forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@HighPockets group

I was diagnosed with both (both also run in my family) at….around the same time I think?
I wrote a whole-ass essay on autism in afab people but it's not that good, I highkey phoned in but it might be helpful?


i would love to read it!

please try looking, dude. when my cat slipped out(she's indoor too) we found her an hour later under the porch, and no one noticed until she slipped out from under to go back inside. and if he used to be outdoor he should at least know what he's doing, so looking will be in your favor


We did look, for like an hour, 4 of us.
I just came back inside from sweeping the area.
Like I said, he's probably fine I'm not to worried yet.


I've been like questioning my "religion" and looking into others, which is all well and good like truth is important, and doubt filters out the lies so I'm not necessarily unhappy about this phase or wherever I may land, but I've been like going crazy over it. I've watched so many videos and read so many articles and so many forums and just wow. I need to calm down, but my brain is hungry for information. I'm desperate and tired.

@_Gro0vy_ group

one thing im really good at is cyberbulling, but i only do it to people that deserve it. but like rn i feel powerfull like i could destroy all creeps


I can not think of anything greater right now than to just… collapse, sob into some girl’s shoulders for exactly 5 minutes, then completely dematerialize, leaving no trace or memory that I had ever existed to begin with
that sounds so relieving
why can’t that happen

Deleted user

I think my habit of self-diagnosing myself with disorders comes from me trying to sort out weird thoughts and tendencies that no one else seems to do/understand

@Pickles group

If I could just get stuck in an eternal loop of my first seven periods, that would be great. I do not want to go to lunch I had a fight yesterday with the only friend I sit with at lunch and I'm terrified that she's going to move seats and not sit with me and I don't want her to be mad still and I kind of don't want to talk to her even though I'm not mad I'm just really sad because I like her a lot and I'm such a bitch

@saor_illust school

okay so I'm not sure when i went to bed last night at all, I don't even have a time frame
all i know is that I passed out or whatever and then was half awake at 6 and then my alarm woke me
wtf happened last night aaaaa

@Pickles group

Time for the first period of hell. We're going over (I think) the quiz that I failed. Then a break and then lunch. I'm so scared that I feel like I'm going to puke. Or collapse. Maybe both.