forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

So we went to a kids' rally thing today in the park, then went to the playground, then walked home and I found a rose and I was gonna show y'all but I got hungry and ate it

So anyway, TIL that roses taste nasty
Will that stop me from eating more in the future?

-This post was brought to you by Ash


eat violets next time
they’re not too bad
i’ve probably had six before
or maybe those backyard weeds that have the tiny pink flowers full of nectar, those were my forbidden snacks as a child and nothing ever stopped me from consuming it
I think it’s called henbit? I’m too lazy to look it up


Tw for su/c/de

@Calanthe, because I love you and you deserve to hear this.

(The links wouldn't go into spoilers, I'm sorry) ;-;

Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you.
-Walt Whitman
(my favorite inspirational quote)

(My favorite song. It says that I'll always be there for you, no matter what.)

((My second favorite song, and the one that always calms my anxiety.)

(This is the USA suicide hotline. Call it. Please. You're worth it. Or, find the one for your country.

Call 911, or 999, or whatever it is for your country. I was afraid people would hate me if I died, but they don't. Yes, they're hurt, but they're just glad you're alive. You matter, I promise. I love you.

And finally:

( A meditation video. I thought they were bs. They're not. They work, I promise. This video has saved me from several panic attacks.)

@saor_illust school

oh god this was so powerful
thank you for being brave enough to share this with us
i want to cry (not bad tears)
because all these times i've wanted to die
i could've definitely used this
thank you so much
and i know i'll be sharing this with frens as i see fit
ily too, please stay safe too <3


Thank you, so much. I'm about to be admitted. I might not come back, but everyone: just know I'm okay. I love you all so much. Pm me if you want my real name, so you can check the news. I'm sure there'll be a hospital report and my school will issue a statement. I love you all, stay alive, and stay safe! You are worth it.

@saor_illust school

aight funny how my vent kinda relates to that one up there ^

it fucking hurts to see my friend suffer
i know.
i know that it isn't my job to help.
and i shouldn't risk my own mental health just to make sure he's okay
but if i don't
then i feel so, so guilty

but then i get burnt out
thoughts of "icanticanticanticant"
and "how much longer, realistically, can i keep doing this?"

i just
i just want to take all his pain away, so he can be happy again…

and oh lily, i'm so sorry…
i'm happy that at least tree feels comfortable enough to vent in the server but
but i don't wanna burden anyone
and my head feels so heavy withall these feelings

i am actually crying now
idk what to do anymore
there's one person who i would willingly go to but like
i just
feel like if i ask for help
ill be a burden…
iknow it isnt true
but i cant shake the feeling
maybe ill find smth to threaten myself with so i either a) get up and get food or b) end up asking for help

bc i know i need that food and /or help

Deleted user

sending positivity to everyone struggling right now. you are all amazing and you deserve the best <333



TW for su/c/de
Hey, it's Ella, the one who deleted her account a while back. I just wanted to say something. I love you all so so much.

TW: su/c/de

"Keep your face towards the sunshine always - and shadows will fall behind you." -Walt Whitman

Listen to this for me:
twenty one pilots
twenty one pilots - My Blood (Official Video)

That means I'll always be there for you

Incubus - Topic
A Certain Shade Of Green (Acoustic Version)

I love you

Carolina Arreola
I Miss You- Incubus (Lyrics)

I'll miss you

Foo Fighters - Everlong

I love you all. And I wish I could've known you better. I'm sorry. I love you. Stay safe.


TW: su/c/de

Edit: sorry, I meant to put it in spoilers, but it's hard to see right now.

-Ella Jane Heil

Deleted user

TW: su/c/de

No one on here knows my number, expect my girlfriend. And she's off right now. Please, just let me die, okay? I love you all. I wanted to be a pulmonologist (a lung doctor) so I could help people. I tried to cheer people up while I was alive. I did my best, but now I must go. I love you! Goodbye!!</spoiler

nonononoonononnoono… NO ONE IS DIEING. Please dont. Please. Dont. Do. It.


I'm still alive, somehow.

TW for su/c/de, last of the night, I promise.