forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I don't want to go to college but I have to or my parents will basically disown me.


I don't want to go to college but I have to or my parents will basically disown me.

But that's dumb. If you don't want to go to college and have a reasonable career path that doesn't involve college, don't go.
If your relationship with your parents rests on whether or not you waste money for a piece of paper, then that's not that great of a relationship in the first place. What I mean is, they've got issues. College is your choice, not theirs.

@darling-velocipede group

If you don't want to go to college and have a reasonable career path that doesn't involve college, don't go.

why even worry about 'reasonable career path'? if you will be happy, fulfilled, and financially independent from working as a waiter for the rest of your life, why not go for it? the united states (like many capitalist countries) has their whole idea of fulfillment and success tied up in how prestigious of a job and how luxurious of a life style you have. if you want to be a lawyer and live in a big house in an expensive state, go to college, obviously. there's nothing wrong with that. but if your concept of success and joy doesn't involve those things, you can practice a trade or do a couple retail jobs.


jfgj i think owen more just meant 'long as you have a job that keeps you from dying', not that being a waiter in itself was lesser

What I mean by reasonable career path is what you said

happy, fulfilled, and financially independent

So yeah šŸ‘Œ

@Pickles group

Four hours probably. But I get to change and have a sort of normal rest of the game after first quarter. But there's still half an hour till pregame even starts

@Kie group

Making a sudden return because I have a little bit to get off my chest.

Online school sucks. It's not that my classes are poorly put together, it's just that I don't feel like I'm retaining much outside of APUSH (ironic considering it's the class I'm most afraid of failing). Chemistry just sucks in general- I don't think I'll ever really know what I'm doing in that class but I'm going to try and catch up with the class this weekend. Geometry isn't horrible for me in the sense that I don't understand anything (I currently understand things pretty well because math is an easy class for me) but in the sense that the teacher low-key bullies students into answering questions. English II just feels repetitive, as is usual for English classes. Not sure how I'll cope with having to write more stories about my own personal experiences this year because I'm just fed up with having to recall things which happened years ago.

As for my social life; I've started talking to new people in my friend group, new people on Discord, but I can't get over this distinct feeling of loneliness. I honestly think I'd fall apart into tears if I saw one of my friends face to face at this point.

And as for my own personal health, I've been trying to eat more than ramen noodles for lunch. While it's not much of a change, it's nice to have a sandwich or something otherwise for lunch once in a while. Can't say I've been sleeping well, however. I keep waking up at any point from 3-5 AM and then have difficulties getting back to sleep. I'm pretty sure I'm so tired that my muscles occasionally twitch (mostly one by my eye, which is really damn annoying), but I don't think any amount of sleeping or any type of schedule would fix that because I have a bad habit of staying up until ~11 PM no matter what I've tried in the past.

Overall I'm just kinda fed up with life (but who isn't) and don't really know what to do about it.

@saor_illust school

okay i love the fact that evita wants to make a second lie in april server a much more professional place but like
if my real name is required on there
heck no
i'm not putting my last name on discord for them to see
i already have my first name, but that's bc of three servers with irl frens

i don't wanna do this but
if that particular change is happening
i'm gonna hafta drop out
i hate that i've come to this conclusion
i love hanging with all of them, i truly do

even if i'm barely active in the server
i'm not putting my irl name out on discord
and that's saying smth, considering i'm quite comfortable (or at least, almost) with telling people how old i am now on discord

@Pickles group

I forgot how sad the day after a football game is and I just
I just want a normal season with competitions and going to away games and not having to social distance
I don't wanna have no more games and only a fake competition to look forward to and just be sad all the time

@HighPockets group

Has anyone else just felt, like, extremely apathetic lately? Like, I'm having fun in the moment and such but after it ends, I just feel a little empty. I don't feel like I'm anticipating anything, and the forseeable future looks grim, to say the least.


it's cause y'all got nothing to do. there's nothing new, just the same old [word]s day after day. inspiration, emotion, all the Good Shit comes when you're able to go out, to do things and experience Life and have some fun. you can't really get that the same way by being stuck in the same place, doing the same things day after day