forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I'm feeling like shit rn. One of my really good friends is trying to hook me up with her new best friend. ( Who is a girl , but doesn't like me in ANY WAY possible.) and she's just been on my nerves lately. Canceling HALLOWEEN for time with her girlfriend when we planned last year to chill at my house. BUT NO, she wants to get all freaky with her gf and hook me up? I AM NOT GONNA BE YOUR SPARE TIRE ON HALLOWEEN. I'm so close to just dropping her.


If she's bringing you more misery than happiness then yeah, drop her.
If she's pressuring you to do things you don't want to do and isn't making you a priority I mean.
Need I say more?
You're unhappy, she is contributing to the unhappiness.


I am so surprised that in 4 days of school, how quickly my appearance has lowered. I am a senior, so I have been doing this for the longest time, but never in a week. On Tuesday, the first day, I have to leave by 5:30, so I get up at 4:30 so I can get ready. I straightened my hair, did makeup, put on a really nice outfit, had a really healthy lunch. All that. On Friday, I just woke up 5 minutes before my ride got there and put on a hoodie (I fell asleep in the clothes I wore the day before). This usually takes me a couple of weeks before this transformation happens. I am aghast.


Relsey vent time.

I am, not doing well.
Feeling a bit hypocritical.
Feeling a bit like I have a mask super glued to my face
Feeling a lot like life isn't being very nice
Feeling a bit betrayed for no reason, (Correction a stupid reason)
Feeling a bit useless
Feeling a lot like I'm not ok.

Deleted user

sorry for venting right after you but
i wore a crop top to school today, my first period is full of bigots who don't understand that it's not cool to misgender people. i'm genderqueer, for those of you who don't know and really enjoy wearing more feminine clothes because like, that's what i look good in. but um. yeah, i'm completely out, have told my teachers my pronouns and yet they're still using she/her-


Friend this is the venting chat, there is no need for apology.
Also, that's not cool, rude, how dare.
I really will fight all of them.


I know no one reads these or gives two shits, but whatever
Relsey, Cherrryblossom, I'm sorry to hear you guys aren't doing well, I've known both of those feelings, and it's no fun. If you guys need anything, I'll do my best to help. pm me or anything, any time.

On to the part no one cares about, copied directly from a different thread, bc idc
It's shit o'clock, boys.
I'm working three jobs, taking two college classes, working on a personal project, and have a dog and a horse to care for, both of which require at LEAST an hour of undivided attention each, a day. Preferably a lot more.
Thursdays fucking suck, because I work until 12:30, have class at two until 3:15, have to choose between seeing my horse, (which between driving time and everything else, takes a minimum of two hours), studying for whatever assignments I have that night, (hint: this week I have three), working on my obligations for my OTHER job, working on my personal project, or trying not to ask my family to walk my dog for me. I now have a horse to train as well for the next two weeks, which is going to be another two-three hours out of most days, and yeah.
It's to the point where I don't have time to work on anything until the day it's due, because I'm too busy working on the other things I have, the days they're due.

I also have really bad anxiety atm, to the point where my therapist has mentioned slapping another medication on top of the one I already have. I feel like shit, and not one of the above mentioned things can be dropped. Not fucking one of them.
And to that one person irl who told me 'something's got to give,' bit h. Things will give when I'm done with them. Not one day before.


And to that one person irl who told me 'something's got to give,' bit h. Things will give when I'm done with them. Not one day before.

There are no words to describe how much I respect that.

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So I wrote about like 7 paragraphs of venting and I accidentally refreshed the page…
Well long story short parents are pressuring me and I cried last night and anxiety and depression is coming back which makes me want to talk to someone but if I talk to my parents it's just gonna make it worse.
I also threw my shoulder out and boy is that no fun…

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I had to do a 'get to know me' thing for science and my teacher said she was "very curious about One Piece"
Give me a class block to explain the whole thing and the entire class will be caught up


And to that one person irl who told me 'something's got to give,' bit h. Things will give when I'm done with them. Not one day before.

There are no words to describe how much I respect that.

Thank-you. I wish more people did.

Deleted user

And to that one person irl who told me 'something's got to give,' bit h. Things will give when I'm done with them. Not one day before.

i am so, so sorry. that sucks. take breaks, your mental health is more important than anything else, ok?

also this bit from your vent has such a powerful energy and i'm here for it-


And to that one person irl who told me 'something's got to give,' bit h. Things will give when I'm done with them. Not one day before.

i am so, so sorry. that sucks. take breaks, your mental health is more important than anything else, ok?

also this bit from your vent has such a powerful energy and i'm here for it-

I wish I could take breaks.
And thanks. Let's make it into a t-shirt :)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I had to do a 'get to know me' thing for science and my teacher said she was "very curious about One Piece"
Give me a class block to explain the whole thing and the entire class will be caught up

That is amazing. Be amazing.

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I think I have an unhealthy obsession/emotional attachment with certain TV shows


IIIIIII almost walked face first into a gigantic fucking hairy spider
it was maybe two inches away from my face when I noticed it’s weird hairy spider fangs staring at me
I’m not sleeping tonight

@Moxie group

I Can't Tell if This Is a Squish or a Crush but either way it really sucks cause it's never going to happen either wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

@Moxie group

Let’s just say I shouldn’t be allowed on tik tok lives anymore
Cause I join the love of one of my favorite small cosplayers and they respond to my comments and we basically have a conversation and then I’m left even more confused than before I joined

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(So completely unrelated I slept for a good 6 hours today because depression and family and school absolutely love to mix together… At least dinner was good when I woke up. My parent's still don't like me atm, though…)

@Moxie group

D: that's so wholesome I-

Maybe but I’m still not happy about it >:(
The crush possibility at least. The squish possibility I’m fine with