forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Milani eco

thank you <3

just a heads up, i do have a test in class for the next hour, but i will definitely be available afterwards :)

@Milani eco

i took one of those online adhd tests and it says adhd combined type what does that mean?

i think it means that you are neither predominantly inattentive nor predominantly hyperactive, you have more than six symptoms of both sides. :)

@Milani eco

So I have homework to do
and it's due tonight
but like
I don't wanna

i think you should do it. just make a deal with yourself, if you do homework, then you will be able to treat yourself the next day, with a cookie or whatnot.


i took one of those online adhd tests and it says adhd combined type what does that mean?

i think it means that you are neither predominantly inattentive nor predominantly hyperactive, you have more than six symptoms of both sides. :)

a lot of people stereotype adhd as little boys being loud and disruptive, but there's two types and a bunch of branch offs. i found a cool comic once that explained it, it was like 'alien' something and about adhd


i took one of those online adhd tests and it says adhd combined type what does that mean?

i think it means that you are neither predominantly inattentive nor predominantly hyperactive, you have more than six symptoms of both sides. :)

a lot of people stereotype adhd as little boys being loud and disruptive, but there's two types and a bunch of branch offs. i found a cool comic once that explained it, it was like 'alien' something and about adhd

yeah my brother kinda fits into the stereotype so i think he'll get diagnosed but i don't think my parents would consider me cuz im pretty quiet and in higher level classes also that comic sounds cool lol

@Milani eco

i took one of those online adhd tests and it says adhd combined type what does that mean?

i think it means that you are neither predominantly inattentive nor predominantly hyperactive, you have more than six symptoms of both sides. :)

a lot of people stereotype adhd as little boys being loud and disruptive, but there's two types and a bunch of branch offs. i found a cool comic once that explained it, it was like 'alien' something and about adhd

yeah my brother kinda fits into the stereotype so i think he'll get diagnosed but i don't think my parents would consider me cuz im pretty quiet and in higher level classes also that comic sounds cool lol

yeh when i told my friends that i am autistic, and that i have adhd, they didnt believe me fully as i am in multiple AEP (Academic extension program) then i was like 'im smart yeh i am, but that doesnt mean i am not autistic'


show them the comic if you find it, or i can try and find it! if you let them know and educate them on teh different symptoms beyond what's shown in media, they're much more likely to listen!

when i was a kid, i was constantly in trouble for daydreaming and not doing work because it was boring and i already understood the concepts. i was quiet most of the time because of daydreaming(if you have anxiety it plays in there too) but had moments of disruptive behavior that got me personal notes on report cards and calls home. i was, for quite a while, a Gifted Kid tm and then i burnt out.

adhd isn't a single rigid idea or stereotype, even tho media wishes it was.


people love to act like kids with adhd have to be horrible in school, and while yes i am, not everyone is. my adhd made it hard for me to learn with the systems and teaching styles required in public school, but other people thrive on keeping up with that


My cat's don't get along
like at all,
so recently we've had to make one of them, Pippin, a complete inside cat. Because the other cat, Mira, will chace him off.
We live in the middle of a desert highly populated by things like coyote's and Rattle snakes.
Dad forgot that he has to be an inside cat and let him outside
I haven't seen Pippin sense then,
So in short my cat might be dead.


Also a lot of afab autistic people are misdiagnosed with ADHD since their autism usually presents differently than with amab people.

is it weird that for just a second i wondered at the possibility that i had been misdiagnosed lmao


My cat's don't get along
like at all,
so recently we've had to make one of them, Pippin, a complete inside cat. Because the other cat, Mira, will chace him off.
We live in the middle of a desert highly populated by things like coyote's and Rattle snakes.
Dad forgot that he has to be an inside cat and let him outside
I haven't seen Pippin sense then,
So in short my cat might be dead.

give it a few days! cats are highly intelligent and scrappy little things, and usually they tend to come back to wherever they can get food and water, and lovin'. try also searching under your house/porch(crawlspaces), in hide spots around your house, and the like. it's unlikely he even went too far, really

@HighPockets group

Also a lot of afab autistic people are misdiagnosed with ADHD since their autism usually presents differently than with amab people.

is it weird that for just a second i wondered at the possibility that i had been misdiagnosed lmao

Not at all! Sometimes I wonder if I would have been diagnosed if my special interest had been something more stereotypically feminine as opposed to Star Wars.


that's such an interesting thing to think about? i'll have to ask corin(therapist) about that, just because i'm really wondering now. i'm pretty sure it's adhd, because it runs in the family and my mom recognized it, but it'll be an interesting conversation topic for sure

and no problem hon!


We shall see
I have really bad luck with cats
like really bad luck.
like the one that got it's head bitten off, that wasn't fun to find.
Or the one that some how got something wraped around it's genitals to it couldn't relive it's self and then dies of internal bleeding in my arms… yeah that one wasn't fun.
or the one that got eaten
or the other one that got eaten
or the other one that got eaten.
Sam, Sugar, Cozy, Breeze, Phantom, Arrow, Fern, Socks, Trip.
I'm not super worried yet But like if he's not back in two to three day's then, yeah he's gone, speaking from experience.