forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Ugh, I'm going to rant about how my body thinks it's okay to sleep through my 5 alarms. ( Hard for me to get up sometimes. ) I hate how I just asjahsjjah I WASN'T EVEN UP THAT LATE. What the heck body.

@Pickles group

Sal Khan is an ICON. In two minutes and thirty-seven seconds this man explained something that teachers have been trying to explain to me for three years with no avail. Truly a blessing, ashamed I didn't look at it sooner


Yes to the Khan thing. Back when school was easy and I needed a challenge (god I miss that. Now I'm falling behind and it's only been a few weeks) I used Khan Academy. I'd just take notes about whatever I wanted to learn about, whenever I wanted, and however I wanted. I wish the school system looked more like that.

@Moxie group

Sal Khan is an ICON. In two minutes and thirty-seven seconds this man explained something that teachers have been trying to explain to me for three years with no avail. Truly a blessing, ashamed I didn't look at it sooner

Fun fact: I met Sal Khan. He was donating money to our school in like sixth or seventh grade and came to take a picture. Everyone in my school (it was a tiny school) gathered around him to take the picture and he was holding this little sign upsidedown and I told him it was upsidedown. Young-me was very proud of the fact that I corrected someone so smart.

@Pickles group

Sal Khan is an ICON. In two minutes and thirty-seven seconds this man explained something that teachers have been trying to explain to me for three years with no avail. Truly a blessing, ashamed I didn't look at it sooner

Fun fact: I met Sal Khan. He was donating money to our school in like sixth or seventh grade and came to take a picture. Everyone in my school (it was a tiny school) gathered around him to take the picture and he was holding this little sign upsidedown and I told him it was upsidedown. Young-me was very proud of the fact that I corrected someone so smart.

That's so adorable I love that

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Sal Khan is an ICON. In two minutes and thirty-seven seconds this man explained something that teachers have been trying to explain to me for three years with no avail. Truly a blessing, ashamed I didn't look at it sooner

So what was it?

@Pickles group

Sal Khan is an ICON. In two minutes and thirty-seven seconds this man explained something that teachers have been trying to explain to me for three years with no avail. Truly a blessing, ashamed I didn't look at it sooner

So what was it?

How to sketch a derivative graph from another graph


So i finally figured out a title for my book right
and then I google it to make sure i'm in the clear
and it's taken
I would still use it but it's the title of a book about civil rights and struggles in America and I really don't want to use that title because that's such an important subject. I mean is my book about a revolution, yes, so do the parallels kinda make sense, yes but I am a little white girl who does not feel like she has the right to infringe upon the title of this book that covers a lot of really awful things in America's story and the suppression of Minorities. And it's like a true story sooooo yeah gotta think of a new title now


I put them in a different thread but I can put them here too
Building of Peace
Breaching of Trust
Breaking of Innocence

I'm happy with it The last one is a bit iffy but I'll work on it.


I still find it kind of weird that people are amazed at the fact that I am learning how to embroider and hand sew. Like, We had some my grandparents over and me and my mom were sitting on the couch talking and my dad comes in and asks if I could fix a button on his flannel. I said sure and ran upstairs to grab my embroidery box where I then proceeded to fix the button in about a minute. My grandma was amazed because none of her kids (5 girls) wanted to be taught and I'm here learning it for fun


My school has it's first confirmed COVID case… yayyy.
I didn't think I'd be so nervous about it, but I've gone this long without ever knowing someone who had it. I've gotten away with the small town isolation doing the trick for me. Now it's actually here. So close. Oof.

@Pickles group

My school has it's first confirmed COVID case… yayyy.
I didn't think I'd be so nervous about it, but I've gone this long without ever knowing someone who had it. I've gotten away with the small town isolation doing the trick for me. Now it's actually here. So close. Oof.

We've had..idk how many but it's too many

Deleted user

Ahh I fell asleep in my binder ahh now I can’t wear it to get a passport photo ahhh-

I do not want to break the ribs of the me (as unlikely as that is) but dysphoriaaaa…


Ahh I fell asleep in my binder ahh now I can’t wear it to get a passport photo ahhh-

I do not want to break the ribs of the me (as unlikely as that is) but dysphoriaaaa…

What if you wore nothing there, then before the picture if they have a public restroom put it on, then take it off after the picture and go the rest of the day without it?

@saor_illust school

aight so todays vent is really more of a : izzy complains bc she doesn't feel great in the morning but what do you expect it's the morning

i got >5hrs of sleep and have been awake for three hours and am very tired
i also have a headache, which started recently and now wont go awayyyyy ;-;
am cranky

also i just wanna talk to my frennnnn
but he's in school atm and can't talk ;-;

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Hey, I guess I'll give this a go, I don't want to be annoying, I just need to vent a little… I'm sick and the feeling on my nose is driving me mad, I could barely sleep for two days and my throath feels like sandpaper, grandpa's dementia is getting worse and I feel so guilty for being annoyed when he starts accusing my mom and I of trying to harm him but I know he can't tell what's true and what's not, school is a mess and I will have to do extremely complicated exams soon and I need good grades in order to graduate, maybe this is stupid and I'm being petty but it just feels to much for a week that has barely started…