ok to just think those thoughts, but then you have to let go of them.
Because fighting the thoughts doesn't really work because if you're actively fighting something that means it's always there.
So let the though run through you brain and then let it leave, it's done it has run it's course move on from it.
That might not work for you, but it's one tactic that works for some.

@darling-velocipede group

putting evil non-binary character in my current project is self care <3 <3 <3
when i'm a famous author the interviewers will be like hm hello august why are there so many hot evil non-binary characters in your work
and i will be like ha fool it is because i am hot evil and non-binary


The other day I promised my friend I'd get (mental health) help on Monday from the counselors. And honestly… I thought I'd regret saying that, but it's kinda freeing.

All this time I've been holding myself in this horrible situation on purpose, because I've been scared. I've been scared to move forward and find new ways to get help because every effort I've made to move forward in the past have made things worse. So much worse. I don't even know what I expect from a counselor. I don't know how they could help me. They'll probably ruin my already unstable home life. They might out me. They might reject me. They might tell me to get over it. They might fulfill all my worst fears.

But.. it feels nice to do something for once. It feels nice to stop pretending I can predict every possible future. And if something does go wrong, which I have no doubt at least one thing will, then it won't be my fault. I won't have to say "I never asked for help" or "I didn't do anything about it". I can look my friend in the eye and maybe make them proud, even if things come crashing down.

Not to say I'm not nervous- I'll probably shit myself day of. I'll probably cry and breakdown. Hell, I could cry about it now.. I'll be a ball of nerves for weeks. But at least something will happen- there will be movement. And, of course, there's the very small chance something really will change for the better.

I know I'm supposed to be mature. I'm almost an adult for Harambe's sake. I know I'm not supposed to be wary of talking to adults about my f e e l i n g s. I know I shouldn't break down in a room with someone staring at me just because they asked me "how I was really doing".

But fuck it. This is a big step for me. I am scared. I'm horrified. I'm a wuss. But what better is there to do? Cry in a room by myself?

So yeah. I'm doing something.